Yeah, that's what Sony is saying about their success in the video game industry. Even if not a Sony fan, you have to admire the push they are doing. Sony has been through the gauntlet of bad press, and still will manage to come out on top like the giants they are. People say blu-ray will flop. It has succeeded. People say it can't do better graphics. Heavenly Sword shows up. People say the online is terrible. PS Home closed down shop. You can't background download on the PS3. I can have up to 6 download screens now. 4 more than the Xbox360. Nobody want's HDTVs. 60% increase in HDTV sales over the holidays. Also, Xbox360 is now making a console to support HDMI. PS3 is only out to make money. yeah, well my PS3 is helping to cure cancer. Such a benevolent act for a company to do. PS3 does nothave any games. Heavenly Sword, DMC4, Rachet and Clank, GTAIV, Tekken 6, Socom 4, and many, many others are all coming soon within the next year. Haters are running out of excuses on why the PS3 will fail. here is a quote from PS3 for those who choose not to buy one.
PS3: "You lost one. Let go to gain some. Lose some to win some. Sorry, I'm a champion."Â
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