If we compare Watch Dogs and Mafia II then it becomes pretty apparent that next generation means 2010 graphics.
Mafia II:
Watch Dogs:
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[QUOTE="AmazonTreeBoa"]TC just crawl out from under a rock or something?1080pOnly
Have some sort of problem accepting that the consoles are built around weak hardware this time?
Too stupid to look at somebody's sig before commenting I see. It's okay. I don't mind you making yourself look stupid.[QUOTE="1080pOnly"][QUOTE="AmazonTreeBoa"]TC just crawl out from under a rock or something?AmazonTreeBoa
Have some sort of problem accepting that the consoles are built around weak hardware this time?
Too stupid to look at somebody's sig before commenting I see. It's okay. I don't mind you making yourself look stupid. lolzWhy don't we compare the latest Watch Dogs gameplay video to Mafia 2 on max settings then? You can't tell me Watch Dogs looks leaps and bounds better than a game that came out three years ago. You'd be lying.that's a bad watch dogs pics.....actually it looks like its from current gen build
Watch Dogs video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=w_foRDhZ424&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Ffeature%3Dplayer_embedded%26v%3Dw_foRDhZ424&has_verified=1
Mafia 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBB18Vj8_LI
[QUOTE="1080pOnly"][QUOTE="AmazonTreeBoa"]TC just crawl out from under a rock or something?AmazonTreeBoa
Have some sort of problem accepting that the consoles are built around weak hardware this time?
Too stupid to look at somebody's sig before commenting I see. It's okay. I don't mind you making yourself look stupid.I have them turned off, I actually assumed most people did, so I still don't know what you're talking about. Some people actually reply to posts in threads rather than look at animated gifs in sigs :roll:.
Why don't we compare the latest Watch Dogs gameplay video to Mafia 2 on max settings then? You can't tell me Watch Dogs looks leaps and bounds better than a game that came out three years ago. You'd be lying.[QUOTE="Harisemo"]
that's a bad watch dogs pics.....actually it looks like its from current gen build
Watch Dogs video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=w_foRDhZ424&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Ffeature%3Dplayer_embedded%26v%3Dw_foRDhZ424&has_verified=1
Mafia 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBB18Vj8_LI
lol you need glasses, Watch Dogs clearly looks superior I mean look at all the detail in WD and compare it to Mafia 2
Why don't we compare the latest Watch Dogs gameplay video to Mafia 2 on max settings then? You can't tell me Watch Dogs looks leaps and bounds better than a game that came out three years ago. You'd be lying.[QUOTE="Kjranu"]
that's a bad watch dogs pics.....actually it looks like its from current gen build
Watch Dogs video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=w_foRDhZ424&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Ffeature%3Dplayer_embedded%26v%3Dw_foRDhZ424&has_verified=1
Mafia 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBB18Vj8_LI
lol you need glasses, Watch Dogs clearly looks superior I mean look at all the detail in WD and compare it to Mafia 2
No not really. The only real significant differences I can note is the art direction and the fact the game is set in 1940s America. The lighting looks a little better in WD but only by a little and is more of an artistic favor than clear superiority.[QUOTE="wiiutroll"]Mafia 2 was also a multiplat game, you tool. was it on next gen and current gen? no. Games are built from lowest common dominator. you have ever known game desgin , you would that. /threadthis is a stupid thread, why would a developer try making new hi rez game model or add big changes for a game being built 4 system ? i have no words.
Mafia 2 was also a multiplat game, you tool. was it on next gen and current gen? no. Games are built from lowest common dominator. you have ever known game desgin , you would that. /thread This thread just proved that next generation consoles are in fact NOT next generation when games released 3 years ago still look just as good.[QUOTE="Kjranu"][QUOTE="wiiutroll"]
this is a stupid thread, why would a developer try making new hi rez game model or add big changes for a game being built 4 system ? i have no words.
Too stupid to look at somebody's sig before commenting I see. It's okay. I don't mind you making yourself look stupid.[QUOTE="AmazonTreeBoa"][QUOTE="1080pOnly"]
Have some sort of problem accepting that the consoles are built around weak hardware this time?
I have them turned off, I actually assumed most people did, so I still don't know what you're talking about. Some people actually reply to posts in threads rather than look at animated gifs in sigs :roll:.
