That list pits consoles against each other. Not the aim of this thread tbh. And also most of the top games are strategy games. Niche market, and not exactly technically up there with the likes of the exclusives that are on the consoles. And alot of expansions. I think you need to start being brutally honest instead of blindedly defending PC. PC game line up has been fairly dab so far. Sure its had some good games. But none of them apart from a few actually make use of the hardware that's avalible to PC users. Like GTA4 or MGS4 did for the consoles. And most of the exclusives are just rehashes and expansions. ATM the hardware out there is steps ahead of the actual games that are avalible. This is the first time in PC gaming where I'm betting most gamers don't really feel the need to actually upgrade their system.. Because there's no games out there that need it.
First and foremost creating this thread has been the biggest compliment to PC gaming that you could possibly have given. If the only way you can even attempt to drag down PC gaming is to combine 3 different platforms against 1, then PC gaming wins by default.
Now, you're complaining about expansions counting. Well, why shouldn't they? They provide the same amount of content as a brand new game and, being on the PC, means they usually provide considerably more content than a full console game. Also by saying this you are being a pretty big hypocrite. Saying expansions shouldn't count is a BIG stretch given what I just said, however, you have yet to say/admit that a good amount of the console list is made up of past, outdated, sports titles. I mean should we really count NBA 2k6, NBA 2k7, NCAA Football 2007? Seriously, those titles are now COMPLETELY WORTHLESS. This is not the case with PC expansions which are essentially brand new games with brand new content.
You can't blindly bash one platform and turn your cheek at the other just so it fits your point.
You've been a huge hypocrite this entire thread and you've showed time and time again to have virtually zero knowledge about PC gaming. It says a lot about someone when they blindly bash something that they know nothing about. I hope in the future people will start to disregard what you say as you've shown here that you are not worth listening to.
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