I love Dark Souls but because i do really enjoy Dark Souls i really do hate fanboys who go on and do these type of threads. Makes me sick. When I play a game i like i don't give a shit about any other game outside of it.
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There's a lot of these "X will destroy Y" threads lately. Why can't both games be good? There not even the same type of game, really. Personally, if you didn't like the Witcher 2 because it had too many controls, I think you should have just stuck to swordplay. Don't blame a game for giving you options. They are, after all, optional.
I'll admit the controls were daunting... I must have played the tutorial about 20 times until I felt competent enough to fluidly switch between the various attack styles. This barrier for entry had a huge payoff, though... I got better as a gamer, and was able to enjoy one of the best, most mature (in the literal sense of the word) stories in RPG history. There's far too many games that dumb down their interfaces these days, and as a result, there's no thrill in the combat. I'm not saying Dark Souls is one of those games, I'm saying both games are good in that they make demands on the players... that's the one thing they both have in common.
Umm anyone claiming that a souls game is a good rpg are freakin idiots, it has decent combat, a generic setting (but good monster design most of the time)
Horrible dialogue (this is an rpg people , the dialogue was outright inexcusable) it was paper thin in the choice and consequence department, often just boiling Down to "kill x or not". It is build up far more like a dungeon crawler and a choose your path adventure book more then an rpg.
If you think the souls games were above average in near all aspects then you really have not been ganing for long, and know very Little about RPG's with no exception what so ever.
The witcher games are better in all aspects with no exception, even the character custimization. While yeh you do play one specific character, you have more choice in how he should be like. And yes the Witcher DOES have more weapons then swords, anyone claiming otherwise prettymuch admits outright that THEY DID NOT PLAY THE GAME.
For a Dungeon crawler yes I expect Dark souls 2 to be the better game, for an RPG The Witcher is, was, and likely will be the better one (despite how Little I cared for TW2).
Umm anyone claiming that a souls game is a good rpg are freakin idiots, it has decent combat, a generic setting (but good monster design most of the time)
Horrible dialogue (this is an rpg people , the dialogue was outright inexcusable) it was paper thin in the choice and consequence department, often just boiling Down to "kill x or not". It is build up far more like a dungeon crawler and a choose your path adventure book more then an rpg.
If you think the souls games were above average in near all aspects then you really have not been ganing for long, and know very Little about RPG's with no exception what so ever.
The witcher games are better in all aspects with no exception, even the character custimization. While yeh you do play one specific character, you have more choice in how he should be like. And yes the Witcher DOES have more weapons then swords, anyone claiming otherwise prettymuch admits outright that THEY DID NOT PLAY THE GAME.
For a Dungeon crawler yes I expect Dark souls 2 to be the better game, for an RPG The Witcher is, was, and likely will be the better one (despite how Little I cared for TW2).
The Demons Souls/Dark Souls series mastered Action RPG combat like no other game before them. They also have an atmosphere that is very immersive and hardcore. There is no other Action RPG series quite like them. They also excel at having an old-school dungeon crawler feel to them which is just awesome!!
Witcher games are decently good Action RPGs, but are nowhere as unique at the Demons Souls/Dark Souls series. In comparison, the Witcher games are actually a bit generic. Witcher 2 does have great graphics, but graphics alone do not make a game great. That being said, Dark Souls 2 has excellent graphics anyways, so graphics is a non-issue.
If you think the souls games were above average in near all aspects then you really have not been ganing for long, and know very Little about RPG's with no exception what so ever.
Yeah man cause **** opinions. Clearly they're noob casuals amirite?
Dark Souls 2 will totally demolish Witcher 3 in quality and here's why:
Witcher 2 is/was just not in the same league as Dark Souls. I remember playing the first 30 minutes of Witcher 2 and there were just way too many controls for the character. The game wasn't intuitive at all. I quit because I actually got bored of trying to learn how to play. I might try the game again sometime, but it was no where near as fun as Dark Souls was to play. And Demons Souls was an equally as good as Dark Souls.
Dark Souls has the best combat yet seen in an Action RPG, and Dark Souls 2 will definitely be just as good if not better. The overall gameplay, atmosphere, and graphics are superb as well. I don't see any possible way that Witcher 3 will be able to compare to the quality of Dark Souls 2.
