Meh then we should also get over mandatory installs... Neither are a big deal. I mean you install PC games and we hear no complaining, so why PS3? Who Cares?
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[QUOTE="killzowned24"]Disc swapping sucks.That pic is awesome because it makes fun of the PS3 fanboys like yourself more than it does the 360 fanboys. Blu-Ray disc = No disk swapping needed, but welcome to MANDATORY 5GB INSTALLS!xsubtownerx
It's all fanboys that blow this out of proportion. Neither mandatory installs nor disk swapping is a big deal... So why do we act like it is
The argument is not and never will be dead. Swapping discs will always suck and have a risk of ruining one of the discs and not being able to play the rest of game because of that one disc.CedmlnIf you scratch a one disc game, you still can'y play the game...
[QUOTE="killzowned24"]Disc swapping sucks.That pic is awesome because it makes fun of the PS3 fanboys like yourself more than it does the 360 fanboys. Blu-Ray disc = No disk swapping needed, but welcome to MANDATORY 5GB INSTALLS! the pic is awesome because MGS4 mocks 360:)xsubtownerx
MGS4 is bigger then 360s 20 gig hard drive 8)
the pic is awesome because MGS4 mocks 360:)killzowned24The whole scene mocks the disc swaping on the first MGS, nothing more.
[QUOTE="killzowned24"] the pic is awesome because MGS4 mocks 360:)killerfistUm, no. Never played MGS1? I think he's never even played MGS4. "How much is Sony paying you?" is the last sentence of that scene >_>
[QUOTE="killzowned24"]the pic is awesome because MGS4 mocks 360:)IronBassThe whole scene mocks the disc swaping on the first MGS, nothing more. eh it can also be seen as 360 being inferior as PS3 is the only that has BD especially on SW.
[QUOTE="Cedmln"] The argument is not and never will be dead. Swapping discs will always suck and have a risk of ruining one of the discs and not being able to play the rest of game because of that one disc.IronBassIf you scratch a one disc game, you still can'y play the game...
Hope you know that blu rays have a special coating on them that makes them much much harder to scratch. X box games, not so much; anyone remember the Halo 3 legendary edition games that were scratched out of the box. Look at this statisctically let's say you have a 4 disk game and each disk has a 10% chance of getting scratched and being unplayable; you need all four disks to play the game; you have a 40% chance of having one of the four disks scratched and not being able to play the game all the way through.
[QUOTE="IronBass"][QUOTE="killzowned24"]the pic is awesome because MGS4 mocks 360:)killzowned24The whole scene mocks the disc swaping on the first MGS, nothing more. eh it can also be seen as 360 being inferior as PS3 is the only that has BD especially on SW. "it can also be seen"? Have you actually played MGS4? It makes a lot of references of such kind of previous titles. This one is not exception.
If you scratch a one disc game, you still can'y play the game...[QUOTE="IronBass"][QUOTE="Cedmln"] The argument is not and never will be dead. Swapping discs will always suck and have a risk of ruining one of the discs and not being able to play the rest of game because of that one disc.nowhatisthat
Hope you know that blu rays have a special coating on them that makes them much much harder to scratch. X box games, not so much; anyone remember the Halo 3 legendary edition games that were scratched out of the box. Look at this statisctically let's say you have a 4 disk game and each disk has a 10% chance of getting scratched and being unplayable; you need all four disks to play the game; you have a 40% chance of having one of the four disks scratched and not being able to play the game all the way through.
