So elaborate instead of saying the same damn "objectives are all identical!" when they're not - look at Damn's post. Stating a claim three times over doesn't make it three times more truthful.
I repeat myself time and time again because people respond with the same statement of ignorance like..."Crysis doesn't not have repetitive mission!". Excuse me if I can't recall every event, but For the first 1/3 of the game you're just moving from point A to B...killing hostiles, and sometimes disabling something here and there like a computer, and for each given situation you can do the same thing over and over, and it'll be just as effective with the last mission. For a Change of events you get to rescue a hostage...whoop-de-doo. Later, you have to go through this linear ship with some of the worst enemies in any FPS...those aliens. To finish the game off, you kill a big alien. Go ahead and repeat yourself..."Explain how Crysis' missions are repetitive?!?!".
Here's what I recall of the first few missions:
Jump onto an island, crash in the water because something screwed with your chute. Two pals end up dying, you have to find them and along the way your only "destroy" objectives are optional - the main one is basically "go fetch the bone, dog!"
THEN you got to get rescue this girl who tells you blahblahblah about generic old scientist, who you have to rescue.... by getting into some other place to find a bit more information, making your way to the doc, who proceeds to expire in a nice pretty cutscene. Then you have to evac, and how? Jump into a river while a chopper is chasing you, avoid it until you get something that can hurt it (otherwise known as hide, move, hide). Kill the chopper, then you encounter a group of Koreans in those ripoff nanosuits and kill them.
Yeah, lots of blowing up and popping heads. Big deal, its a focking FPS. The name of variety in that genre is HOW you kill people, not what you're supposed to do while killing people along the way.
It's already more choice than most other shooters give you.
Why do you and other keep bringing up other shooters? We're talking about Crysis, not other shooters. People keep saying you can go about Crysis in a ton of different ways, but you can't. this a few times. I do not feel like repeating.
Can't? That's the kind of judgement you have to make around STANDARDS. If you have nothing to compare it to, then how can you say anything about how well it does in that respect?
Say, Half-Life's story is above average for its genre but below average for gaming in general (example). How can you derive those judgements of quality when you have nothing to base them around?
Likewise, compare Crysis to an RPG and it will not seem like a "tonne". Compare it to most modern day FPSs with the exception of STALKER and you'll realize it has A LOT. You can't go around doing abstract judgements without a basis or standard for comparison.
I agree, professional military soldiers are so stupid they'll waste their limited ammunition on a target that did something completely alien to them.
How would they know that you turned invisible, huh? Do you think a human will automatically come to the conclusion that the guy's still there rather than being magically teleported away in front of you?
Wouldn't they know somethings fishy when they started losing contact with other personel one by one? Why wouldn't the guy call for backup if they saw some guy just dissapear? Why would he walk towards the guy that dissapeared...why would each and every enemy always just walk towards the guy that dissapeared?
Calling backup? Yes, they do that - admittedly its a script, but regardless, they still do it, and my memory of Halo CE doesn't have the grunts calling out reinforcements dynamically when I went after them in an active camo field. And yes, somethings "fishy" alright, that doesn't mean you go around spraying your bullets uselessly at what seems like thin air. People can't carry that many magazines, and considering the type of ammo they have it's probably not more than 90 rounds of 7.62mm - you can exhaust that entire package in less than half a minute by firing continuously.
And yes, say you vanish. Nothing happens. This guy slowly walks towards the point of dissapearance, planning to resume the firing when he feels the gun bump into something (and note that if you touch a Korean in stealth mode, he'll promptly go "waah?" and alert everybody). Would you think that standing there dumbfoundedly and keeping your gun trained on one spot (or even more impractical yet, wasting ammunition there) is an ideal tactic? Only one way will allow you to find out whether he's still there without him choosing to pop up himself.
Tell me how long it took and what you used to do that. I wager a combination of stealth + speed would give them about zero time to lob a grenade at a target that isn't staying put in one spot of cover, and it's rather hard to flank a moving target, y'know?
Err, what? I used stealth only to pick them off. I only remember one grenade being thrown at me in the game, and that's when my powers were drained, my health was low, and I was hiding in a bush. It's a open-world should be easy to come up behind a target to surprise flank.
Great. Let's toss grenades at something we can't see! After all, we carry so much, like three of them! And yes, it's easy to surprise flank a target... when you're the one who's faster and sneakier than your enemy. And seeing as for the most part, the Korean's aren't invisible ninjas who can jump on buildings and bash the roofs in, it's obvious that the ability to flank is well in the player's favour.
Of course, I can attest to them performing all these things when I was operating at their speeds (like sticking myself in houses waiting for everything to recharge, then having a wave of 'nades tossed at me - of course, the Koreans, having such stupid and incompetent A.I as you say they do, didn't try to flank me while there were nades all around the building. They started moving in AFTER the walls and roof crashed down on me, again, a very obvious sign of bad A.I..
And for the most part, in the very first mission when you stumble upon that array, what I distinctly remember was the NKs popping off that flare as soon as I shot somebody. They ARE aware of what's happening - kill someone right in front of entire camp and they'll all go after you. Unless, like you said, you stealth your way through and carefully pick them off (your other suggestion leaves me to believe you just operate too fast for them to react, which is understandable.). That's something that modern-day forces can do without fancy cloaksuits.
Also, note that you are comparing Crysis A.I. to FEAR and whatnot. Sure, it looks bad when you do that. Then compare it to Call of Duty and realize that it's practically alive. Again, trying to argue without comparison is a no-no in these kinds of debates. The only times where you can do that are along the lines of "this is a chair.".
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