I don't have an animated gif. I have the specs to my nice gaming PC listed. Turn your sigs on and maybe you won't make ignorant comments so often. I am a hermit. TC made a thread on something we all have known for months. So again I ask, what rock did TC just crawl out from under?[QUOTE="1080pOnly"][QUOTE="AmazonTreeBoa"]Too stupid to look at somebody's sig before commenting I see. It's okay. I don't mind you making yourself look stupid.AmazonTreeBoa
I have them turned off, I actually assumed most people did, so I still don't know what you're talking about. Some people actually reply to posts in threads rather than look at animated gifs in sigs :roll:.
I don't have an animated gif. I have the specs to my nice gaming PC listed. Turn your sigs on and maybe you won't make ignorant comments so often. I am a hermit. TC made a thread on something we all have known for months. So again I ask, what rock did TC just crawl out from under? Dude, many people use GS at work and some people's sig's aren't SFW...[QUOTE="wiiutroll"]was it on next gen and current gen? no. Games are built from lowest common dominator. you have ever known game desgin , you would that. /thread This thread just proved that next generation consoles are in fact NOT next generation when games released 3 years ago still look just as good. this thread proves nothing but that if you own studio or produce a game , that will run into financial problems or have one bug out game when you ported game. The power of a system doesn't show up in beginning console of life cycle.[QUOTE="Kjranu"] Mafia 2 was also a multiplat game, you tool. Kjranu
i would not say 3 years but i would guess that they will be behind 6 to 18 months depending on the rig just like every gen.
This thread just proved that next generation consoles are in fact NOT next generation when games released 3 years ago still look just as good. this thread proves nothing but that if you own studio or produce a game , that will run into financial problems or have one bug out game when you ported game. The power of a system doesn't show up in beginning console of life cycle. You are too much of an imbecile for me to pay attention to more of your posts. Please crawl away like any good cockroach would.[QUOTE="Kjranu"][QUOTE="wiiutroll"]was it on next gen and current gen? no. Games are built from lowest common dominator. you have ever known game desgin , you would that. /thread
[QUOTE="1080pOnly"][QUOTE="AmazonTreeBoa"]Too stupid to look at somebody's sig before commenting I see. It's okay. I don't mind you making yourself look stupid.AmazonTreeBoa
I have them turned off, I actually assumed most people did, so I still don't know what you're talking about. Some people actually reply to posts in threads rather than look at animated gifs in sigs :roll:.
I don't have an animated gif. I have the specs to my nice gaming PC listed. Turn your sigs on and maybe you won't make ignorant comments so often. I am a hermit. TC made a thread on something we all have known for months. So again I ask, what rock did TC just crawl out from under?Don't be an ass, I have the sigs turned off for good reason. Maybe you shouldn't expect everybody to live by your rules and to call me ignorant because you hadn't considered that people don't always display sigs is hilarious.
[QUOTE="AmazonTreeBoa"]I don't have an animated gif. I have the specs to my nice gaming PC listed. Turn your sigs on and maybe you won't make ignorant comments so often. I am a hermit. TC made a thread on something we all have known for months. So again I ask, what rock did TC just crawl out from under?clyde46Dude, many people use GS at work and some people's sig's aren't SFW... This. Doing it right now :P
[QUOTE="1080pOnly"][QUOTE="AmazonTreeBoa"]TC just crawl out from under a rock or something?AmazonTreeBoa
Have some sort of problem accepting that the consoles are built around weak hardware this time?
Too stupid to look at somebody's sig before commenting I see. It's okay. I don't mind you making yourself look stupid.For the record, I actually assumed you meant that as an insult rather than a reference to a lack or understanding of popular opinion. That's probably my bad as that's more likely to be the common interpretation. Still, didn't need to be an ass.
[QUOTE="wiiutroll"]this thread proves nothing but that if you own studio or produce a game , that will run into financial problems or have one bug out game when you ported game. The power of a system doesn't show up in beginning console of life cycle. You are too much of an imbecile for me to pay attention to more of your posts. Please crawl away like any good cockroach would. nice changing the topic cause youcan't back yourself up, i see aren't even trying make response that's relate to what i said. How you about go back to sucking on your conrtoller and let the developers develop their games.[QUOTE="Kjranu"] This thread just proved that next generation consoles are in fact NOT next generation when games released 3 years ago still look just as good. Kjranu
Consolites don't compare their consoles to gaming PCs, they compare them to the current gen consoles.
The XB1 and PS4 are more powerful than the current gen consoles.
