[QUOTE="ShimmerMan"]Is it just me or are the consoles beating the crap out of the PC this gen? I've always thought PCs were at the fore front of new technical achievements in gaming. But this time around I've got to say that consoles are leading the way. Games look and play better on consoles this generation. And most of the good games that have come out in the last two years have been on consoles, and some of them have even been exclusive to consoles (GTA4/MGS4/NG2/). And the future is looking better for consoles also. As all the good PC games that use to be exclusives are now multi-plat. Only saving grave for PC this gen seems to be Blizzard. They're the only top AAA PC developer who hasn't decided to to go multi-platform.
You raise several points in your OP for why consoles are beating the PC (and the delicious notion that we need to compare all consoles together to beat the PC).
They are:
- Games library
- Graphics
- Movement of exclusives
From a completely objective perspective, your wrong on all these arguments. Let me do them one by one.
Games Library
The PC is not only beating every individual console in AAAE and AAE exclusives, but it's beating all of them combined as of the 360's release. The only thing the PC does not have is an AAAA, but considering it's nearest rival the 360 is 5 AAAEs behind and 44 AAEs behind, I think we can give the PC the nod as having the best library this generation.
This is of course ignoring that the PC has always had the most AAAEs and AAEs and has near complete backwards compatibility.
The majority of PC-console multiplats look much better on PC (COD4, Bioshock, Oblivion, Assassin's Creed, Gears of War, DMC4). This trend looks to continue into the future, Far Cry 2 on consoles has already been described as 'drab' and 'unspectacular' compared to the PC version.
PC exclusives are obviously still ahead of the pack. You mention Crysis and Age of Conan and somehow think by flippantly listing them they aren't relevent to this discussion. They are. There are also games like the Total War series and Supreme Commander whose visuals just don't work on consoles simply because they lack the RAM.
Movement of Exclusives
This one perplexes me. Console only players attempting to bring down the PC constantly bring this one up, but it shoots their argument in the foot. Why?
Because the console is losing A LOT more games to the PC, and the PC is losing few of its franchises. Proof is in the pudding, once again, the PC has the most exclusives. It frequently pinches other systems exclusives too.
Consoles have lost of the top of my head: Gears of War, Mass Effect, Burnout Paradise, Lost Odyssey (EDIT: Did mean Lost Planet), Viva Pinata, Devil May Cry and Guitar Hero, Assassin's Creed.
They're probably going to lose big ones in the future too. Based on precedent, they may lose Halo 3, Fable 2 and even MGS 4.
The PC has lost: Supreme Commander, Call of Duty Far Cry and Fallout. There are definitely more, but they aren't the bread and butter of the system's exclusives haven't been lost this generation.
Another major different between this movement of exclusives, 90% of the time PC games going to the consoles are worse (Sup Com for example), 90% of the time console games going to the PC are superior versions.
Phenominal post, just so true
Just amazing.
I would also like to add how Gamespot mensions that all games are on different ratings scales and seeing how PC games have MUCH MUCH more of everything and alot of phenominal games it getes rated harsher. a 10.0 on Xbox 360 isnt the same as a 10.0. So comparing AAAAs are totally out of the question.
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