Next gen game or not, I don't care, I am much more looking forward to Dark Souls 2 than Witcher 3.
Yes, because a series that only has great gameplay is going to demolish a game with great gameplay, amazing narrative, stunning graphics, outstanding soundtrack and a vast open world to explore.
The Souls series is really only good because of it's gameplay. It falls down in most other areas.
Your opinion isn't well thought out or clear.
Talking about yourself in 3rd person isn't healthy.
Dark Souls 2 will vastly have the more better, efficient challenging combat mechanics.
Not to mention how From Software will be teaching the lessers how bosses, art design, armor and stats managing is done.
And frankly, aside from DSII, The Witcher 3 will be curb-stomping anything RPG-related in 2014.
Both will be grand experiences, no doubt.
Umm anyone claiming that a souls game is a good rpg are freakin idiots, it has decent combat, a generic setting (but good monster design most of the time)
Horrible dialogue (this is an rpg people , the dialogue was outright inexcusable) it was paper thin in the choice and consequence department, often just boiling Down to "kill x or not". It is build up far more like a dungeon crawler and a choose your path adventure book more then an rpg.
If you think the souls games were above average in near all aspects then you really have not been ganing for long, and know very Little about RPG's with no exception what so ever.
The witcher games are better in all aspects with no exception, even the character custimization. While yeh you do play one specific character, you have more choice in how he should be like. And yes the Witcher DOES have more weapons then swords, anyone claiming otherwise prettymuch admits outright that THEY DID NOT PLAY THE GAME.
For a Dungeon crawler yes I expect Dark souls 2 to be the better game, for an RPG The Witcher is, was, and likely will be the better one (despite how Little I cared for TW2).
The Demons Souls/Dark Souls series mastered Action RPG combat like no other game before them. They also have an atmosphere that is very immersive and hardcore. There is no other Action RPG series quite like them. They also excel at having an old-school dungeon crawler feel to them which is just awesome!!
Witcher games are decently good Action RPGs, but are nowhere as unique at the Demons Souls/Dark Souls series. In comparison, the Witcher games are actually a bit generic. Witcher 2 does have great graphics, but graphics alone do not make a game great. That being said, Dark Souls 2 has excellent graphics anyways, so graphics is a non-issue.
"Monster Hunter" there I just demolished pretty much everything in your post.
What is Unique with Dark souls? Do tell me? the monsters? Ever looked up the D&D beastiary books, the vast majority of the monsters are taken right out of it.
And no you are making a huge mistake, the witcher is not "a good ARPG" it is a good RPG, people throwing "A" infront of RPG is a polite way of saying "as Deep as a puddle of mud compared to the ocean that is the renre it is derived from"
The Souls games are too bugy, often relying on defeating opponants by exploiting bugs, yeh that is in no way "great design" that is the average consumer covering for a game that is good, but far from as excelent as it is claimed.
Dark Souls is more like a modern take on Diablo, and it excells at what it does. But placing it side by side with an RPG, then it will usually lose in every aspect apart from the action, which is so far from the point of an RPG that it is laughable.
Tell me, where is Dark Souls grand story you claim is so good? I finished it twice, and apart from the broken bits of a very typical japanese influenced story what is there? Where are the choices and conseqhences of the choices I make? I can name perhaps 3-4 worthwhile ones. Where are my none combat related skills? Oh riught, it only has combat everything else is so underwhenming that it is laughable.
Oh my all accounts the witcher is generic in points, most types of fantasy media are. Either taken from J.R.R TOlkins books, or the D&D games. But see here is the difference. The witcher makes you buy into it being a living breathing World, abeit filled with stereotypes (and even then it was hailed for having real World problems, and not trying to sugarcoat it, such as racism, sexism, class warfare.
What originality does Dark souls have in its setup? any at all?
Dark Souls have combat, as its only truely shining point, but at that it was not the first of its kind, and one could argue that it was not the best. And at that Demon's souls were better then dark souls.