It looks more like 3-4 years behind. To me, it looks more like late 2009-early 2010 tech being showcased in late 2013 soon to be 2014. This depresses me so much. From 2005-2013 all we have had 2005/2006 tech being ported to the PC with very few games actually utilizing the power of the ever more powerful gpus released year after year, where there were people like me who cared about quality who were NOT catered to in the slightest back THEN, and it looks like going anywhere near high end when choosing a gpu now is still pretty much pointless. I care about quality, thats why I bought high end headphones, thats why I bought decent parts and put together a gaming/media PC to not only play games but to be productive.
What I define as quality, is not needing to enable effects like antialiasing to FORCE the game to look sharper, especially at high resolutions 1080p and above. I will never believe the double talk of the developers who claim to be supporters of PC but do little more than enable graphical settings that do nothing more than sharpen the image of the console port we are being sold as a PC game. Oh wait, lets take away more freedom of being a PC gamer, lets not even allow you to buy the games anymore, lets force all gamers on PC to use useless spyware to play games. What do achievements mean to me? I believe they should be built INTO the game by the developer and not need the use of some client to play the game.
What I define as quality is things like lighting, audio and visuals to be really general. Few games in the last 8 years have had all three for me. Most games REQUIRED people to actually download and install modifications to improve the visuals and thats for games that were easy to add modifications into like New Vegas and Skyrim.
My pc has power in it that will likely never be used to its fullest potential (probably not even partially) even in this console generation coming up. Scale games to use all ram available? I have 32gb, and don't see it being done. Scale games to utilize high end gpus that are available during game development? Not going to happen. I did NOT buy all these PC parts to play PORTS of console games. I even bought a dedicated sound card to utilize my audiophile grade headphones to experience the best audio quality. Why should I support developers who do not deliver PC standard quality? My answer, is that I have decided boycott every single game that does not live up to my standards of being quality, drm-free (that includes origin, u-play, and steam too) and actually utilizing the technology that runs it instead of the gpu stating only 5% of its power is being utilized, wasted money. Looks like I will save a lot of money, as the only game I might be playing will be Witcher 3 on PC because its drm-free and whatever other games cd projekt red is making or any other drm-free games that get released. I still resent all online drm clients and will continue to never support them as a PC gamer, so what if I miss out? I stick to my promises, not like people who boycott and then buy the game on release day.
By the time games effectively use the power in my PC, the Xbox Two and PS5 are going to be coming out. I'm just really depressed, I put a LOT of money and time into building my PC and to see none of the power I paid hard earned money getting no use due to the design choices of the developer and their darn lowest common denominator development makes me feel like why bother going even mid range when all they make is low end games?
What kind of a crap comparison is that OP? Lol at PC only gamers.Suppaman100
Yeah, that's a pretty dire comparison haha.
[QUOTE="Suppaman100"]What kind of a crap comparison is that OP? Lol at PC only gamers.Consternated
Yeah, that's a pretty dire comparison haha.
They are such a pathetic faction, hard to understand how such a large group of people can all be equally as dumb. I swear I'm gonna have to buy a 2nd PC for my plasma just to scrape this faction from the bottom of the barrel to the top with my presence.I don't play games on a PC. In fact, I HATE gaming on a PC - and to be honest I don't understand why anyone would play games on a PC unless they are some weird hermit-type person. That being said...
Any gamer who think console games will look better than PC games has some serious issues. It's impossible - PC games will alwayslook the best because the best PCs can constantly be upgraded to the best hardware, whereas consoles are stuck as-is from the day they are released. Literally, if the fastest gaming PCs aren't ahead of consoles on the day the consoles are released; then they will surpass them within a few months.
It's pretty much an extension of Moore's Law.
[QUOTE="Kjranu"][QUOTE="strawhatlupi"]why do idiots expect a $400-$500 console will have the capacity to run a quality similar to a $1000 gaming PC? because they are idiots.strawhatlupiFYI: Microsoft and Sony took a loss on their $700-1000 consoles by selling them for $400 and $600 initially. This time round? Much different. here a challenge for you, build a $400 dollar gaming pc that runs a 2013 graphics... else youre just a whining idiot.
And still runs games in 6 years.
[QUOTE="Consternated"][QUOTE="Suppaman100"]What kind of a crap comparison is that OP? Lol at PC only gamers.m3Boarder32
Yeah, that's a pretty dire comparison haha.
