@Cranler: hiding behind COD ghosts when we're talking BLOPs 2 and Killzone. 2 games that are not on the same platform and have been on in day 1
The thread is a joke to begin with. Cherrypicking PS 4's least popular mp game and pitting it against Wiiu's most popular. Ridiculousy stupid comparison. What's next? Compare Tombraider PS 4 mp count to Wiiu Blops 2? Comparing Ghosts PS 4 to Blops Wiiu is the fairest comparison. Same franchise and both avail on each platform since day one.
To be fair, the Wii U's most popular online multiplayer game is not Black Ops 2.
Yet you don't state what it is nor how many players. Wouldn't the best comparison be the most popular mp games between the 2?
It's Mario Kart 8, it launched yesterday, I don't have the game yet, so I don't know what the player count is.
How about we compare all wiiu mp games player counts to just BF 4 on ps 4?
And why would we do that when this thread is just about comparing the premier launch shooters on both systems, within similar parameters?
The point here is that Killzone Shadow Fall was outclassed by a game with a tenth of its sales on a dead platform, a year older, and on a system with no communuty engagement for shooters. Therefore, Killzone's performance is shameful. This is not a reflection of either the WIi or the PS4 as a whole.
But you see to be having issues digesting this idea for some reason?
Why is KZ Shadowfall the premier launch shooter? Why not CoD or BF?
Because Killzone got top billing in all the promotion and hype.
Don't take that up with me, take it up with Sony.
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