When both came out the same year, Demon's Souls pwned Dragon Age Origins
When both came out the same year, Dark Souls pwned Elder Scrolls Skyrim
and same thing will happen this year, Dark Souls 2 will pwn The Witcher 3
bottomline is no matter how you match Souls game with, it will pwn the competition, because Souls games are THE BEST ACTION RPG OF ALL TIME, whether it's WRPG or JRPG
When both came out the same year, Demon's Souls pwned Dragon Age Origins
When both came out the same year, Dark Souls pwned Elder Scrolls Skyrim
and same thing will happen this year, Dark Souls 2 will pwn The Witcher 3
bottomline is no matter how you match Souls game with, it will pwn the competition, because Souls games are THE BEST ACTION RPG OF ALL TIME, whether it's WRPG or JRPG
So delusional hahahah
@jhcho2 - Customization? What for? You're supposed to be Geralt! Lore? The Witcher is based on world-renowned series of fantasy books! Get out!
When both came out the same year, Demon's Souls pwned Dragon Age Origins
When both came out the same year, Dark Souls pwned Elder Scrolls Skyrim
and same thing will happen this year, Dark Souls 2 will pwn The Witcher 3
bottomline is no matter how you match Souls game with, it will pwn the competition, because Souls games are THE BEST ACTION RPG OF ALL TIME, whether it's WRPG or JRPG
Demons Souls annihilated Dragon Age Origins.
Dark Souls is awesome but so is Skyrim. Dark Souls has better combat though.
Dark Souls 2 will destroy Witcher 3. The Witcher games are not as good as the Elder Scrolls games, and the Witcher games are nowhere near as good as the Demons Souls/Dark Souls games.
I'd say they're more or less on-par. Dark Souls had the better gameplay and combat, while Witcher 2 had the better story and graphics. Overall, I enjoyed Witcher 2 slightly more.
I agree that DS had better combat than TW2, but from what has been told/shown so far I believe TW3 will be a much bigger improvement in terms of gameplay from its predecessor than DS2 will be. See for example this article: http://www.totalxbox.com/58944/the-witcher-3-new-gameplay-details-5-alternative-magic-signs-and-96-attack-animations/ . What I have seen from DS2 looks like more of the same (which is fine ofc). At the very least I think the franchises will be more evenly matched in the gameplay area.
That sounds awesome.... the only negative aspect of TW is the combat... if it IS more like DS and Batman ... then damn, perfect RPG confirmed.
Batman is the epitome of the button masher. Dark Souls combat is nothing like Batman.
I'm interested to see how much better the combat in witcher 3 is over 2's, because the 2nd game combat wise was a less interesting version of what the the DS series offers. Roll geralt, roll.
Honestly, one thing I want to change is that stupid ass potion system. Having to meditate and open up an inventory to brew those potions was a pain in the ass and more often than not I didn't do it as much as I could have just because it felt so clunky.
With the inclusion of an openworld this time around, I really hope they focus more on how stats and what not effect how geralt interacts with the world, maybe take a few notes from infamous. It would be nice to feel like a bad ass mutant capable of superhuman feats.
I'd say they're more or less on-par. Dark Souls had the better gameplay and combat, while Witcher 2 had the better story and graphics. Overall, I enjoyed Witcher 2 slightly more.
I agree that DS had better combat than TW2, but from what has been told/shown so far I believe TW3 will be a much bigger improvement in terms of gameplay from its predecessor than DS2 will be. See for example this article: http://www.totalxbox.com/58944/the-witcher-3-new-gameplay-details-5-alternative-magic-signs-and-96-attack-animations/ . What I have seen from DS2 looks like more of the same (which is fine ofc). At the very least I think the franchises will be more evenly matched in the gameplay area.
Well, CD Project are fans of the Souls series, so it's no surprise that they want to make their combat systems closer to the Souls games. TW2's combat system itself was apparently influenced by Demon's Souls. However, it seems a bit of an odd choice combining Dark Souls with Arkham City, since their combat systems are almost like polar opposites. It should be pretty interesting to see how they pull that off though.
