I beg to differ. Then again I don't have a DX11 card to play Metro 2033 in DX11 but I still think that modded Crysis > everything else.
I beg to differ, but to each their own.shakmaster13
So guys. could you inform which Crysis mods you're using?
I've been using CCC 2.21, Relic2, Rygel's Texture Pack, Silent's HD Foliage and Slicer91's Hd texture pack for Crysis. No combo of those mods can cover up all the bad textures. That's from a 1680*1050, 16xAA/1920*1080p, 0xAA perspective. I mentioned myself that Crysis does look better but that's a matter of destrutibility, physics and scale.
You guys don't have to agree with me but I'd like you to at least give some info on what kind of modded Crysis we're talking here. Otherwise you may as well just be talking screenshots.
I use CCC, Rygel's Texture Pack, and Silent's HD Foliage. Think I had Xtreme Particle Physics too. The one thing that really impressed me about Metro 2033 was the lighting, seeing as it's based all around darkness. The character models, I prefer Crysis a lot more. In Metro, at least the faces, make the people seem DERPDERP. The textures are good in both games imo, but Metro has higher quality ones. It's probably the scale of the outdoor jungle environment that really impresses me with Crysis. Especially the water, it looks oh so nice with mods.
But yeah so far lighting and some textures are what really stand out in 2033 for me.
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