[QUOTE="SolidTy"]I'm not arguing, I'm just telling a very true story. Check out my response, James Bond. :) (Shaken, not stirred, right?)
My buddy is a real life person, He's a great friend, so it's all good.I say IS, He says IS, so there is no need to argue, since we agree.
His statement regarding a single game was curious, until I remembered my friend after I quoted him, and I realized even my friend would say/respond the same way (We do some late night Diners/Denny's Conversations with a group of us). :)
I'm going to be completely honest here and say the story came off as more of an attack at being a Nintendo fan. The story had more of an undertone about Nintendo fans being "die hard" as you put it when in true fact, there is really no way to know. Granted I am way more uptight in SW since you can never really tell someone's tone unless they exagerate it. Also, your friends sounds nice :P
Okay, I have to be real, real careful here.
I'm surrounded by guys with MARIO SIGS!
I just want to take time out and say MARIO is awesome okay...
As far as Hardcore, I wasn't sure if he was like my buddy or what, that's why I asked. I have buddies on extreme sides, too, like a Hardcore Xbox guy, a PC guy, a Nintendo guy, a Sony guy, and a bunch of Manticores. It's like SW at Denny's sometimes, and I feel bad for the waitress. :)
Respect the sig and nobody gets hurt 8)
Anyway, the only thing worse than SW around here is SW in real life. Sometimes it boggles the mind how clueless real life system Warriors were. Some guy I know things the N64 was the best selling console ever :lol: The waitress probably enjoys it though, nothing better than some Crysis > life talk right before breakfast :P
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