[QUOTE="SecretPolice"]in 2014 :P:lol: Yeah, could be a long wait I guess. :PWon't bother me as I'll be playing it on the 360. :shock: :P
This topic is locked from further discussion.
[QUOTE="SecretPolice"]in 2014 :P:lol: Yeah, could be a long wait I guess. :PWon't bother me as I'll be playing it on the 360. :shock: :P
Fanboys can spin this DRM however they want to but it wont stop this DRM from failing.organic_machineFail in what way? You can't possibly think that Diablo 3 won't sell. The largest part of the userbase treats Diablo as online game anyway. I don't even know why people call it DRM. That's like calling the online part of Demon's Souls DRM. The singleplayer mode still uses some multiplayer features. Therefore you have to be connected to the internet. It will probably bother me once I want to play it and my internet stops working for some magic reason but in general? No.
Interesting point actually. Will you need a gold membership to play Diablo? :-PWon't bother me as I'll be playing it on the 360. :shock: :P
[QUOTE="SecretPolice"]Interesting point actually. Will you need a gold membership to play Diablo? :-PYeah but I'd expect to pay more to play the umm, definitive version. :o I'm sooo j/k :PWon't bother me as I'll be playing it on the 360. :shock: :P
I won't be buying the game so it won't affect me. No reason why a PC gamer like me should support this garbage like all the other "PC gamers".
I think Blizzard can take Diablo 3 with the DRM and shove it where the sun don't shine. I don't support this practice and will never buy a singleplayer game (how I've played action RPGs since Diablo...) when a constant connection is required because it is obviously a move on the Publisher's part to get more control.
[QUOTE="Iantheone"] You only need Steam for the initial activation. After than that you can play it offline. Harldy the same situation. Vaasman
in other words u need internet connection otherwise u cannot play
Having to use your connection once briefly, versus all the time no matter what, is a pretty big difference. A lot of people don't have great or reliable internet,even in the western world. but why need of internet for playing SP gamesOh yes, your a true PC gamer and those of us that have self-control that can live without a game when we dont have internet are not true PC Gamers... funny I thought it was about the games, and Diablo III will be much better than the competition, this is a logical conclusion and the reason people like you are getting so butt hurt by this.I won't be buying the game so it won't affect me. No reason why a PC gamer like me should support this garbage like all the other "PC gamers".
"The way you have been playing" .... yes, because developers cant innovate genres like this to focus on being a MMO similar to what Guild Wars was.... you know that prequel to your sig that forced you to be online for a game that can be played 100% alone with bots? I wonder how crap the pvp scene would of been and hell partying up for the online people if there was a single player mode..... hypocrisy. Oh and you could buy access to power (all non-elite skills for all classes) from the arenanet store .... how that is any different I dont know... but again hyprocisy. DIABLO 3 is an online-action rpg.... nobody cares if you liked that dark,crap outdated prequel, if the team want to innovate then fine, it will be a better game for it.I think Blizzard can take Diablo 3 with the DRM and shove it where the sun don't shine. I don't support this practice and will never buy a singleplayer game (how I've played action RPGs since Diablo...) when a constant connection is required because it is obviously a move on the Publisher's part to get more control.
[QUOTE="Vaasman"]Having to use your connection once briefly, versus all the time no matter what, is a pretty big difference. A lot of people don't have great or reliable internet,even in the western world. but why need of internet for playing SP games Because its not a SP game anymore...[QUOTE="John_Read"]
in other words u need internet connection otherwise u cannot play
I find it funny that Mods will lock a thread about Assassin's Creed because it isn't related to System Wars, but this thread lives on untouched.... (no offense to the TC or the thread, just weird double standards from the mods).
I know what you're saying, but this topic is able to stir more of a debate than the other one that just got locked. The Assassin's Creed thread was really more opinion-based. We couldn't exactly debate about it, only compare our opinions and either agree or disagree. Someone feels the game is overrated. What can we say that would be meaningful?
I find it funny that Mods will lock a thread about Assassin's Creed because it isn't related to System Wars, but this thread lives on untouched.... (no offense to the TC or the thread, just weird double standards from the mods).
