Yup and consoles are stagnant. lol!! They can do 1080p native though. Many PC's out there still have to play games in lower resolution Not everyone has a high-tech PC. The game is a port, like I knew it would be. Hermits will get someone to mod it no doubt.
In theory,yes,consoles can do 1080p.However,the amount of game design sacriffices needed to pull it off in ANY high-budget title makes the whole point moot to discuss...
And that's why no "high-profile" dev does it...
Also,today,nearly any PC built with gaming in mind easily outmatches the consoles.Even an AMD APU does it with ease...
There are 1080p games on both XBox 360 and PS3 that run perfectly fine. The fact that is can be done and has been, is proof enough. You do understand what stagnant means right? The current consoles are 5-6 years old with NO HARDWARE UPGRADE over those years. You're comparing them to CURRENT PC'S OF TODAY?!?!? LMAO!! That's the dumbest thing I've seen. Of course they don't compare. PC's hardware upgrades every 3-6 months minimum. Compare your best PC to the best Apple MAC computer. That's what you should be comparing. The point is,this console gen is dragging for way too long...
And nope,there are no "high-profile" console titles that run on native 1920x1080 resolution.Even games like GT5 on PS3 use various tricks,like rendering in some resolution like 1280x1080,while still having some assets downgraded.Here,read this...
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