As a long awaiting sequel, I liked Starcraft II much more than Diablo 3.
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[QUOTE="GreySeal9"][QUOTE="Mozelleple112"] Because MGS4 = 11/10 = best game ever made, that's why. the other Metal Gears are VERY high-near AAAA level games. and yes MGS4 "saved" the PS3 and from being worst console to best. Mozelleple112
You're a trip.
What ? I've got the vast majority of non-fanboy gamers as well as the largest critics in the gaming industry to back my claim that Metal Gear Solid 4 is the best game ever made. MGS4 is also the only game in HISTORY to score a perfect 10 from the Big Four. Not even OOT can do what MGS4 has achieved!Yet the game still is rated lower than OoT and many games this gen. But I don't know why I'm replying you. You're clearly delusional.
[QUOTE="Stringerboy"][QUOTE="Mozelleple112"] Must be retarded, and your avatar is spinter cell, a 2/10 franchise. Just upset that Metal Gear is much better than Splinter Cell. JohnnyCageMK
Are you actually trying to be the biggest moron of all time or what?
He's the weirdest fanboy I've ever seen. I don't think he's a cow or a MGS fan. Just a MGS4 fan for some reason. Probably the only game he's ever played.This.
An ok game, the only reason I'd say it lives up to the hype is because so many people thought it'd be a horrible game and it turned out to be pretty good. Personally, I got my fun out of it within 30 hours and don't really have plans to play much more.
It's no secret that you d1ck ride every single game that merely impresses you. Either you're extremely easy to please, or you're just all kinds of desperate for attention.[QUOTE="drinkerofjuice"][QUOTE="Master_ShakeXXX"]
Prove it.
Skyrim and inFamous 2 did more than mildly impress me and I didn't constantly praise them. No, there are only a select few games that I feel are worthy of glowing praise, you ignoramus.
:lol:Now who's being ignorant? Do you not see the threads that you make?
OP you must live in a delusional world....
You havent notice ANYTHING??...
Anything at all a month now?!! Ill keep it short..
People quiting in masses!!! period!! D3 yesterday had the ridiculous number of 1600 players in public games in afternoon when BETA constantly had 3500. People crying/whining all over forums , Blizzard is in panic mode 1 month now with more than 2 patches and 10 hotfixes already trying to save the day ...but QQ!!...
As a single player D3 was more than good for Diablo fans. As an online hack and slash RPG though is not ever half good / addictive game as D2 was...period.
Out of 9-10 million owners already only a mere thousands left playing after a month? Because game is AWESOME?... This is TRAGIC!!! Considering D2 after 13 years has more than 25-45k people online for each region EACH DAY then something going wrong...... So next time , do a research. Too many people quit already / are about to quit / playing way less than what they would if game was addictive/as supposed to be. Open your eyes.
No game in history has brough more frustration and misery to gamers around the world
In Korea they had to give full refunds even !!!!
LOL, worst game experience of all time and is nowhere as good as Diablo 2 was, especially the new art is laughable
"flawless & Angelic" - i pretty much agree with that though.
"Mother of god this game is f*cking incredible."
"all you guys are gonna see is how right i am about SEv2"
"crysis 2 tramples its generic competition"
"BF3 decimates all other online shooters including the older classics. It's the perfect evolution of everything that's come before it, and it's set a new benchmark in graphics, sound, physics, and gameplay."
Something about it's combination of fast paced gameplay and unique fun to use weapons really makes it stand out from most other shooters. I'd take it over Killzone, CoD, and Halo any day.
It's looking like Halo 4, Bioshock Infinite, and CoD: Modern Black Ops At Warfare 10 are going to have a hell of a time topping this beast.
that'll do for now, i am getting bored of reading through pages and pages and pages of your hype train....:P
LOL. You actually took the time to dig up a bunch of my old threads, hilarious. I win.
haha, it was worth it, next time you start a dumb hype train, i now have to only make a single post. therefore I, and everyone else on System Wars is a winnerSeeing those quotes only serve to remind me of how awesome I am.
I disagree with it as well, but D2 was plagued by botters, hackers and dupers so I can see where they were coming from, but I really don't like lagging in SP games.
And so is D3. And all of those weren't an issue in SP so why the f*ck they made SP online only?
D3 doesn't have botters or dupers yet, can't confirm for hackers but the answer has been no so far, only spammers exist. The SP is online only because you can use SP characters online, but my thing is why not let people have SP and MP characters? I suppose they always viewed diablo has an online game anyway, some people played only single player but that isn't what it was known for.
Diablo 3 is a massive disappointment.
Which probably explains why Shake is dick-riding it so hard.
Massive disappointment, but didn't you give it a 9.0? :|
So basically your rating scale works like this....
1 = sh*t
2 = garbage
3 = terrible
4 = ass
5 = crap
6 = sucks
7 = lame
8 = worthless
9 = massive disappointment
10 = not bad
Diablo 3 is a complete and utter letdown.
And absolute crap compared to other loot games such as Path of Exile.
Puh-lease. Diablo 3 is to action RPGs as Super Mario Galaxy is to platformers.
No body ever talks about Path of Crapxile. Shows how much people care about it. Diablo 3 will only grow in popularity and will eventually reach WoW status, assuming is hasn't already.
Uhh.. what? The game is lacking in variety, the graphics are unimpressive, there are problems with lightning, the auction house was really delayed, the game doesn't bring a whole lot new, Error 37, no PVP yet, parties are still problematic, the difficulty/leveling-system is bad, you can't customise your character-appearence, etc. etc.
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