I'm a massive Souls fan (Demon's was my fav game of last gen and second most played if you exclude Dota 2) but this topic is dumb. TBH I'm slightly more excited for TW3. The Witcher 1 was very ambitious but very rough and a lot of ideas in the developers' vision weren't full realised and others just didn't work out. The Witcher 2 was far more polished and fixed many problems of the first but still felt like it was short of what the developers had envisioned. With how things are shaping up it seems like The Witcher 3 will be adding a lot more and easily be the best of the three assuming all has gone well - the combat changes and larger more open world make me feel like they've finally got the resources to do what they've wanted to.
Dark Souls 2 on the other hand, while I'm EXTREMELY excited to play, is ultimately more of the same as far as I can tell. Which is perfect because that's all I want really, but I'm more excited to see how TW3 pans out almost on a curisity level. (Would be more keen than either for Demon's Souls 2 though - I loved the lore of that world and the atmosphere SO much!)
That's not even considering the fact they both have completely different focuses - Souls has a larger focus on combat and ambient atmosphere and story whilst the Witcher 3 tells a character and relationship based story. But this is SW and people have compared far dumber things.
I'd say they're more or less on-par. Dark Souls had the better gameplay and combat, while Witcher 2 had the better story and graphics. Overall, I enjoyed Witcher 2 slightly more.
I agree that DS had better combat than TW2, but from what has been told/shown so far I believe TW3 will be a much bigger improvement in terms of gameplay from its predecessor than DS2 will be. See for example this article: http://www.totalxbox.com/58944/the-witcher-3-new-gameplay-details-5-alternative-magic-signs-and-96-attack-animations/ . What I have seen from DS2 looks like more of the same (which is fine ofc). At the very least I think the franchises will be more evenly matched in the gameplay area.
That sounds awesome.... the only negative aspect of TW is the combat... if it IS more like DS and Batman ... then damn, perfect RPG confirmed.
Batman is the epitome of the button masher. Dark Souls combat is nothing like Batman.
strafe, block, attack, roll, strafe, parry , attack roll...
stop overating Dark Souls combat please.... not that it was remotely balanced anyway.
I'd say they're more or less on-par. Dark Souls had the better gameplay and combat, while Witcher 2 had the better story and graphics. Overall, I enjoyed Witcher 2 slightly more.
I agree that DS had better combat than TW2, but from what has been told/shown so far I believe TW3 will be a much bigger improvement in terms of gameplay from its predecessor than DS2 will be. See for example this article: http://www.totalxbox.com/58944/the-witcher-3-new-gameplay-details-5-alternative-magic-signs-and-96-attack-animations/ . What I have seen from DS2 looks like more of the same (which is fine ofc). At the very least I think the franchises will be more evenly matched in the gameplay area.
That sounds awesome.... the only negative aspect of TW is the combat... if it IS more like DS and Batman ... then damn, perfect RPG confirmed.
Batman is the epitome of the button masher. Dark Souls combat is nothing like Batman.
strafe, block, attack, roll, strafe, parry , attack roll...
stop overating Dark Souls combat please.... not that it was remotely balanced anyway.
I don't see any similarity between the DS and Batman combat systems either... It would be suicidal to rely on button-mashing in DS.
I'd say they're more or less on-par. Dark Souls had the better gameplay and combat, while Witcher 2 had the better story and graphics. Overall, I enjoyed Witcher 2 slightly more.
I agree that DS had better combat than TW2, but from what has been told/shown so far I believe TW3 will be a much bigger improvement in terms of gameplay from its predecessor than DS2 will be. See for example this article: http://www.totalxbox.com/58944/the-witcher-3-new-gameplay-details-5-alternative-magic-signs-and-96-attack-animations/ . What I have seen from DS2 looks like more of the same (which is fine ofc). At the very least I think the franchises will be more evenly matched in the gameplay area.
That sounds awesome.... the only negative aspect of TW is the combat... if it IS more like DS and Batman ... then damn, perfect RPG confirmed.
Batman is the epitome of the button masher. Dark Souls combat is nothing like Batman.
strafe, block, attack, roll, strafe, parry , attack roll...
stop overating Dark Souls combat please.... not that it was remotely balanced anyway.
I don't see any similarity between the DS and Batman combat systems either... It would be suicidal to rely on button-mashing in DS.
