@FastRobby said:
I don't think Xbox One solely will ever get to the level of PS4, but with the cloud and DX12, they'll probably are going to do even better things. You can laugh with the cloud now, but within 2-3 years it will be huge. Also all those people saying DX12 won't bring much improvements, and is just like Mantle:
AMD's Raja Khodury: "And it's not a small benefit. It's… like getting four generations of hardware ahead with this API."
Intel's VP of Engineering, Eric Mentezer: "This is absolutely, I think, the most significant jump in technology in a long, long time."
Nvidia's VP of Content and Technology, Tony Tamasi: "existing cards will see orders of magnitude improvements from DirectX 12's release, going from hundreds of thousands to millions and maybe tens of millions of system draws in a second."
The cloud is a joke and any game using the cloud means that any user that gets it most have online mandatory which is in the first place why 24 hours check ups were drop on xbox one,not always online is working and not every one has online either.
Which is the reason why not all developers are to happy about cloud in the first place,in fact there have been complains about titanfall internet dropping while people where playing story and they lose all they won.
If you interne is down,having problems or some one doesn't have internet you can't play the game period,that cost sales to developers which is the reason why they have not rush.
That is just pure PR bullsh** 4 hardware generation ahead is a damn total joke and show how stupid some people can be.
The best feature about DX 12 for AMD,Intel and Nvidia on those quotes may be the $$$$$$$$$$$$$ MS is paying for advertising..lol
@StormyJoe said:
@tormentos: LOL! It's TOTALLY clinging. Again, that one instance is all you got. I laugh every time I see you post it.
And yes, you debated (in futility) for 4 pages about XB1 and PS4 APIs. And yes, you lost that debate. Just read my other posts in this thread.
I am not ignoring anything. The difference IS SMALL. 30% is not anything in real world terms as far as computing power goes. You'd know that if you were in IT.
Activision got Ghosts on the XB1 to be 1080p, they just couldn't get the frame rate to stay at 60. It is entirely possible for that to be solved by optimized APIs. Anyone who has ever been a software developer knows that. You saying otherwise is like arguing the moon is made of cheese.
You just don't know what the Hell you are talking about, Tormentos. I can't emphasize that any clearer. I am in IT, I build and install web/application servers, maintain and build databases and database servers, and have been a software developer for more years than I care to admit.
No is not you are on a topic about graphics and performance once again trying to claim the gap is small when it isn't,and one again you are trying to imply that the xbox one will get a certain performance that some how the PS4 will not get because you claim to now have heard developers complain about API's.
And no i didn't loss the argument you still trying to imply that the xbox one will magically improve while the PS4 will not improve much,you just change the argument now to show that the PS4 can't improve much because some how its API was fine,which i just prove wrong with just 1 link from Team Ice about surface tilling now been from 10 to 100 times faster now on test,something no launch have take advantage of and not even Infamous which look incredible as well.
Yes probably the game was running at 20FPS,there ware several pit stops before 720p from 1080p you know,if the game was close to the PS4 at 1080p a simple drop to 900p would have suffice,but no a drop to 900p still didn't cut it,so it could have been like Titanfall not quite 900p but not quite 720p either,but no the drop had to be 720p because it was the only way to hit 60FPS.
In fact Titanfall is higher than 720p,but has more drops than Ghost have and drop to 30 FPS which Ghost never does,so it is easy to see why Ghost is 720p at anything higher than 720p it would have not hit 60.
No a jump from 720p to 1080p requires more than an API upgrade dude,FPS in special are castrated on xbox one,not a single one hit even 900p,BF4 is also 720p and runs 10 FPS slower than the PS4 version that isn't 1080p but is 900p,see there are pit stops before you hit 720p,pit stops the xbox one is missing to go all the way down to 720p,now the xbox one can hit 1080p on FPS but at what quality cost is the question or performance.
And yet you were totally wrong about the performance both consoles would have why you were wrong.?
Because you wanted endlessly to ignore this ^^..I bring benchmarks like those like 100 times and you ignore it,you may be an IT but when you want to ignore fact just to be a blind fanboy your title serves for nothing.
The 7770 has 1.28TF that is what the xbox one has now with the 10% reservation cut to 2%,the 7850 is actually lower than the PS4 and has 2 CU less which help even less its case.
So take Hitman for example on High,55 FPS on the 7850 33 FPS on the 7770 that is 22 FPS advantage,now were ever or not the xbox one resembles a 7770 can be debated,sure it lack dual render pipes and 2 CU,but if i use the 7790 vs the 7850.
The difference is 10 FPS 55 for the 7850 45 for the 7790,and while i am sure you would love to hold to that one better you can't either,the 7790 has 14 CU at 1007mhz,and is 1.79TF not 12 CU 857mhz and 1.3 TF,so the xbox one doesn't have the power of the 7790 either is a dumb down version.
Now if you would have use your years of experience as IT rather than your years of experience been a blind fanboy,you would have notice that not matter what freaking AP the 7790 or the 7770 get would not make it beat the 7850 or stay close because that same API also help the 7850.
On equal grounding the 7850 is stronger and performers better period nothing can change this,unless you bottle neck the hardware so bad that the 7850 can't performs,let say 12 ROP,512MB of memory or using 2GB of DDR3 memory which will cripple performance on that card.
Now when you compare the PS4 vs the xbox one, not only the PS4 has a 18 CU GPU vs 12 one of the xbox one,the PS4 has no bottle necks,and was done basically thinking on the future one that take heavy compute in mind,worse for the xbox one the memory on the PS4 hardware is abundant and fast wit not middle mans or bottle necks,so the GPU isn't hold back,worse the PS4 has true HSA and true hUMA CPU and GPU can read from the same memory address all the time,on the xbox one that isn't the case.
So a game that should have been from 10 to 18 FPS turns into one that is up to 30 FPS with better effects.
You can take any example from those benchmakrs the result is the same the weaker hardware getting outdone easy,now how can your years of IT didn't let you see this fast is beyond me,i just hope that you are a better IT than you are a fanboy.
Because the hardware difference from the off shot was bigger than you wanted to pretend and that is the reason why you loss that argument and you were wrong.
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