I know what CaseyWegner trying to do for System Wars. The "keep it here" hype threads, the stickied bet thread, the "sales or games" - he's making System Wars into a game. He has people vote on the rules for the game, people make a wager (either a bet, or simply a hype), and the winner is determined by the "voted on" scoring method. My theory was confirmed when he sticked a thread containing a history of the hyped games "flop" status.
The problem I, and others, have with such a system is that it takes away from what System Wars ultimately is - the place on GS where we can freely debate, criticize, and compare games and systems. Turning System Wars into a game allows posters to dismiss serious discussion, and laying down heavy-handed rules gives cookie-cutter posters the impression that they have a "higher backing" for dismissing alternative ideas.
The second problem is that this implies that everyone in System Wars is backing a certain platform to "win" - assuming there can even be a winner. Posters such as myself, GameSpot Users Fellowship members who are dedicated to defending systems from unwarranted criticism, and what we call "manticores" (posters who support all systems equally) are feeling ostracized. System Wars is part of the Gamespot community, and an area we enjoy contributing to, in part because our view on gaming is complex, and something we'd like to share with our fellow gamers.
System Wars is not always a ruley place, and quite often it will be filled with generic hate-threads, but this is more than worth it for the free atmosphere it allows. Every day I log on, and at least once a week a thread rises to the surface that could not have come from anywhere else - something brilliant, creative, well-written, that could have come from no other board.
At worst, I'm aware that System Wars is a board essentially for containing the non-sense that would otherwise disrupt system and game specific boards, but at its best, System Wars can be a creative place, full of exciting debate, and new ideas. I'd hate to see that discussion traded out for a heavily regulated, review-score tallying game.
Unfortunately, I don't know how to communicate this to CaseyWegner - as a master mod, I believe he gets so much abuse from posters violating the Terms of Use, or simply blaming him for moderations he had nothing to do with, that when there is a legitimate concern, it gets lost in the mess of unwarranted complaints. I don't know how to convey to him that for System Wars to be a place of free discussion - that we need his help most in protecting the viewpoint of those who fight against fanboyism and narrow-minded thinking. What we need most is protection for those who believe there's something more to being the "best" system than having the best scorecard at the end of the generation.
If you believe in free speech, intelligent debate, and your right to disagree with other posters, please, post your sentiments.
So now I'm going to ask the one question that CaseyWegner *never* asked when he created the "games or sales" vote. Do you honestly believe that the winner of system wars should be determined solely by tallying GS game-review scores (giving bonuses to exclusives) ,and do you believe that this should be made into a system wars rule? Do you even believe a system war can truly be "won" - in all honesty - that a system is flat-out "best" based on a handful of unthinking statistics?
It is my firm belief that you cannot applying industrial engineering practices to the judgement of art - and I seek to hear the voices of those who are opposed to the end of free thought.
Casey has claimed a democracy here, so I leave you with a quote, a reminder of the fundamental rule of a democratic system:
"Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual). "
-Ayn Rand
And a further warning
"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force. "
Good Night System Wars, I eagerly await evidence that my faith in your intellects and sense of justice is not misplaced.
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