They are really starting to annoy me. I know alot of people who own 360's and a few of them good PC's but every one of them is what i'd call a casual gamer.
Not one of them buys a gaming mag or uses forums like this or checks reviews. They buy games based on TV ads or other hype sources. This is why i call them casual. If any game is difficult in any way they don't wanna know. All they have played for the last several months is CoD4 on live. Now they are all getting bored of it and have pretty much stopped gaming until the next hyped game is launched. They all bought Kayne and Lynch and other poor games as they were advertised everywhere and honestly think these games are what is great at the moment.
I have suggested some great games for them, Mass Effect etc but they just won't listen.
I gave my Free trial cd of World on Conflict pc that came with my game to one of them. They tried it and claimed it was just too difficult.
for me these ar the type of gamers making many games the short, unoriginal crapfests we see so often, the games that receive bad reviews yet still top charts across the globe. Simpsons, Kayne and Lynch, Turok the list goes on. If people keep buying this crap they will continue to make this crap.
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