@xhawk27 said:
@son-goku7523 said:
@xhawk27 said:
@pdogg93 said:
@xhawk27: way to act like a little baby. Days gone looks miles better than crackdown, it’s not even up for questioning.
How much do you love Xbox and MS be honest
And you haters don't act like babies. ??
Try acting like real gamers and wish for the best for all games.
But you're the one crying in the thread. You brought up Days Gone to damage control Crackdown 3 looking like shit even though no one mentioned PS4 or Days Gone in the thread before you.
I am not the one comparing a Mid AA Actiongame to a big budget AAA title that has been in development since 2012. Days Gone has been downgraded. Less zombies or whatever they call them now. textures look worst now too.
LOL, Crackdown 3 is not a AA action game, it's AAA. MS marketed it as a AAA game with all that cloud talk and hyping and development for 5 years. There is absolutely nothing AA about the game except for its low quality graphics and gameplay.
MS even went on record last year and said they want Crackdown 3 to stand with Gears and Halo
Microsoft on Crackdown 3 delay: We want it to ‘sit next to Halo, Gears’
Matt Booty: Yeah. Couple layers on that one. For the first, I’ll go back to what I was talking about: support from the company. We have a lot of support from Microsoft. We want to grow, we want to expand, but part of that is we have to make games that people are proud to make. We have to make games that people love to play. Some games just need more time, and we want to get it right.
Second part is that we really want to make games that have the opportunity to become a franchise that can sit next to Halo, sit next to Gears.Now, that doesn’t mean that we want everyone of our studios to be an IP factory and that they all have to make sequels. That’s not at all what I’m saying. What I’m saying is we want a game to have the potential to give birth to a world that could expand, create characters that could have multiple iterations. We want that depth and that richness that could go on and do other things. We’ve just got to make sure that we give our games enough time to do that.
This isn't how you describe a AA game by comparing it to your 2 biggest franchises.
Stop the damage control man, it's making you look pathetic. It's a AAA MS game with a 5 year development cycle, you don't get to decide it's suddenly AA because it looks like shit after hyping it for years.
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