I'll probably get flamed, but in my opinion, if they do it the way I'm hoping they will, then that's way to do a horror game. In Dead Space, eventually you became so used to pop-out moments and necromorphs that it essentially became an action game as you were numb to the repetetive horror it attempted to throw in your face... at least thats how I felt. The problem is, the action wasn't all that good, shooting later in the game wasn't near as fun as it was in the tense beginning parts of the game. Once you became numb to the horror aspects you realized the underlying gameplay was really pretty mundane. If the devs can improve the shooting and make it feel I don't know, more Uncharted esque in that you feel as though you know what you're doing while having fun,(at times, not throughout the entire game) without throwing constant cheap scare tactics at you, then they can actually pull off an excellent horror title. Letting you think you're used to something, that you're the god ofthe game, and then throwing a total game-changer in the form of a vicious new enemy type in a scary new environment, or a ridiculous set piece in which you run away from a crazy monster is how to scare the player, not by attempting the same lame scare tactics throughout the entire journey without changing anything up. All of a sudden, everything you thought you were good at goes down the tube as you suddenly have to adapt the way you play to the changed game that you were previously so used to. Just my two cents on how to succeed at a horror title, now if only the devs would listen.
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