@texasgoldrush said:
@acp_45 said:
@texasgoldrush said:
@acp_45 said:
If you call any character "good" in a Souls game you must be high or something. All the characters are amibiguously presented in all of the games. Memorable ? That probably comes down to personal taste.
NG+ was never about the new stuff it was about replaying the game with enemies that hit harder.... simple stuff.
Reused assets ? The same engine is used as in Bloodborne and I don't see the problem with that. How in the world does that make it dumbed down.
DSIII losing it's lack of identity because it references to it's predecessors...isn't it ok to reference and not only that but DSIII is clearly overlapping with DSI's world. It's basically a part of it but after a long period of time....I mean there are so many obvious hints at it too.
The fact that you don't like "bell" like covenants in main areas is subjective and entirely irrelevant to me.
On the note of the poise stat...I don't what they were thinking honestly... it's my main problem with the game.
Dark Souls II wasn't a bad game by any means.... I don't get why people dislike it so much.... but Dark Souls III is beter IMO.
Aldia and Vendrick are "good" characters, made better the fact that the game revolves around them. There are also less ambiguous because they are prominent NPCs.
Well NG+ in DS3 is boring and easy, with no real reason to play it. Its a clear step down from DS2 in which in DS2, NG+ changes how the game is played.
Assets and environment ideas are ripped straight from Bloodborne, not just engine. It is a lazy slapped together rush job.
DS3 has no real identity because it fails to be unique unlike the past games. All it does is rip from the first two games and Bloodborne. DS2 on the other hand, mostly use ideas and areas that DS1 did not use.
Putting "Bell" or "Forest" covenant areas in main, non-optional areas is frustrating and cheap, and where the players invade is ridiculous. DS1 and DS2 put these areas in optional spots. You can bypass the Forest invasion area in DS1
And the poise problem and the dumbed down equip load unbalance the game totally. I can run builds that I could never use in DS1 and DS2 without slogging.
DS3 is everything people complain about DS2 and more.
You simply don't get it. They are supposed to be ambiguous. Being a less vague character in a Souls game doesn't make them better.. in fact it makes them feel out of place in terms of how they are presented compared to all the other dozens of NPC's in DSI and Demon Souls.
A step down from DS2 because it doesn't include new weapons ? I'm sorry but to me DSII is the easiest entry in the entire series, simply because of the kitchen sink playstyle it forces the players into. I have never found NG+ boring in any of these games but I know that DSII is the one I got through with less frustration and "You died" 's.
You're forgetting that From made both Bloodborne and DSIII. If they feel like they don't have to change assets or the engine a year after the predecessor's release then I can't see the problem... From Software isn't a dev with high budget...and I honestly never played these games for their graphical flare...That being said...DSIII looks better than Bloodborne.
It rips form the first two games and Bloodborne ? Ok so I get that there may be a few bosses that are similar but that is obviously intentional... and some of it is justified through the fact that DSIII is partly the "after" of DSI's world.
When I complain about DS2 it's because I found it too easy compared to DSI.. but at first I thought that it was because I've been playing DSI a lot before DS2's release...Bloodborne proved me wrong. Bloodborne was a tougher cookie than DS2 was, easily. Actually I might even blame DS2 for making it too easy and perhaps that's what made Bloodborne a tad more difficult.
Covenant invasions can be countered by either simply going offline or just getting a certain item to send them back... Honestly.
Poise perhaps is a mistake but um... it probably only makes the pvp unbalanced to a certain extent and that depends on what builds are being used.
No..DS3 has other problems that I feel can still be fixed...like adding a poise stat..etc.
You don't get it. The game has to have a consistent theme. DS3 does not. Its a mess. Its by far the worst FromSoft game lore and story wise and I am not a fan of Bloodborne's. DS2's cast accomplished what they were meant to do thematically while DS3 does not. And DS3 lacking a central figure really hurts it. It lacks an Allant, a Gwyn, a Vendrick, or Gerhman.
No its a step down because its lazy and boring. NG+ sucks in DS3. Its EASIER than the first NG. Things are easier to kill. There is no real challenge with a good build. DS2 on the other hand adds harder enemies and deadlier surprises. In fact, in NG+ in DS2, a boss attacks you earlier. You have none of these suprises in DS3 and From basically lied about the NG+ being more like DS2. Its not.
This is WHY DS3 is lacking. They rushed it out the door. Its a cash grab. Miyazaki spread himself to thin. DS3 needed more development time and it shows.
