[QUOTE="Cali3350"] I dont need to get my head out of the sand, you need to stop presuming you know what your talking about.
Those other games dont prove anything. They prove Blu-Ray is adequate for THOSE games. Install is is not needed for THOSE games.
For all you know DMC4's engine requires a chaching system for each enemy in the level at level loadup. Is this bad programming practice? NO. The idea your proclaiming from the hilltops for all to hear you that Capcom programmed the game poorly because Blu-ray is to slow for it is IGNORANT. Say it with me now - I.G.N.O.R.A.N.T.
Let's assume you are right and those other games DON'T set a precedent which totally contradicts the claims of Capcom. It's a stretch, but I'll play along.
Let's assume you are also right and that DMC's engine requires a caching system for each enemy in the level.
1) Why would they need to cache enemies that aren't yet on screen? That is a waste of resources and therefore a sign they made the game very inefficiently.
Well, The first main point here to remember is that i dont know how they coded the engine. It was an example. however...
Enemies in DMC4 spawn as they are needed. You only really fight 3 enemies at a time, but each encounter can have dozens of enemies. They spawn when they are defeated, so that you are always fighting the max number of enemies they want you to fight for a single encounter. By chaching ahead of time where and how the enemies are, you never stop the action. You see that a enemy needs to be placed in, check the cache, and load the already available textures and AI code. If you dont cache, you would have to check the disc after an enemy is killed, which could result in hiccups.
2) Games like Uncharted also have large environments, sometime with dozens of enemies to fight at once. They cached the data on the fly and there was no loading. Now you tell me caching a level with all its enemies takes install or tons of loading. That makes no logical sense. And I highly doubt, after playing the DMC demo, that DMC has more enemies or larger levels than Uncharted.
Uncharted also wasnt nearly as fast paced. It had large areas of relatively no combat. In uncharted you mostly enter 'combat zones' and - again as pointed above - you dont have enemies simply appearing as others are killed. They are all already fully loaded. A game that has large areas of no combat allows loading as you play. DMC doesnt really have this option.
3) Second, assuming the engine required a system of caching that only the 360 could do, yet the game was supposedly started on PS3, then wouldn't that mean they were making the PS3 game poorly and not using the hardware properly? Because the only other logical thing is that they made the 360 version first then tried straight porting it which caused these issue. Either way the result is the same...the PS3 version wasn't programmed the way the hardware was meant.
I never claimed the PS3 version was programmed hardcore and indepth for the hardware, i said that they did the best they could given there time constraints. The issue here isnt that the caching system is only possible on the 360, its that the 360 can simply utilize it in an effective manor. No game developer in the world, when coding a base aspect of an engine like a caching system, would have any knowledge of how large the artowork or AI code is likely to be. These things are made by seperate teams.
Sorry, but no matter how I look at it, the result is the same. They didn't use the PS3 hardware properly and they want to accuse BR of not being able to do something we've already seen it do. Anything else you say is just as much an assumption as what you accuse me of. However, I find it insane that your assumptions would favour the exception to the rule instead of the clearly established precedent. I hope you aren't working to become a lawyer.
They used the hardware as best they could, and Blu-Ray IS the reason the game needs to be installed. Everything youve presented above is an assumption. This isnt an exception of a rule - there isnt one. There is no established precedent. No game is the same. Again, your showing a large misunderstanding of software.
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