[QUOTE="KHAndAnime"]STALKER > Any console FPSdeathtarget04
In what way? Both sales and scores favour console FPS's....
In the way it's a epic single player experience. Sure if you only want a boring 5-8 map multiplayer game "pawning nubz lawz" then stalker is not for you. This game has more depth then anything on Console that is for sure. Have you ever played Dues EX? picture that but on a free living breathing opressive world with atmopshere to compete with silent hill 2. It takes place in the nuclear fallout zone of Chernobyl powerplant. Based off actual real world places. The area is a ghost town in real life aside from maybe 300 some individuals who still live there. the radiation spread for miles and has made real people in the real world mutants of human life. Look it up!Anyway, stalker takes place in this world and is very very very deep. There are many mutants, romaind wild beasts, dogs, horrible experiements of the nuclear blast. Caches of weapons, armors powerup artifacts ammos to be found, traded or killed for. A number of factions like Duty, Freedom, Ecologists, the military are all trying to stay in power and push their own agendas. The life in stalker is done with real dynamic ai. Their is a food chain in the zone. You will see wild dogs chasing lessor beasts and so on. in the underground below buildings and settilements and the tunnels below the powerplant you will find abnormal mutants with strange powers that will hunt you, down there your flash light is sometimes your only light and it is litterally pitch black without it.
You are thrust into this world after being found in a truck that went off the road and crashed. The truck was a dead body collector, you were alive amogst them and found by another stalker. The only thing you know is that you have Stalker tatooed on your arm and a pda that says "Kill strelok" who's that? You make your way with only a pistol and are told to help wolf's crew with the car lot bandits. Do you clear it out with the help of the crew or do you take it on yourself? Do you use stealth and strategy or do you run in guns blazzing with only a pistol? Do you stealth kill a guy and loot his corpse take a sawed off or a slienced pistol and contiune to take them out? do you rescue nimble in time and complete your task?
I could go on and on gushing about this series, but really you need to check it out. If you are a console gamer and you have a pc cable of running the first stalke (a geforce 6 series will do) then go get the game expericne the best damn fps game made since the origianl dues ex.
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