For a start i pay £25 a month for my mobile since i heavily use it for talking to people, also i use live for more than just party chat and i've personalyl never found it distracting strangely only 1 game i actually have ever been a complete lone wolf for was ME2 and MGS2 but thats it.
Also PC has team speak etc which i would say are better than party chat on live when it comes down to the actual meat and bones fidelity as long as the server can cope.
Also jumping through hoops lol, didnt know pressing the x button or bringing up the guide was considered a lot.
Oh yeah my party chat usually consists of me, my friend,his neighbour and a friend who now resides up north in Aberdeen, we rarely have strangers in our parties and set them to invite only to stop randoms joining ours.
PS3 exclusives aint all that much only ones i personally think are worth noting is MGS4,UC2,LBP1 and 2 (Not played UC3 yet).
Byt still it clearly shows you've never really touched a 360 if you think party chat is a hassle to setup and lock to invite only ;)
And you sir have shown your true colors. Sorry but you are a lem. Oh and by the way, even then, that's still more "worth while" exclusives then the 360 even has a fraction of. You also forgot to add God of War 3, which IS amazing. Infamous 1&2 were really good too! And then there's Killzone 2/3 and Heavy Rain! All good games. Not to mention the Ratchet and Clank gamers which are fun! But here's the thing, I'll take the system with all the multi-plats + the more exclusives in numbers, the far more diverse selection of more and better exclusives, and the far better top notch exclusives PERIOD, OVER, A system will ONLY multiplats and Gears/Halo. ANY DAY OF THE WEAK. Hint hint: That's the PS3 I'm talking about, and its why it gets far more playtime from me! Also, you were totally missing the point. The jumping through hoops is the fact that you and all your REAL LIFE ..im not talking about online buddies...but REAL LIFE buddies.. The fact you and all your real life buddies would all have to get an xbox, and then stat paying 60$ a year for a scam of a service in xbl- just in order to party chat, and mind you, its to do so DURRING gameplay, which in reality would be all the more distracting. And when you are already paying for a phone bill WHY would you want to pay an additional 60$ a year just to party chat with "buddies" while you are actually trying to play a game? That's idiotic. Why not use your phone, which serves the very purpose to talk to your buddies? Wait, don't even answer that... You've clearly shown yourself to be a lem, so there's no point in even arguing with you anymore. Peace!Right kiddo lets go and rip you too bits
1.Ratchet and Clank,Heavy rain and Infamous for a start are games that really dont appeal to me i've tried em and though they were meh.
2.God of War 3 was crap compared to 2
3.KZ2 was a meh shooter good premise with a bad execution in the multipalyer department.
4.You neglect to mention games like Forza 2,3,4 and focus on Gears and halo(for the record both franchises are meh in my eyes aswell despite me owning games from the series)
5.I have a real life but nice attemt at trying to rip on me and attempting to make out that all my friends would need an xbox, sorry but i do keep in contact with them through various methods like Facebook and the good old meetup at the pu.
6.You seem like an angry cow who's mad because Sony's fell further from grace this gen than Duke Nukem.
7.You seeem jelaous of party chat
8.And on oyur part bout the phone, i've already said i pay £25 a month to get data,unlimited minutes and texts just because i think party chat is more convenient than using a phone while im playing a game doesnt make me a lemming but makes yo look like a complete and utter plank of a kid.
Apearantly you have been smoking crack. Because you would have to be on crack to say that God of War 3 was "crap" period. That's assuming that you've even played it though, which I doubt is the case, but either way, That game (God of War 3) is amazing, in fact its in the top 5 of some of the best games I've played this gen! Please for your own good, you really need to stop smoking that crack. Or maybe you should set aside the inner M$ fanboy in you, and actually play the game, and give it a fair shake. In fact you should do that with all of the aforementioned good PS3 exclusives you bashed. Oh and Killzone 3 is awesome too, and so is Infamous 2! But really, it is understandable if you played them, and didnt particular love them. That's fine, and that's your problem, but to flat out bash them without having spent significant time with either of the games. Well, that's just wrong. At least play a game before you gather a strong opinion on it. You need to realise that just because they don't appeal to you, that doesn't mean that they don't appear to many others. The fact you go on to discredit those awesome PS exclusives, well it shows you to be the bitter and angry hater that you are. You just sound ignorant. Look, try thinking objectively , and with what that little brain you do have - use it, instead of thinking with that raging boner you have on for M$ products lem How in the world is party chat during gameplay, more convenient for you then using a phone? lol Please give me a reasonable explanation instead of the M$ fanboy stuff you keep trolling me with. As a matter of fact, The fact that you would even say something like that leads me to believe that not only are you a raging 360 fan, but that you're just an idiot plain and simple.
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