I never said there was. but then everyone assumes this is the "button mash side" of batman. how do you know? thye mentioned more enphasis on defence... that could be copying Dark souls ... which is what the witcher should of done in the first place, far little defence made the combat annoying at best.
Copying batman could be refering to "counters" which sounds alot more feesable. as in "press A at the right time to counter people from the sides/behind" which sounds like something geralt would do.
why does anyone assume this is "spam A while pressing a direction"? thats not all batman did.
and again, I laugh at how people overated DS combat.... the game was block atttack, block attack and the occasional roll.
Hell fucking no. While Dark Souls does have more refined combat, The Witcher completely trumps it in story, setting, and RPG experience.
When both came out the same year, Demon's Souls pwned Dragon Age Origins
When both came out the same year, Dark Souls pwned Elder Scrolls Skyrim
and same thing will happen this year, Dark Souls 2 will pwn The Witcher 3
bottomline is no matter how you match Souls game with, it will pwn the competition, because Souls games are THE BEST ACTION RPG OF ALL TIME, whether it's WRPG or JRPG
Demons Souls annihilated Dragon Age Origins.
Dark Souls is awesome but so is Skyrim. Dark Souls has better combat though.
Dark Souls 2 will destroy Witcher 3. The Witcher games are not as good as the Elder Scrolls games, and the Witcher games are nowhere near as good as the Demons Souls/Dark Souls games.
Dark Sousl 2 will not destroy TW3. That is a fact. Is it possible that they both will be huge successes? Yes, but TW3 will not be outdone by Dark Souls 2. I know that TW3 will out do Dark Souls 2 sale wise.
I absolutely agree
Witcher games combat SUCKS BIG TIME, only a notch above Skyrim combat, and thats an insult
I wonder why people around here even bother playing video games. According to the GS boards EVERYTHING sucks.
By "combat" he didn't mean to make a synecdoche like you erroneously understood. The Witcher 2 combat sucks big time, but the plot, the characters, the setting more (I'd say A LOT more) than make up for that.
I absolutely agree
Witcher games combat SUCKS BIG TIME, only a notch above Skyrim combat, and thats an insult
Nah, I think Skyrim combat is better than Witcher 2 combat. At least Skyrim combat is intuitive. Witcher 2 combat is a hodgepodge of controls that just make it tedious and annoying.
How about if you play the game before making these assertions?
Lets take a look at combat actions in TW2.
Light hit
Heavy hit
use sign
use subweapon
Thats about it, that is literally everything you can do in the combat, how the hell did you ended up "not being able to play"? are you mentally handicapped or something? because thats the only excuse I could think of for not knowing how to play after 30 minutes.
Also, DS combat is only hard because of how clunky it is, I'm amazed you claim its "intuitive" when the whole appeal of the souls saga is that your character is clunky as hell while your enemies are extremely agile and you have to cope with this to beat the game.
Thats about it, that is literally everything you can do in the combat, how the hell did you ended up "not being able to play"? are you mentally handicapped or something? because thats the only excuse I could think of for not knowing how to play after 30 minutes.
Also, DS combat is only hard because of how clunky it is, I'm amazed you claim its "intuitive" when the whole appeal of the souls saga is that your character is clunky as hell while your enemies are extremely agile and you have to cope with this to beat the game.
Dude...the irony...
Thats about it, that is literally everything you can do in the combat, how the hell did you ended up "not being able to play"? are you mentally handicapped or something? because thats the only excuse I could think of for not knowing how to play after 30 minutes.
Also, DS combat is only hard because of how clunky it is, I'm amazed you claim its "intuitive" when the whole appeal of the souls saga is that your character is clunky as hell while your enemies are extremely agile and you have to cope with this to beat the game.
Dude...the irony...
I'm sorry but where's the irony?
Hell fucking no. While Dark Souls does have more refined combat, The Witcher completely trumps it in story, setting, and RPG experience.
Nah, the amount of depth put into Dark Souls's character planning brutally crushes both Witcher's and so does the exploration. For the rest, I agree completely.
Thats about it, that is literally everything you can do in the combat, how the hell did you ended up "not being able to play"? are you mentally handicapped or something? because thats the only excuse I could think of for not knowing how to play after 30 minutes.
