If you say you never spent hours trying to fix a game, then you are lying.
I don't remember the last time I've spent hours or even close to AN hour fixing a game. It's very rare to even have to fix a game, however it's nice that the PC is a platform which allows people to fix things, unlike the consoles where you're stuck with sh!tty performance , graphics and any bugs that went through testing no matter how game breaking.
If you say you never spent hours looking at Tom's Hardware and planning out your build budget on Newegg, then you are lying.
This happens every time you upgrade, which is every good few years and the "spent hours" varies depending on how decisive you are and how aware of hardware you are. Regardless, some people enjoy building their PCs and see it the opposite way you do.
If you say you never spent hours reinstalling the OS, messing with registry settings, or poring thru your motherboard manual, then you are lying.
Haven't reinstalled my OS or went into the registry for years. As a guess I'd probably say 3 or 4 years. Overclocked my CPU when I got a new cooler about a month ago and didn't read the manual once.
Console gamers do none of this.
They sit down and play.
So do I. Only difference is, games load considerably faster, look considerably sharper, cleaner, crisper and with more visual effects and run considerably smoother and at considerably higher framerates and resolutions than they do on the consoles.
Not trying to denigrate PC gaming, just saying there are benefits to being a console gamer too, and those benefits are at least equal to, if not better than the benefits enjoyed with gaming on a Windows computer.
I replied to this last time by posting a little .gif. Here's a new one this time:
I'm waiting with bated breath for your next angry WoW-related reply.
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