They are such a pathetic faction, hard to understand how such a large group of people can all be equally as dumb. I swear I'm gonna have to buy a 2nd PC for my plasma just to scrape this faction from the bottom of the barrel to the top with my presence.No much more pathetic than any other faction, to be honest. Anyone who considers themselves part of a gaming faction needs to be shot in the face.
[QUOTE="AmazonTreeBoa"][QUOTE="1080pOnly"]I don't have an animated gif. I have the specs to my nice gaming PC listed. Turn your sigs on and maybe you won't make ignorant comments so often. I am a hermit. TC made a thread on something we all have known for months. So again I ask, what rock did TC just crawl out from under? Dude, many people use GS at work and some people's sig's aren't SFW... Welcome to 2013 where we have ad block to block those types of sigs.I have them turned off, I actually assumed most people did, so I still don't know what you're talking about. Some people actually reply to posts in threads rather than look at animated gifs in sigs :roll:.
I don't have an animated gif. I have the specs to my nice gaming PC listed. Turn your sigs on and maybe you won't make ignorant comments so often. I am a hermit. TC made a thread on something we all have known for months. So again I ask, what rock did TC just crawl out from under?[QUOTE="AmazonTreeBoa"][QUOTE="1080pOnly"]
I have them turned off, I actually assumed most people did, so I still don't know what you're talking about. Some people actually reply to posts in threads rather than look at animated gifs in sigs :roll:.
Don't be an ass, I have the sigs turned off for good reason. Maybe you shouldn't expect everybody to live by your rules and to call me ignorant because you hadn't considered that people don't always display sigs is hilarious.
You made yourself look ignorant. Just deal with it and move on. We all do it from time to time. Today was just your day.If anything Crysis from 2007 looks better than many next gen games (especially the whole scope and size of the game). The new Blackfire mod puts the graphics in another league as well.
However the new consoles will likely look pretty poor at first until the second or third generation. Each generation of gaming is going to show less and less of a graphical "leap" as it gets harder to discern the differences the closer we get to "real life" graphics. This is evident with DX11 and tessellation. In many of my games, it takes a keen eye to really appreciate the small differences it offers. I think the best of PC gaming right now is pretty indicative of the type of experience console gamers can HOPE to get this generation. Nothing will really be a game changer if you have seen some good PC games running DX11 with 1080p. Now in 2015ish, PC gamers and some PC games that take advantage of Volta GPUs will likely get some really intricate and powerful games that take the PC to the next level. Until REALLY powerful GPUs come out on the PC, I expect games to look similar to consoles but just run with a bit better image quality, settings and resolution. We are still a ways away from games that look much better than Crysis 3.
lol, what do you expect from a cross gen game? Watch dogs, AC IV and such will look better, but will be by no means what next gen is capable of.
I don't play games on a PC. In fact, I HATE gaming on a PC - and to be honest I don't understand why anyone would play games on a PC unless they are some weird hermit-type person. That being said...
Any gamer who think console games will look better than PC games has some serious issues. It's impossible - PC games will alwayslook the best because the best PCs can constantly be upgraded to the best hardware, whereas consoles are stuck as-is from the day they are released. Literally, if the fastest gaming PCs aren't ahead of consoles on the day the consoles are released; then they will surpass them within a few months.
It's pretty much an extension of Moore's Law.
Why is PC gaming weirder than consoles? You cant understand that some people prefer better graphics, performance, modding, more input options, more exlucives, more games, cheaper, games, etc etc etc......you dont see why someone would prefer that? really? Funny you have a Quake 3 icon, a game born for the PC lol.
[QUOTE="1080pOnly"][QUOTE="AmazonTreeBoa"]I don't have an animated gif. I have the specs to my nice gaming PC listed. Turn your sigs on and maybe you won't make ignorant comments so often. I am a hermit. TC made a thread on something we all have known for months. So again I ask, what rock did TC just crawl out from under?AmazonTreeBoa
Don't be an ass, I have the sigs turned off for good reason. Maybe you shouldn't expect everybody to live by your rules and to call me ignorant because you hadn't considered that people don't always display sigs is hilarious.
You made yourself look ignorant. Just deal with it and move on. We all do it from time to time. Today was just your day.Not just to just randomly butt in, but he has a point. Have you seen how many users on these forums have half or nearly naked chicks bouncing in their sigs. Maybe someone is at home with kids, maybe someone is in the breakroom at work. Theres lots of senarios why someone would not want the sigs to show up. I personally have my raptre stats in my sig, but you and I are 2 in thousands of users.
Just let it go, explain it to him that you have a PC and let it be done :)
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