@mikhail: let's see your gamertag. If you even wanna debate that movement on a mouse is better then a analog stick that's called rabbid fanboyism.
It's clear cut D3 is superior on consoles the fact some people debate that is concerning.
I'm sorry but hard lock-on, less elite affixes, no ladders and seasons, and rampant hacking/duping of items is a no brainer to stay away from the console version if you want a real Diablo experience.
@mikhail: let's see your gamertag. If you even wanna debate that movement on a mouse is better then a analog stick that's called rabbid fanboyism.
As if I would ever connect this account to a gamertag or Steam ID...you're nuts. But hey, if your only defense is a passive aggressive attempt at calling me a liar, then you can go pound sand down a rathole.
@mikhail: because giving a gamertag is so private? Give me a break you haven't played it on both so stop the bullshit.
Let's see your Steam ID, PSN, and Gamertag then.
This whole "Prove you've played it" is a straight up AmazonAngry last-ditch defense and I'll have no part of it. You still aren't addressing my point about the subjectivity of your statement. Some people prefer mouse and keyboard, some controllers, but saying they're the same is just dumb.
@RoboCopISJesus: we get the same season content as the pc.
You don't have seasons and ladders, but you do have rampant hacking/duping. If you want real diablo you play it on PC.
@mikhail: "theSterls" I've said it a dozen times on these forums. Send a pm or I assume your full of Shit. It's simple put up or shut .
Like I care if you don't believe that I've played both...go pound sand. Is that how you behave on forums by just going around and demanding "proof" from anyone who ever says anything you don't agree with? Give me a break.
Really doesn't seem like a big deal; if you have a PS4 get that, if you have Xbone you are missing out on almost nothing,
Parity is closing even faster then I expected. Like I said, "By the time E3 rolls around next year the parity will be pretty much closed. 52fps is not even worth a threads. That's seriously grasping at straws. Updated SDK in Nov and DX12 + update in Spring 2015. Game on.
If you're happy with compromise, the Xbox One is definitely the console for you.
News flash: no amount of SDK updates will make up for a +40% TFLOP difference in GPU power. Better luck next generation,
Stay clueless. lol!! We aren't seeing anymore 720P games on XB1 and soon there won't be any 900P games. Parity is disappearing with ever new game announced. I own both consoles and have had the PS4 version of D3UEE preordered since it was announced. I don't see 8fps as being a compromise. It's pretty much irrelevant for anyone who buys this game. This generation is far from over and the XB1 is just getting started. Quantum Break was just a taste. Stay biased Mr. Troll.
I hope you're not reaching that conclusion with a game that wasn't even that demanding when it came out on PC and that could be maxed out with a midrange card?
@RoboCopISJesus: Lmao rampant hacking? At least my whole account didn't get wiped. And yes we get the season content dumbass it was already mentioned by blizzard. If you want always online dram, server stability issues no local co-op then play it on pc.
@RoboCopISJesus: Lmao rampant hacking?
Yes. It is extremely easy to hack and dupe items on the console version. UEE already has hacked items every few games.
Also, please link seasons and ladders for Console date.
@RoboCopISJesus: Lmao rampant hacking?
Yes. It is extremely easy to hack and dupe items on the console version. UEE already has hacked items every few games.
Also, please link seasons and ladders for Console date.
Stop bickering with him.
@Blabadon: That or butthurt PC gamers doing everything they can to get as much on the screen as possible in order to force any little hiccup they can.
It seems to be the popular vote that the ps4 is the definitive version of this game even including the PC version in the running. It's unheard of to see a console version being touted as better than it's PC counter part unless the PC was just a terrible port.
Why does it matter?
Its great on both consoles.
If you have both consoles, PS4 is the obvious choice unless you are fanboy or have more friends on the system
end of story.
Go have fun.
Stop damage controlling for 8fps. We know Xboxone is weaker. I am tired of these threads saying the same thing over and over again.