Also, DS combat is only hard because of how clunky it is, I'm amazed you claim its "intuitive" when the whole appeal of the souls saga is that your character is clunky as hell while your enemies are extremely agile and you have to cope with this to beat the game.
Dude...the irony...
I'm sorry but where's the irony?
DS combat isn't in any way "clunky", every single weapon animation set is tailored by keeping in mind the swing's speed, stamina cost, damage, poise break, attack width, ease of parrying and every single roll (there are 6 in total iirc) that your character can do is tailored by balancing the weight of your armor against the time window your character is invulnerable for (and implicitly also the time window where your character is completely helpless to attacks).
There is nothing "clunky" about it, don't blame the game if spamming weak attacks doesn't work for you.
Thats about it, that is literally everything you can do in the combat, how the hell did you ended up "not being able to play"? are you mentally handicapped or something? because thats the only excuse I could think of for not knowing how to play after 30 minutes.
Also, DS combat is only hard because of how clunky it is, I'm amazed you claim its "intuitive" when the whole appeal of the souls saga is that your character is clunky as hell while your enemies are extremely agile and you have to cope with this to beat the game.
Dude...the irony...
I'm sorry but where's the irony?
DS combat isn't in any way "clunky", every single weapon animation set is tailored by keeping in mind the swing's speed, stamina cost, damage, poise break, attack width, ease of parrying and every single roll (there are 6 in total iirc) that your character can do is tailored by balancing the weight of your armor against the time window your character is invulnerable for (and implicitly also the time window where your character is completely helpless to attacks).
There is nothing "clunky" about it, don't blame the game if spamming weak attacks doesn't work for you.
Its still clunkiness, just fancy clunkiness, ofc a sword isn't going to have the same swing speed as a spear.
clunky animations (do you even know what clunky means? its exactly what you're saying) that can't be canceled once started, ofc you need to plan when to do things but that doesn't make it any less clunky, the whole appeal of the game, the difficulty is "you better choose when to do shit because movement is clunky as hell so if you do it at a bad time you're screwed."
clunky animations (do you even know what clunky means? its exactly what you're saying) that can't be canceled once started, ofc you need to plan when to do things but that doesn't make it any less clunky, the whole appeal of the game, the difficulty is "you better choose when to do shit because movement is clunky as hell so if you do it at a bad time you're screwed."
Clunky are the animations in Bethesda games, uncoordinated messes of animations that the devs tried to make work at the same time *hoping* that no more than two would trigger simultaneously. In Dark Souls every action was designed to have its execution time for either you or the one who's beating you to weight and hopefully exploit.
Besides you just contradicted yourself here - what I said goes for everyone, so it can't be that you call your character "clunky" while enemies are "extremely agile". So which is it?
I fully expect The Witcher 3 to be better in every single way.
That's a blatant biased opinion. We all know that TW3 offers next to nothing in character customization. Inventory items are also pretty linear. So that's one thing that Witcher games will never top Dark Souls in. The other is Lore. These two things, Witcher games will never beat Souls games, no matter how you spin it.
Other aspects are debatable, and all depends on perspective.
Of course it's his opinion, he's the one who said it.... Does everyone on the internet have to add "in my opinion" before they say anything?
Even opinions must have some degree of foundation to rest on. You can't just say something like "Newton was right, Einstein was wrong. And that's my opinion." and expect to not receive criticism for it. Some things are rather subjective, and that's where opinions must be respected. Some things just aren't.
Your own view of what TW2 is weak in lacks foundation. You do not go into detail about what makes Dark Souls' lore and customization better. You also say Witcher games will never beat Souls games without supporting it.
Dark Souls 2 will totally demolish Witcher 3 in quality and here's why:
Witcher 2 is/was just not in the same league as Dark Souls. I remember playing the first 30 minutes of Witcher 2 and there were just way too many controls for the character. The game wasn't intuitive at all. I quit because I actually got bored of trying to learn how to play. I might try the game again sometime, but it was no where near as fun as Dark Souls was to play. And Demons Souls was an equally as good as Dark Souls.