I know what you're saying, but this topic is able to stir more of a debate than the other one that just got locked. The Assassin's Creed thread was really more opinion-based. We couldn't exactly debate about it, only compare our opinions and either agree or disagree. Someone feels the game is overrated. What can we say that would be meaningful?
Guess you got me there :P
Because its not a SP game anymore...PC360Wii
Diablo II wasn't a sp game at all: playing outside battle.net ladder did mean no access to half of the runewords and top items in the game, so playing offline was never a choice.
But the fact that they changed the 8 players multiplayer into a 4 playesr cooperative game and turned the PvP into a kidergarten battle arena (which lacks any deep compared against real battle arena games as DotA, HoN, LoL or Dota 2) is a reason to be worried. The DRM isn't the big problem of the game. The design decisions in order to be portable ot console and the WoW mimics are the bigest handicaps by far.
[QUOTE="PC360Wii"] Because its not a SP game anymore...Ondoval
Diablo II wasn't a sp game at all: playing outside battle.net ladder did mean no access to half of the runewords and top items in the game, so playing offline was never a choice.
But the fact that they changed the 8 players multiplayer into a 4 playesr cooperative game and turned the PvP into a kidergarten battle arena (which lacks any deep compared against real battle arena games as DotA, HoN, LoL or Dota 2) is a reason to be worried. The DRM isn't the big problem of the game. The design decisions in order to be portable ot console and the WoW mimics are the bigest handicaps by far.
I agree 4 players is a disappointing since I have 6-8 freinds who are buying it. but Blizzard stated that that is subject to change so who knows.. not getting my hopes up since balancing SP content around 8 players will make it more difficult, as as far as I read bosses/some mobs will use more abilities when there are more players. PvP arena is kintegarden how? worked well for Guild Wars... and its more like bloodline champions which is quite a skillful game... its deeper and better than D2s stand outside towns and gank people... which by todays standards is crap no matter what some hardcore still-playing D2 fans like yourself want, you are a minority, not attacking you just being blunt with you. But then I remember you claiming D2's trading system was perfect which just screams fanaticly in love with the game because it was miles from perfect. The design choices by modern standards are making the game more community driven, deeper and more complex combat, a better artstyle (yes I said it, its not like WoWs and its better than that crap EVERYTHING IS SO DARK FOR FAKE SCARISMIMS!!1111" item shop is "meh". IT will be much better than DII in every way. Time to let go of archiac game design.Diablo II wasn't a sp game at all: playing outside battle.net ladder did mean no access to half of the runewords and top items in the game, so playing offline was never a choice.
I played through both Diablo by myself back in the day. What do you mean, there was no choice :?
I always considered Diablo a tiny MMO anyhow, so I don't see the issue here. It'd be like people complaining that they had to be online to play WoW.
Because its not a SP game anymore...PC360WiiYet it has an extremely strong sp component with no justification that a connection needs to be constantly maintained to a master sever when so much processing is done clientside. Yet there's a massive array of games out there with MMO like functionality (lets say Brink), which allow complete offline play.
[QUOTE="PC360Wii"]Because its not a SP game anymore...skrat_01Yet it has an extremely strong sp component with no justification that a connection needs to be constantly maintained to a master sever when so much processing is done clientside. Yet there's a massive array of games out there with MMO like functionality (lets say Brink), which allow complete offline play. Any endless game will have a strong whatever mode. doesnt change the fact that the third game is more akin to Guild Wars, wether you think its right or not. but hey? I dont see people shouting "Guild Wars DRM! I cant play single player offline!"
Comparing a shooter to an rpg? a shooter when shooters dont barely dabble in mmo's? or are we calling ranks in an online shooter an MMO now? :roll: ... mmo rpgs are much more common. Diablo is becoming one.
-Thomas Tippl (COO and CFO of ActiBlizz) confirms that there will be a D3 Expansion within 3 years after the release of D3 itself, two SC2 expansions (which we already knew), and two more WoW expansions.
I wonder where the new game is fitting in there! I also wonder if they will show it at this year's blizzcon.