You can rub bluray with steel wool:)[QUOTE="killerfist"][QUOTE="killzowned24"] the pic is awesome because MGS4 mocks 360:)IronBassUm, no. Never played MGS1? I think he's never even played MGS4. "How much is Sony paying you?" is the last sentence of that scene >_> lol, "Get a grip!" :P
[QUOTE="killzowned24"][QUOTE="IronBass"] The whole scene mocks the disc swaping on the first MGS, nothing more.IronBasseh it can also be seen as 360 being inferior as PS3 is the only that has BD especially on SW. "it can also be seen"? Have you actually played MGS4? It makes a lot of references of such kind of previous titles. This one is not exception. look at the pic posted by the op..hello
If you scratch a one disc game, you still can'y play the game...[QUOTE="IronBass"][QUOTE="Cedmln"] The argument is not and never will be dead. Swapping discs will always suck and have a risk of ruining one of the discs and not being able to play the rest of game because of that one disc.nowhatisthat
Hope you know that blu rays have a special coating on them that makes them much much harder to scratch. X box games, not so much; anyone remember the Halo 3 legendary edition games that were scratched out of the box. Look at this statisctically let's say you have a 4 disk game and each disk has a 10% chance of getting scratched and being unplayable; you need all four disks to play the game; you have a 40% chance of having one of the four disks scratched and not being able to play the game all the way through.
I say each disc has a 0.5% chance of being scratched. 2% risk is nothing I'll worry about.[QUOTE="killzowned24"]] look at the pic posted by the op..helloIronBasshello.... play the game. I have played it many times. clearly you just dont get it.
clearly you just dont get it.killzowned24I think you're trying too hard to see only what you want to see.
My only problem with disc swapping is when I'm playing an RPG I know about when the game will end. What I mean is if I have an RPG that has 4 discs and I just got through the third disc then put in the fourth disc I know the game/story is approximently 75% done. I know a lot of people don't mind this but this is just how I FEEL about disc swapping.
The arguement never made sense to begin with.
Pwople made it sound like there would only be 5-10 minutes of gameplay on each disc, o they'd have to "constantly get up and switch discs." In reality, if a game needs more than 1 disc, each one is so long that you wouldn't play it in 1 sitting anyway. So what's the big deal if you have to put disc 2 in eventually?
[QUOTE="PandaBear86"][QUOTE="Blue-Sky"]I don't think you get the point. Scratching the disc of a one-disc game is 100% damage, while scratching one disc in a 4-disc game is 25% damage, but 100% loss. The other 75% is rendered useless. You mentioned you are PC gamer, so you are technical with PCs right? Whats the disadvantage of RAID data striping? Same disadvantage there. If one drive fails, the other drive(s) go down with it. Doesnt that piss you off? Now you have 3 perfect discs that are completely useless! I wouldnt mind multiple disc games if you could rebuy each disc alone. So maybe if you lose disc 2/3 you can buy just disc 2 alone for $20 ($60 divided by 3). try ebay. lots of people sell multi disc games individually.I agree, because if I lose or scratch my 1-disc games, it doesn't affect the whole game at all.
One argument someone hasn't posted yet is organization. Not everyone puts their games back in the case after their done playing. Imagine leaving all your discs out and trying to find where you left disc 2. Nothing wrong with disc swapping unless they ask to swap the disc in the middle of something important, like a boss fight.
Seriously the people who are happy with disc swapping are doing a real disservice to the games industry, we want to go forward not backwards to 1997. All you guys are doing is making excuses for Microsoft, its much better to have a game in one disc then multiple discs, Im not too fond of installations but its better then the constant disc swapping when ever you want to play a game, what if you lose a disc, or its gets scratched, the whole game is ruined. As gamers we pretend to know more about games then devs but truth is games developers do not want to have multiple discs when creating a game, Sony understands this and thats why blu-ray is FTW, devs can create big world and add more content without worrying about disc space. Seriously get with the times, next up we'll be hearing how cartridges are better because they are more durable or whatnot :lol:Swift_Boss_AThis is exactly what i mean by the arguement makes no sense.
Disc swapping isn't constant. Few games require it at all. And for the ones that do, they put a substabtial amount on each disc. More than you would play in one sitting, anyway.
What if you lose a disc for a 1 disc game? It is still equally unplayable
Got a link to show that devs. are that worried?
