Number of PS2s sold = 111.25 Million
--> MGS 2 = 5.56 million sold
111.25 million / 5.56 million = 20 (rounded)
1 MGS2 sold for 20 PS2s :lol:
--> MGS 3 = 3.96 million sold
111.25 million / 3.96 million = 28 (rounded)
1 MGS3 sold for 28 PS2s :lol:
Number of PlayStations sold = 102.49 million
--> MGS = 5.51 million sold
102.49 million / 5.51 million = 19 (rounded)
1 MGS sold for 19 PS2s :lol:
Cows need to realize that this "popular" franchise is not all that popular given the attach rate.Â
Halo and Halo 2 outsold MGS2, the best selling of the MGS games. Do cows realize how pathetic this really is?
Number of Xboxes sold = 24.65 million
--> Halo = 6.43 million sold
24.65 million / 6.43 million = 4 (rounded)
1 Halo sold for 4 Xboxes
--> Halo 2 = 7.89 million sold
24.65 million / 7.89 million = 3 (rounded)
1 Halo 2 sold for 3 Xboxes
It is called attach rate cows. See, MGS franchise "seems" popular, but it really isn't when you use attach rates. See, PlayStation and PS2 outsold Xbox by over a factor of 4.Â
If Xbox sold as much as PS2...
111.25 million / 24.65 million = 4.51 (rounded down)
1 Xbox sold for 4.51 PS2s sold
This is where it gets hilarious cows...
If Xbox had sold as much as PS2
Halo = 28,999,300
Halo 2 = 35,583,900
So, cows...You will have to forgive me when I :lol: when you say "Teh Metal Gear Solid franchise is teh incredibly popular! Watch out lemmings! The resurrection of PS3 is coming when teh MGS4 releases". I read a post in a thread the other day that said something along the lines of this..."60% of lemmings will buy a PS3 for MGS4". :lol:
Get a clue cows. Metal Gear Solid franchise is not nearly as popular as you think it is. It never was. By the time MGS4 releases, PS3 will have sold MAYBE 12 million at this rate. Do you really think MGS4 will sell as well as you think it will? Think again cows. The franchise hasn't gained ANYMORE popularity since MGS1. Look at the attach rates.Â
These are the cold, hard facts. Super Smash Bros. Melee outsold all MGS games. Gamecube only sold around 21 million. MGS2 was on PS2, a console that sold over 5 times more than GC. MGS2 STILL sold less than SSBM.Â
This is a wake up call for every cow thinking Kojima is going to save the PS3 miraculously. This is a wake up call for every cow who says that MGS franchise is uber popular. It isn't. Two very popular franchises are Super Smash Bros. and Halo....their attach rates prove it. MGS franchise attach rates prove that the "popularity" of this series is actually kinda laughable. Â
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