Steam may have been hacked but so was PSN so that throws your anti steam thing out the window. And if you are suspended on steam you probably deserved to be, They won't suspend you for no legit reason.
The same could be said for the others. They go down and you can't play your online games.
and you're playing the "What if" scenario again coming to the worst conclusions possible. If they go out of business? please. They're not going out of business anytime soon. they make a sh!t load of money.
As for the Origin thing and multiple logins that's just stupid. Who cares if you have to log into origin too? not like it takes half a day. You are scraping the barrel for things to nitpick away at the service when most of them are pointless or just based on hypotheticals.
PSN has cards you can buy for cash at 7-11 and Walmart.
Whether Steam suspend you fairly or unfairly, those are your PURCHASES, things you supposedly own, and having your account unavailable for weeks while they "investigate" means you won't have access to play your entire Steam library. People get suspended for many reasons including BILLING DISPUTES, so if you have a problem with Paypal and they chargeback a game, your entire library of thousands of dollars worth of games becomes unplayable. Or if your Steam account got hacked, that's a few weeks of not being able to play things you supposedly purchased. Not to mention "account sharing" such as a younger sibling playing your games can get your account disabled and you lose thousands of dollars worth of purchase.
And when this happens there is no phone number to call for help. You send an e-mail and wait days/weeks hoping they respond to you.
If you get suspended from Xbox or PSN, you can still pop in a game and play, in fact you can even sell your entire library.
Steam going out of business is not "worst case scenario" but rather an inevitability that happens to ALL companies sooner or later, just making the point that your purchases are not yours forever, you are just renting indefinitely.
Multiple logins presents the annoyance of having to keep track of multiple accounts for something as simple as being able to play video games.
And here I thought Steam was the almighty thing for PC gamers :OI like this guy i made a post about stuff like this a while ago. Hermits keep being corporate apologists for steam even when they are in the wrong. Steam does create some big fanboys. I remember people saying " no bf3 on steam no buy" its just a freaking game store who cares where you buy it!
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