The real problem with disc swapping is you can easily lose or scratch one disc and the whole game is affected. My disc 2 of Blue Dragon won't load properly despite the fact that it has no scratches and I took good care of it... :(PandaBear86
So if you lose or scratch the MGS4 disc you can´t play the game
Seriously the people who are happy with disc swapping are doing a real disservice to the games industry, we want to go forward not backwards to 1997. All you guys are doing is making excuses for Microsoft, its much better to have a game in one disc then multiple discs, Im not too fond of installations but its better then the constant disc swapping when ever you want to play a game, what if you lose a disc, or its gets scratched, the whole game is ruined. As gamers we pretend to know more about games then devs but truth is games developers do not want to have multiple discs when creating a game, Sony understands this and thats why blu-ray is FTW, devs can create big world and add more content without worrying about disc space. Seriously get with the times, next up we'll be hearing how cartridges are better because they are more durable or whatnot :lol:Swift_Boss_AI think you are making an unnecessary big deal of such a small issue.
All the cows that argued for that point must never have been around during the PS days... thus making them not real cows.
[QUOTE="killzowned24"]Disc swapping you didn't enjoy ff7,driver 2, fear effect 2 and metal gear solid on the ps1then, not to mention few other games, it was ok back then and it's ok now, and with NXE it's a moot point anyway cos the only time you have to swap disks is during install.delta3074
This is 2009, not 1997-99. 10 years and we still switching disk.....Like like my blu-ray games!
[QUOTE="Faulttt"]What is a GTA5 Came out, and it was to big for a standard 360 disk? disk swapping would be very hard to implement in sand-box gamesdelta3074install it to the 360 hdd, problem solved
You still need the disk to play the game tho!
so you didn't enjoy ff7,driver 2, fear effect 2 and metal gear solid on the ps1then, not to mention few other games, it was ok back then and it's ok now, and with NXE it's a moot point anyway cos the only time you have to swap disks is during install.[QUOTE="delta3074"][QUOTE="killzowned24"]Disc swapping sucks.
This is 2009, not 1997-99. 10 years and we still switching disk.....Like like my blu-ray games!
10 years and the PS3 still have the PS1 controller. You're right maybe we should move into 2009.That pic is awesome because it makes fun of the PS3 fanboys like yourself more than it does the 360 fanboys. Blu-Ray disc = No disk swapping needed, but welcome to MANDATORY 5GB INSTALLS! the pic is awesome because MGS4 mocks 360it doesnt mock the 360 it mocks the ps1[QUOTE="xsubtownerx"][QUOTE="killzowned24"]Disc swapping sucks.
It depends really.
For most games its not really needed. Though in games like oblivion GOTY, where you must swap disks to go into the shivering isles, its annoying.
lol its not just disk swapping though... the game would cost more, plus whilst it takes 5 seconds to put a disk in, its still gotta load all that movie content, and all those maps. More disks would not help at all, installs are there so we dont have to have loading IN GAME, as its quicker to load from hard drive. Disk swapping would still mean having installs. Lol I always found it funny how people thought more disks would instantly make installsdissapear. No, we'd just have installs, and have to swap disks. :lol:It's true, swapping a disk would have been a lot better than watching Snake have a smoke for 3 minutes after each chapter in MGS4.
MGS4 is just badly designed. Not saying it's bad game, I love it, but to have around 15 minute installs is ridiculous. So much wasted space, the game only lasts 14 or so hours. Had it been designed on DVDs it would have probably been properly compressed to compensate, and you wouldn't notice a diffrence. This dosn't nessecarily kill the disc swapping argument, what little there is to argue (Takes about 45 seconds to change a disc.), it just tells us that the advantages of Blu Ray are somewhat outweighed by the fact that installs are often required to play games properly. It's hard to tell if the advantages outweight the disadvantages of Blu-Ray on PS3 at this time, but for what it's worth it probably was a waste of resources by Sony seeing as their is so little gain from using Blu-Ray over DVD.
