[QUOTE="trix5817"][QUOTE="cyprus646"][QUOTE="trix5817"][QUOTE="cyprus646"][QUOTE="Bebi_vegeta"][QUOTE="cyprus646"][QUOTE="lompocus"][QUOTE="cyprus646"][QUOTE="Shootingpeanuts"]My sarcasting point stille exists. Why dish out so much money for one game? It's pointless when you can get games that feel better towards you on the Xbox 360/Ps3/Wii. Now I know your wondering why i'm supporting the PS3 when i've made it obvious that I hate it and all but if a games fun and you don't need to spend more then 60 bucks to get it then why not get it? Why only get a game that for all we know, looks good and only that and waste about 1000 dollars for it?cyprus646
I agree with you man and for disagreeing with how GODLY o holy crysis is you get flamed by a bunch of hermits. If anyone really notices hermits have only been hyping this title this year because most of there other titles are either multiplat or just not even worth the hype. Starcraft 2 is coming out next year so they cant hype that what else would they have if it werent for crysis :? Us console owners get some of there games Plus more. That what he trying to get at and spending 600- 1000 dollar on a rig just to play one game is ridiculous.us 'hermits' are still playing and enjoying games like HL:2 and BF:2 years after release. Show me a game on console that doesn't die after a few months (besides halo 2 and gears of war)
This is exactly what Im talking about you guys are playing games from 2 years ago not any current games us console owners dont need games that last us 5 - 10 years because we have more options then you guys. And BTW HL 2 and BF are both on consoles and are still played to this day :wink: online or not.Not my fault you guys don't have mods to make your game last longer.
And it's not my fault that the PC dosent have a broader range of games us console owners dont need alot of mod just to extend the game because we can just jump onto another game and have more fun there.We have the largest library of games and the most AAA/AA/ titles every generation........
PC MP online games last so long because they have a ton of depth and longetivity, something console games lack.
And most of the AAA/ AA titles are either shootersor MMO's or RTS Us console owners have AA and AAA status games in every category. And halo 2 and Gears say different about your depth and longevity Halo 2 has auto assist but it's still takes a pretty comptitent player to be good at itReally? Last time I checked, the PC had the only AAA next-gen racer for a while, and it won the 2006 racing GOTY award (I think 3 of the 5 finalists for this award were also PC racers). PC's get The Witcher and Hellgate:London this fall, two amazing RPG's. So far we get Space Siege, Dragon Age (Bioware's next PC epic) and maybe even Diablo 3 (we'll find out soon most likely). We also are getting DMC4, Assassin's Creed, and many of the other action games coming out. The only genre that PC's are lacking are fighters (soon not to be, the next DOA is exclusive to the PC) and platformers. That's it. Consoles don't get many genres that PC's do get.
Do you even know what longetivity is?
Your talking about 2006 and your bringing out FPS/RPG like Hellgate london wich no hermit hypes they just say they want it space seige no one hypes and the other "bioware next epic RPG" no one hypes Diablo 3 isnt even annouced your just hoping DMC4 and assasins creed are both multiplat so that cant really count. And longevity is the lasting appeal of a something :wink: And consoles get all but 1 genre the PC get to my knowledge and thats Point and Click adventures (maybe the wii might get one down the pipe :P )Uhhh.....just about every hermit whose a fan of RPG's is hyping Hellgate:London, an RPG (not FPS/RPG hybrid) being made by some of the creators of Diablo. Space Siege was just announced and does't come out for a while, and yes, people are hyping it. Last time I checked, Dungeon Siege was a great game. Nobody cares about Dragon Age?:lol: You've gotta be kidding me......since when does a game have to be hyped in order to be an amazing game in the first place? And yes, DMC4 and AC were announced for the PC ages ago. Consoles get all but 1 genre? You've can't be serious......please, go check all of the genres of PC gaming then come back and tell me that.
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