[QUOTE="tomarlyn"][QUOTE="kittykatz5k"][QUOTE="tomarlyn"]I'd rather play a good game with bad graphics and controls, than a bad game with bad graphics and gestures. Good gameplay>good graphics>>>>> Good Controls = Win (thats only if you consider Wii controls good though).
This is fun :D
Of course now you're running off the assumption that controls on wii can never work, a horribly wrong statement. And you're also running off the assumption that controls for some reason became their own section... controls ARE gameplay.
Controls are not gameplay, the worst game in the world can still have a perfect control scheme. Is Bioshock going to be drastically different on the PC compared to 360? No the gameplay content will be the same. I don't think the Wii controls will never work, they do, I just don't think they're all that.
Once again, you're entire debate is run off assumptions, quite a pattern from you... You assumed I ment that controls are the only thing that effects gmaeplay, all I ment was it was a significant role. If bioshock didn't tighten their controls well enough, I'd say yes, it would be a whole lot crummier to play.
Which brings me to my next point on your own assumptions twords everything, you assume sheep ment controls are now a wii only subject. No, wii is not the defenition of controls, it's just an idea that can potentially imrpove quite a good deal of controls, and has in several games.
I'm assuming things when your going around in circles? You just said controls ARE gameplay which I'd never agree with in a million years. Its just the way you interact with the game.
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