MGS4 is just badly designed. Not saying it's bad game, I love it, but to have around 15 minute installs is ridiculous. So much wasted space, the game only lasts 14 or so hours. Had it been designed on DVDs it would have probably been properly compressed to compensate, and you wouldn't notice a diffrence. This dosn't nessecarily kill the disc swapping argument, what little there is to argue (Takes about 45 seconds to change a disc.), it just tells us that the advantages of Blu Ray are somewhat outweighed by the fact that installs are often required to play games properly. It's hard to tell if the advantages outweight the disadvantages of Blu-Ray on PS3 at this time, but for what it's worth it probably was a waste of resources by Sony seeing as their is so little gain from using Blu-Ray over DVD.
The reason for slow-read speeds over DVD is the slower drive, as the PS3 housed the 1st gen of Blu-Ray drives. Nowadays with faster drives, read speeds will be much better, however this still does not help PS3 as you can't change it now. So Blu-Ray does have an advantage over DVD, just not the drive in the PS3.
Also MGS4 did not have 15 minute installS... it had a number of 5-7 minute installs
MGS4 is just badly designed. Not saying it's bad game, I love it, but to have around 15 minute installs is ridiculous. So much wasted space, the game only lasts 14 or so hours. Had it been designed on DVDs it would have probably been properly compressed to compensate, and you wouldn't notice a diffrence. This dosn't nessecarily kill the disc swapping argument, what little there is to argue (Takes about 45 seconds to change a disc.), it just tells us that the advantages of Blu Ray are somewhat outweighed by the fact that installs are often required to play games properly. It's hard to tell if the advantages outweight the disadvantages of Blu-Ray on PS3 at this time, but for what it's worth it probably was a waste of resources by Sony seeing as their is so little gain from using Blu-Ray over DVD.
The reason for slow-read speeds over DVD is the slower drive, as the PS3 housed the 1st gen of Blu-Ray drives. Nowadays with faster drives, read speeds will be much better, however this still does not help PS3 as you can't change it now. So Blu-Ray does have an advantage over DVD, just not the drive in the PS3.
Also MGS4 did not have 15 minute installS... it had a number of 5-7 minute installs
Slight grammar mistake, I meant around a total of 15 minutes.
Yeah, it's a bit of a pain. Chances are they will release a "Premium PS3" with a better drive, but I've already blown 300 or so squid on the one I have, so I think I will stick with that.
MGS4 is just badly designed. Not saying it's bad game, I love it, but to have around 15 minute installs is ridiculous. So much wasted space, the game only lasts 14 or so hours. Had it been designed on DVDs it would have probably been properly compressed to compensate, and you wouldn't notice a diffrence. This dosn't nessecarily kill the disc swapping argument, what little there is to argue (Takes about 45 seconds to change a disc.), it just tells us that the advantages of Blu Ray are somewhat outweighed by the fact that installs are often required to play games properly. It's hard to tell if the advantages outweight the disadvantages of Blu-Ray on PS3 at this time, but for what it's worth it probably was a waste of resources by Sony seeing as their is so little gain from using Blu-Ray over DVD.
The reason for slow-read speeds over DVD is the slower drive, as the PS3 housed the 1st gen of Blu-Ray drives. Nowadays with faster drives, read speeds will be much better, however this still does not help PS3 as you can't change it now. So Blu-Ray does have an advantage over DVD, just not the drive in the PS3.
Also MGS4 did not have 15 minute installS... it had a number of 5-7 minute installs
Slight grammar mistake, I meant around a total of 15 minutes.
Yeah, it's a bit of a pain. Chances are they will release a "Premium PS3" with a better drive, but I've already blown 300 or so squid on the one I have, so I think I will stick with that.
Sorry, my bad, misunderstood :P I don't think they'll go that way with PS3 as games probably still won't be able to take advantage of it... I just hope it's rectified for next generation, and that the 720 (or whatever) goes Blu-Ray, so that everyone gets the added advantage
Disc swapping is about more than just the inconvenience of having to change discs mid-game. It also increases the costs of production for game developers. This has been cited as a concern by several developers, including but not limited to the developers of Tekken 6 and GTA 5 (Rockstar was concerned they couldn't fit the next GTA game on one DVD-9 disc).
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