Dark Souls has the best combat yet seen in an Action RPG, and Dark Souls 2 will definitely be just as good if not better. The overall gameplay, atmosphere, and graphics are superb as well. I don't see any possible way that Witcher 3 will be able to compare to the quality of Dark Souls 2.
Next gen game or not, I don't care, I am much more looking forward to Dark Souls 2 than Witcher 3.
1) You have not actually played both games to be able to compare them for quality. Why? Because they are not even out yet so you don't know what the quality will be. Once you played both equally then you can compare them.
2) They are absolutely nothing at all alike in any way shape or form. They different games that share very little in common with eachother. So to compare them to is to compare a dump truck to a bicycle, sure they have wheels, gears, steering mechanism and such but they are nothing alike.
I'd say they're more or less on-par. Dark Souls had the better gameplay and combat, while Witcher 2 had the better story and graphics. Overall, I enjoyed Witcher 2 slightly more.
I agree that DS had better combat than TW2, but from what has been told/shown so far I believe TW3 will be a much bigger improvement in terms of gameplay from its predecessor than DS2 will be. See for example this article: http://www.totalxbox.com/58944/the-witcher-3-new-gameplay-details-5-alternative-magic-signs-and-96-attack-animations/ . What I have seen from DS2 looks like more of the same (which is fine ofc). At the very least I think the franchises will be more evenly matched in the gameplay area.
That sounds awesome.... the only negative aspect of TW is the combat... if it IS more like DS and Batman ... then damn, perfect RPG confirmed.
Batman is the epitome of the button masher. Dark Souls combat is nothing like Batman.
strafe, block, attack, roll, strafe, parry , attack roll...
stop overating Dark Souls combat please.... not that it was remotely balanced anyway.
You listed 4 commands that rely completely on what the enemy is doing. That's certainly not a button masher.
Batman controls: x,x,x,x,y,x,x,x,x,x,x,y...
I like the Souls series but CD Projekt could easily copy the Souls formula but are much more ambitious.
Souls is a very low budget, old school style of game. It doesn't create a living, breathing world like The Witcher.
Souls series has about 5 hours worth of content which is masked by the difficulty and lack of checkpoints. It's got 2 minutes worth of dialogue and very little story.
I like the Souls series but CD Projekt could easily copy the Souls formula but are much more ambitious.
Souls is a very low budget, old school style of game. It doesn't create a living, breathing world like The Witcher.
Souls series has about 5 hours worth of content which is masked by the difficulty and lack of checkpoints. It's got 2 minutes worth of dialogue and very little story.
Thats not really fair as they are completely different.
But then that is what I think of this entire thread. its comparing a Bioware Style RPG to a friggin Diablo (hack n slash edition) RPG... both accel in two very different areas.
The Witcher will have a better story driven universe, but then dark souls is not about that. its about an atmosphere of isolation, no hope and mystery... nothing is meant to make sense in the form of 1000s of lines of dialogue. It also does emergent gameplay in the form of player interaction... something the witcher cannot do.
And the witcher's difficulty was what exactly? cheap.... and even less skillful. just spam your highest potions and twirl away. out of the 2. dark souls beat witcher in challenge and gameplay. but witcher was better at role playing immersion and choices.
apples to oranges.
The Witcher 3 should be compared with Dragon Age: Inquisition this year if anything. not dark souls.
I like the Souls series but CD Projekt could easily copy the Souls formula but are much more ambitious.
Souls is a very low budget, old school style of game. It doesn't create a living, breathing world like The Witcher.
Souls series has about 5 hours worth of content which is masked by the difficulty and lack of checkpoints. It's got 2 minutes worth of dialogue and very little story.
..and The Witcher series prolly has 10 hours of corny dialogue and 2 hours of crappy gameplay
im a huge Dark Souls fan, but i dont think anything this year will compete with The Witcher 3.. that game is gonna redefine the RPG in every way possible
Expectations like this is why people get disappointed.. Fully expect this game to flop for being too ambitious now. Maybe not in scores, but in the minds of gamers that have expectations like this. We've all seen this story too many times
Everything on the internet 'flops' because the diehard fans mentally masturbate to a vision of a game that it wont be nor claimed to be
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