They can get away with a Gwyn or an Atorias rip, they can not get away with a Fume Knight rip.
If DS2 is so easy, then play it on Champions Covenant. Hint: its not easy. I dare to try NG+ Crown of the Old Iron King in Champions mode.
That's beside the point. I crush covenant invasions with my cheap plainly OP build. Doesn't mean its good. DS1 and DS2 made these areas optional. And the covenants are no where near as well thought out or suprising as DS2's covenants, Nevermind they are less consistent as well. Where is the covenant culture?
Its not only poise, its the equip load that's broken as well. Why am I so good at PvP right now? Because I am rolling quickly with medium armor and Havel's Shield. That does not happen in DS2.
I'm sorry but the fact that it doesn't have a central figure has no negative impact on the game from my experience...this is entirely subjective to yourself.. I'm not saying you're wrong but I'm not gonna accept the immense weight you add to your own opinions as if they were universally objective...
I'm finding DSIII quite enjoyable right now too. I haven't tried Champions covenant no... I was also just talking about the game played with default conditions throughout the playthroughs played...regardless of what weapons used. DS2 was easier.
While I see the resemblance between Pontiff and Fume Knight....I really liked the battle against Pontiff and it's one of the bosses with the coolest looking movesets imo. The walk up to Pontiff in the cathedral looked so amazing too.. I don't know what it looks like on X1 or PS4 but the reflecting floor and lighting in the cathedral was just amazing aesthetically. I don't have a problem with Pontiff being a close hybrid of Fume Knight.
"The game has to have a consistent theme. DS3 does not. Its a mess. Its by far the worst FromSoft game lore and story wise and I am not a fan of Bloodborne's. DS2's cast accomplished what they were meant to do thematically while DS3 does not. And DS3 lacking a central figure really hurts it. It lacks an Allant, a Gwyn, a Vendrick, or Gerhman."
"No its a step down because its lazy and boring. NG+ sucks in DS3. Its EASIER than the first NG. Things are easier to kill. There is no real challenge with a good build. DS2 on the other hand adds harder enemies and deadlier surprises. In fact, in NG+ in DS2, a boss attacks you earlier. You have none of these suprises in DS3 and From basically lied about the NG+ being more like DS2. Its not."
"This is WHY DS3 is lacking. They rushed it out the door. Its a cash grab. Miyazaki spread himself to thin. DS3 needed more development time and it shows."
Is that it ? Because it doesn't HAVE a central figure it means it doesn't have a consistent theme.. what the hell ? The central figures in DSIII are clearly the Lords of Cinder... but since they aren't a single entity it doesn't count ? Story wise, this one is probably my favourite...because it's more of a continuation. It's basically you finding the Lords of Cinder that are running away from their fate....Which is to restart the Age of Fire. The plot is the same as in all previous Dark Souls games but it added DSI's legacy to it. After what ever happened in DSI at the end (most likey not igniting the flame) DSIII is what came after... DSIII's world is most likely the result of the bad ending chosen in DSI or it can be considered as the good ending too since the Age of Fire is temporary and requires Lords to burn to keep it going. DSIII has identity because its basically DSI's sequel and it builds upon it... That doesn't make it worse than DS2 because DS2 has an entirely different setting and gives DS2 a new identity... That's just dumb.
I think I have said enough on the flawed mechanics in DSIII... it can still be fixed.
"That's beside the point. I crush covenant invasions with my cheap plainly OP build. Doesn't mean its good. DS1 and DS2 made these areas optional. And the covenants are no where near as well thought out or suprising as DS2's covenants, Nevermind they are less consistent as well. Where is the covenant culture?"
Beside the point ? No, it's not. You moaned about how you'll get invaded in main areas as opposed to optional in DSI and DSII... yet you get items that help you send them back and you get a bloody option to log out... Problem solved. I don't care about your OP build. Doesn't mean what's good ? ???? Yes DSI and DS2 made those areas optional. So what ? I just gave you two solutions that are simple and easy to do. Well, I don't know what you mean by well thought out...do you mean like how some DS2 covenants are quest related or something...? I guess you're right...But it doesn't have such an extremely horrible impact on my experience of the game.
The covenants are less consistent ? What does that even mean ? Do you mean that the covenants don't have as much culture as they did in DS2 ? Isn't that something that develops instead of just happening overnight ? I believe it's a gradual process and DS2 certainly didn't have this said "culture" a month from it's release... It does now.
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