Yet it has an extremely strong sp component with no justification that a connection needs to be constantly maintained to a master sever when so much processing is done clientside. Yet there's a massive array of games out there with MMO like functionality (lets say Brink), which allow complete offline play. Any endless game will have a strong whatever mode. doesnt change the fact that the third game is more akin to Guild Wars, wether you think its right or not. but hey? I dont see people shouting "Guild Wars DRM! I cant play single player offline!"[QUOTE="skrat_01"][QUOTE="PC360Wii"]Because its not a SP game anymore...PC360Wii
Comparing a shooter to an rpg? a shooter when shooters dont barely dabble in mmo's? or are we calling ranks in an online shooter an MMO now? :roll: ... mmo rpgs are much more common. Diablo is becoming one.
Comparing online systems actually; there's so much cross genre similarities let alone *famework* in these games that it's an efficient comparison.A fundementally online game with its own RPG systems, percistance, server side processing and storage, yet clientside dominant, and a major focus on online components and intergration - yet has an offline component.
Diablo is not becoming an MMO, when the game is so heavily client-side processed, it's still a game that's integrated far more online systems (like so many games do ala Brink (yet maintain an offline capability) an still shares much in common with the framework of hack and slash genre games.
There's no reason the game can't have an offline capability at all, still, even as the arguments justifying it become more muddled.
So what, were not PC gamers because we don't mind being on the internet all the time?I won't be buying the game so it won't affect me. No reason why a PC gamer like me should support this garbage like all the other "PC gamers".
Any endless game will have a strong whatever mode. doesnt change the fact that the third game is more akin to Guild Wars, wether you think its right or not. but hey? I dont see people shouting "Guild Wars DRM! I cant play single player offline!"[QUOTE="PC360Wii"]
[QUOTE="skrat_01"] Yet it has an extremely strong sp component with no justification that a connection needs to be constantly maintained to a master sever when so much processing is done clientside. Yet there's a massive array of games out there with MMO like functionality (lets say Brink), which allow complete offline play.skrat_01
Comparing a shooter to an rpg? a shooter when shooters dont barely dabble in mmo's? or are we calling ranks in an online shooter an MMO now? :roll: ... mmo rpgs are much more common. Diablo is becoming one.
Comparing online systems actually; there's so much cross genre similarities let alone *famework* in these games that it's an efficient comparison.A fundementally online game with its own RPG systems, percistance, server side processing and storage, yet clientside dominant, and a major focus on online components and intergration - yet has an offline component.
Diablo is not becoming an MMO, when the game is so heavily client-side processed, it's still a game that's integrated far more online systems (like so many games do ala Brink (yet maintain an offline capability) an still shares much in common with the framework of hack and slash genre games.
There's no reason the game can't have an offline capability at all, still, even as the arguments justifying it become more muddled.
So again avoiding the guild wars analogy?[QUOTE="skrat_01"]Comparing online systems actually; there's so much cross genre similarities let alone *famework* in these games that it's an efficient comparison.[QUOTE="PC360Wii"] Any endless game will have a strong whatever mode. doesnt change the fact that the third game is more akin to Guild Wars, wether you think its right or not. but hey? I dont see people shouting "Guild Wars DRM! I cant play single player offline!"
Comparing a shooter to an rpg? a shooter when shooters dont barely dabble in mmo's? or are we calling ranks in an online shooter an MMO now? :roll: ... mmo rpgs are much more common. Diablo is becoming one.
A fundementally online game with its own RPG systems, percistance, server side processing and storage, yet clientside dominant, and a major focus on online components and intergration - yet has an offline component.
Diablo is not becoming an MMO, when the game is so heavily client-side processed, it's still a game that's integrated far more online systems (like so many games do ala Brink (yet maintain an offline capability) an still shares much in common with the framework of hack and slash genre games.
There's no reason the game can't have an offline capability at all, still, even as the arguments justifying it become more muddled.
So again avoiding the guild wars analogy?Guild Wars is a game that is entirely structured for multiplayer. Go post seering and you will get owned if you don't take bots at the very least, and every instanced zone is connected by multiplayer hubs. Diablo is a game that has a single player mode that is designed for a single player to do single player things by themselves and be perfectly ok with not seeing other players. It isn't the same thing really.[QUOTE="skrat_01"]Comparing online systems actually; there's so much cross genre similarities let alone *famework* in these games that it's an efficient comparison.[QUOTE="PC360Wii"] Any endless game will have a strong whatever mode. doesnt change the fact that the third game is more akin to Guild Wars, wether you think its right or not. but hey? I dont see people shouting "Guild Wars DRM! I cant play single player offline!"
