You do know hack accounts happen on other platforms too right? Wether it be PC, PSN or XBL, people get their accounts stolen.
In fact it is a growing incident on XBL as more and more Gold members are reporting their accounts being hacked and stolen, and most of these are not due to naive people falling for dumb phishing scams either, they are legitemently getting their accounts hacked into.
Xbox News: MS offers security tips amidst the alarming growing rate of Xbox Live hacks...
The Growing Xbox LiveHacking Problem Is Worse Than Microsoft Realises-Kotaku
Even offical Xbox sites are acknowldeging the situation.
More Cases of Xbox Live Hacking Emerge This Week - Xbox 360 Acievements...
I'm only saying this to prove a point, not trying to scare 360 owners or anything. Just remember to be safe and change your passwords every now and again. But LoosENDS (and plenty of other Lems) are wrong to believe that their platform is somehow invincible or something.
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