Dark Souls 2 will totally demolish Witcher 3 in quality and here's why:
Witcher 2 is/was just not in the same league as Dark Souls. I remember playing the first 30 minutes of Witcher 2 and there were just way too many controls for the character. The game wasn't intuitive at all. I quit because I actually got bored of trying to learn how to play. I might try the game again sometime, but it was no where near as fun as Dark Souls was to play. And Demons Souls was an equally as good as Dark Souls.
Dark Souls has the best combat yet seen in an Action RPG, and Dark Souls 2 will definitely be just as good if not better. The overall gameplay, atmosphere, and graphics are superb as well. I don't see any possible way that Witcher 3 will be able to compare to the quality of Dark Souls 2.
Next gen game or not, I don't care, I am much more looking forward to Dark Souls 2 than Witcher 3.
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