Comparing a shooter to an rpg? a shooter when shooters dont barely dabble in mmo's? or are we calling ranks in an online shooter an MMO now? :roll: ... mmo rpgs are much more common. Diablo is becoming one.
A fundementally online game with its own RPG systems, percistance, server side processing and storage, yet clientside dominant, and a major focus on online components and intergration - yet has an offline component.
Diablo is not becoming an MMO, when the game is so heavily client-side processed, it's still a game that's integrated far more online systems (like so many games do ala Brink (yet maintain an offline capability) an still shares much in common with the framework of hack and slash genre games.
There's no reason the game can't have an offline capability at all, still, even as the arguments justifying it become more muddled.
So again avoiding the guild wars analogy?Ignoring the actual genuine fact that Diablo 3 is not a server side MMO?Unsurprised, there's effort is required to counter response to try and establish what these amazing framework differences are against something as simple as Brink.
[QUOTE="N30F3N1X"]The SP is online based so you can lag in the SP as well as be kicked out if your net drops.Most intense DRM ever?
It's meant to be a multiplayer game. Being online is necessary for playing MP. What is intense about that :?
There is no singleplayer stop pulling such a double standard out of your ass.. If that is considered SP.. Then every MMO out there when you solo is considered SP.. Guild Wars when you play by your self is SP.. In the end even when your soloing your still connected to the features and community.. There is no singleplayer.. Stop acting like there is one.
PPS: EVERYONE on here complains that Microsoft FORCES xbox live users to, "Pay for something that should be free". How is Blizzard FORCING you to pay for an internet subscription any different? granted you get more use out of an internet connection than Live Gold, but nonetheless. Why is it okay for BLIZZARD to demand you pay for a monthly service JUST to play their games SINGLEPLAYER??!??!? Some peoples only option for high speed is through companies like "AirSpeed WIreless" and require expensive startup equipment.dRuGGeRnaUt
The hell does that even mean.. Diablo 3 is not a singleplayer game.. Stop trying to act like it is.
The SP is online based so you can lag in the SP as well as be kicked out if your net drops.[QUOTE="GD1551"][QUOTE="N30F3N1X"]
Most intense DRM ever?
It's meant to be a multiplayer game. Being online is necessary for playing MP. What is intense about that :?
There is no singleplayer stop pulling such a double standard out of your ass.. If that is considered SP.. Then every MMO out there when you solo is considered SP.. Guild Wars when you play by your self is SP.. In the end even when your soloing your still connected to the features and community.. There is no singleplayer.. Stop acting like there is one.
What are you talking about? You realize I can play by myself and if I choose I can take my characters online right? How is there no SP when I can play the game by myself if I wanted and not miss out on anything?
This is as bad as saying titan quest has no single player :|
The SP is online based so you can lag in the SP as well as be kicked out if your net drops.[QUOTE="GD1551"][QUOTE="N30F3N1X"]
Most intense DRM ever?
It's meant to be a multiplayer game. Being online is necessary for playing MP. What is intense about that :?
There is no singleplayer stop pulling such a double standard out of your ass.. If that is considered SP.. Then every MMO out there when you solo is considered SP.. Guild Wars when you play by your self is SP.. In the end even when your soloing your still connected to the features and community.. There is no singleplayer.. Stop acting like there is one.
You cannot play and beat an entire MMO or Guild Wars by yourself. You could play those games single player but you are extremely limited in what quests and instances are available to you. You can play and beat all of Diablo with no other players around. There are no large multiplayer hub centers for players to mingle and interact in Diablo. This is a different game entirely.Here's a link http://www.gamespot.com/forums/topic/28794061/drm-is-good-for-the-industry.. look how unsupportive everyone is in that thread... yet when Blizzard does it, its all "Im totally fine with it" "blizzard is awesome" "YAY FOR DRM!!!" It's funny, just like peoples blind defence of Valve. Amazing company yes, but that doesn't mean everything they do is right. Wake up people, just cause you love someone/something doesn't mean you can't admit its flaws.dRuGGeRnaUt
Microsoft's Activation andValve's SteamWorks DRM doesn't require constant internet connections i.e. my unstable 3G connection on my laptop works Ok with Microsoft's Activation and Steam.
