People in this thread mentioning the "master race".
Devakeh, a couple of times.
Another guy, tlaking about Manticores, not PC gamers.
As usually, the ocnsolites jump in complaining about the "master race" nonsense, which THEY THEMSELVES Â bring up. NOT the PC gamers.
People in general referring to themselves as the master race is innumerable. Save up a few months allowance to buy a half decent GPU and get a superiority complex. Its an affront to me as a gamer, but more importantly. as a human being.
No level of GPU is gonna make a man less mordbidly obese or have less facial hair on his neck.
So you harp on the Master Race people for being idiots who generalize and put down consnole gamers (rightly so, IMHO)... and then you turn aorund and do the EXACT same thing.
What does that make you? I mean, besides an @sshole?
I harp on the master race for calling themselves the master race... and for generalizing and putting down console gamers or even anyone including non gamers. The fact you play video games, if you consider that a point of superirority, yur a damn moron. True fact, stephen hawking doesnt play video games, you should probably talk down to him.
The fact that you think its righlty so just proves your allegiance to the morbidly obese neckbeard society. And this is not increasing your chances of losing your virginity.
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