well it was a big deal and the biggest pc exclusive of the year afaik. killzone 3 sold twice as fast.
It was well known on boards and in gaming circles like ours here, but in terms of general population, nobody knew. Why? Due to little to no advertising.
KZ3 was far more advertised. In fact, I saw numerous adverts on TV (in Canada, so the U.S. was likely similar). Advertising does a lot for games (hence sales for games like Call of Duty, which receive massive funding from Activision).
True however I think I would be right in saying, on pc, hype on gaming specific sites as well as youtube videos can actually have a massive impact on sales...much more so than on consoles. Look at minecraft and amnesia!Websites, especially youtube, had a massive part to play in the success of those 2 games. And how many pc games have substantial marketing? Very very few! The only real pc exclusive "sales giants" with big marketing budgets would be blizzard gamesdom2000
It's certainly possible, though we'd have to attribute a large population to said sites. Unfortunately, it's proven that games with larger marketing budgets sell more, a la CoD, though it's not entirely down to marketing.
Otherwise, I mostly agree. Ask any marketing firm what word of mouth does, and you'll see. It's one of the reasons I attempt to push word of mouth to my employers, as it's a great way to advertise. However, it'll never attain the mass marketing appeal of most campaigns, as the majority of consumers are appealed to through visuals (i.e. adverts and covers, much of the reason magazines have heavily influenced graphical design on their covers).
Well DRM is pointless anyway, its at best a minor delay for the pirates! Witcher 2 was very heavily pirated though...i remember being awed by number of people pirating it when it first releaseddom2000
Absolutely. I hate DRM, and find it completely asinine. Newell just had an interview with a gaming site and specified that providing a good service is one of the best ways to combat piracy. He stipulated that Russia (a haven for pirating) has become a huge market for Valve and Steam simply because they started to localize games in Russian.
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