PS; My desktop PC has ADSL connection .
[QUOTE="GD1551"] The SP is online based so you can lag in the SP as well as be kicked out if your net drops.GD1551
There is no singleplayer stop pulling such a double standard out of your ass.. If that is considered SP.. Then every MMO out there when you solo is considered SP.. Guild Wars when you play by your self is SP.. In the end even when your soloing your still connected to the features and community.. There is no singleplayer.. Stop acting like there is one.
What are you talking about? You realize I can play by myself and if I choose I can take my characters online right? How is there no SP when I can play the game by myself if I wanted and not miss out on anything.
YOUR STILL connected online with all the features.. Using this logic we might as well cry about Guild Wars.. A game where you can play by your self in instanced zones the majority of the game.. The fact of the matter is this is nothing new and has been done in the past.. This crying and complaining this is a huge double standard toa c ommon game type that has been done multiple times in the past.. Yet has never been complained about.. People need to understand that Diablo 3 is a online multiplayer game.
[QUOTE="GD1551"] The SP is online based so you can lag in the SP as well as be kicked out if your net drops.Vaasman
There is no singleplayer stop pulling such a double standard out of your ass.. If that is considered SP.. Then every MMO out there when you solo is considered SP.. Guild Wars when you play by your self is SP.. In the end even when your soloing your still connected to the features and community.. There is no singleplayer.. Stop acting like there is one.
You cannot play and beat an entire MMO or Guild Wars by yourself. You could play those games single player but you are extremely limited in what quests and instances are available to you. You can play and beat all of Diablo with no other players around. There are no large multiplayer hub centers for players to mingle and interact in Diablo. This is a different game entirely.It isn't by design, nor the actual architecture of the games framework in a manner that an MMO is - despite sharing similarities (as so many cross genre-systems games do these days).YOUR STILL connected online with all the features.. Using this logic we might as well cry about Guild Wars.. A game where you can play by your self in instanced zones the majority of the game.. The fact of the matter is this is nothing new and has been done in the past.. This crying and complaining this is a huge double standard toa c ommon game type that has been done multiple times in the past.. Yet has never been complained about.. People need to understand that Diablo 3 is a online multiplayer game.
Sorry like TITAN QUEST diablo is a game with online multiplayer, you can play the SP if you want and never venture online.
Here's a quote from a blizzard rep
-"Your character will be online on battle net the moment you start playing," said Pardo. "You can play a solo experience like you would in Diablo II, it's just your character is on Blizzard's servers and authenticated." This character can then hop into multiplayer games and trade items with others through battle net."
So does he not know about this own game?
You're.YOUR STILL connected online with all the features..
Features that impact on solo play how? Constant connection required for solo play how? The only justification with some weight I've witnessed is 'server side items generation', and even that can be done entirely client side with the properties and items validated upon a connection to battle.net servers.
The other is DRM.
Comparing online systems actually; there's so much cross genre similarities let alone *famework* in these games that it's an efficient comparison.So again avoiding the guild wars analogy?Ignoring the actual genuine fact that Diablo 3 is not a server side MMO?A fundementally online game with its own RPG systems, percistance, server side processing and storage, yet clientside dominant, and a major focus on online components and intergration - yet has an offline component.
Diablo is not becoming an MMO, when the game is so heavily client-side processed, it's still a game that's integrated far more online systems (like so many games do ala Brink (yet maintain an offline capability) an still shares much in common with the framework of hack and slash genre games.
There's no reason the game can't have an offline capability at all, still, even as the arguments justifying it become more muddled.
Unsurprised, there's effort is required to counter response to try and establish what these amazing framework differences are against something as simple as Brink.
And its hard for you to accept this is a server side rpg now? little nuasences asside.[QUOTE="skrat_01"]Ignoring the actual genuine fact that Diablo 3 is not a server side MMO?And its hard for you to accept this is a server side rpg now? little nuasences asside.Which is how different to brink other than data processed server side, which can already easily be processed by the client as it has been done for well over a decade, then validated by a server upon connection as it already is in numerous games? How again? What valid reason was there for these always online features existing to impacting on solo play? What again?Unsurprised, there's effort is required to counter response to try and establish what these amazing framework differences are against something as simple as Brink.
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