Pirated copy =/= lost sale. Used copy = lost sale. Only possible on consoles. U MAD!?
Its just as easy to pirate on consoles. Load up an SD card with required files, throw it in your PS3/Wii, and your done! Load up your external or DVDs with pirated games. You can find some dude on craigslist who'll load everything on your 360 for like 20 bucks plus some games. Thats even easier. Theres even no installing or wondering if your system can handle it. What is easier again? And what can be more pirate friendly when your security for games is all the same, yet you must change it (Or go in the right direction and completely ignore any kind of DRM) for every PC game.
That logic makes absolutely no sense.
People buy used copies because a new one is more expensive. New game at release = $60. Used game months later = $20. Someone who couldn't afford to buy it on release ibuys it used at a later date.
That's how the used game market works. Of course, it does attribute to much larger losses on crap games that people want to sell back a weekend after buying them. A good game will be kept longer by people and that causes less losses from used sales. So also developers have a way to combat the used games market, it's called "making good games with replay value".
Now pirates? They may be able to afford the game on release, but they can just download it for free from a torrent site. That is a loss regardless of game quality which developers have almost no control over.
And no, console piracy is not easier. Just no, dude. Contacting some dude on Craigslist to get it working for $20 is not easier than going to a torrent downloading the files, extracting them, mounting a mirror image and clicking "install". It would literally take almost the same as actually going to Steam to pay for legit dl.
Doesn't matter why they buy it. Developers still see no money from that sale. They decided to save money and go with a cheaper alternative. Too bad their actions negatively affect developers.
Doesn't matter how good a game is. You can't guarentee its gonna be kept. Pllus used games are just one copy passed around. Another copy isn't being generated.Its every bit as bad (for the developers) as pirating.
Pay 20 bucks to have someone else do it and already has everything downloaded which he can then just give me copies of? Hell yes thats easier.
And lets see those numbers, sources, and facts that piracy on consoles doesn't cause as much loses. Oh thats right, you have zero. PC games are a lot cheaper to develop. Far easier to make your money back especially if you go digital download.
Of course I can't guarantee that for every copy, don't be silly. But replay value and quality reduce the percentage of copies that are resold = fact. Developers can go around used game sales by making something worth replaying. What can they do to pirates? Improve the security I guess? but it sucks when developers spend resources on that instead of focusing on making quality games. Used games can push developers to the right place, pirates mostly in the wrong by taking resources away from the actual game making. So it's not the same in that department.
Also, I have no links but I can use logic:
Pirated gaming on PC = free
Pirated gaming on consoles = not free
free = even more of an incentive, attracts a larger percentage.
Contacting guy and paying $20 is way more of a hassle than a few extra clicks on the comfort of my chair. PC is a more pirate friendly platform, end of story.
Funny story, where I grew up most people gamed on pirated consoles, there was one guy in my school who actually bought legit copies and everyone made fun of him: "why u paying $55 for case and manual? lololololol" (now that manuals are crap more like $55 for a case, amirite?) The bottom line is a lot of them couldn't afford gaming otherwise but I know for a fact plenty of could have so it's always funny when people try to claim piracy doesn't equal losses. Certainly not every pirated copy is a loss, but sadly, a lot of them do.
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