It seems to be the popular vote that the ps4 is the definitive version of this game even including the PC version in the running
Definitive version without seasons and ladders, yet full of hacking and duping of items.
Can you link me to that popular vote?
@RoboCopISJesus: consoles will get ladder support as soon as more people join the community. KB/M has no advantage in Diablo except for shifting through your menu which has nothing to do with gameplay.
Lol and you wanna talk about hacking? I lost my whole D3 account on PC when blizzard got hacked. A level 50 Demon hunter down the drain. Item hacks will be patched in no time. As both PS4/X1 are getting full patch support. Have fun with D3 on pc ...... Click click click click Lmao what a joke.
1. Can you provide a link saying when Consoles will get Seasons and Ladders? Thanks. Until they come out on console, you MUST concede that PC version is factually far superior. These two things are basically THE top-end Diablo play. Due to slow controllers and their non-competitive nature they simply aren't allowed at the moment.
2. You don't get it. Hacking and Duping is extremely rampant IN-GAME on consoles. It was one of the biggest problems and it drove away many players on the vanilla edition. It's back in force on UEE. PC does not have it even remotely that bad because of on-line mode. http://www.reddit.com/r/diablo3/comments/2e4716/hacked_items_are_back_on_console/
3. Console has "lock-on"(rofl) and less elite affixes. Easy Mode.
LOLOL @ a herm trying to call out consoles for having too many cheaters. cheating is one of the defining characteristics of online pc gaming. hacks are a multi million dollar business. its nearly impossible to play online pc games for 20 minutes without coming across at least a handful
@RoboCopISJesus: consoles will get ladder support as soon as more people join the community. KB/M has no advantage in Diablo except for shifting through your menu which has nothing to do with gameplay.
Lol and you wanna talk about hacking? I lost my whole D3 account on PC when blizzard got hacked. A level 50 Demon hunter down the drain. Item hacks will be patched in no time. As both PS4/X1 are getting full patch support. Have fun with D3 on pc ...... Click click click click Lmao what a joke.
1. Can you provide a link saying when Consoles will get Seasons and Ladders? Thanks. Until they come out on console, you MUST concede that PC version is factually far superior. These two things are basically THE top-end Diablo play. Due to slow controllers and their non-competitive nature they simply aren't allowed at the moment.
2. You don't get it. Hacking and Duping is extremely rampant IN-GAME on consoles. It was one of the biggest problems and it drove away many players on the vanilla edition. It's back in force on UEE. PC does not have it even remotely that bad because of on-line mode. http://www.reddit.com/r/diablo3/comments/2e4716/hacked_items_are_back_on_console/
3. Console has "lock-on"(rofl) and less elite affixes. Easy Mode.
LOLOL @ a herm trying to call out consoles for having too many cheaters. cheating is one of the defining characteristics of online pc gaming. hacks are a multi million dollar business. its nearly impossible to play online pc games for 20 minutes without coming across at least a handful
So does Diablo3 on console or pc have more cheaters?
This is going to be fun.
@RoboCopISJesus: Just from the few reviews I have seen. Take a look around if you want to.
Ps4 version isn't plagued with hacking. The ps3 version is and people are transfering those accounts into the ps4 version. I figured item duping would become a problem.
Really all the versions are close enough that it's just about picking whatever console you want to play on and get that version.
Really all the versions are close enough that it's just about picking whatever console you want to play on and get that version.
1. I honestly don't care for playing the next patch if it wasn't for Seasons and Ladders, which consoles won't get.
2. The duping and hacked items on console is a huge problem, so huge that you guys aren't getting 2 of the biggest hyped features. (as mentioned in 1)
i have no idea but if by some crazy .00000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance the console versions have more cheaters, that number will probably be at 0 soon enough. pc gaming will always be booming with cheaters. pc gamers are just terribad. even cheating they still typically get rolled on.
i have no idea but if by some crazy .00000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance the console versions have more cheaters
Of course you have no idea, you usually don't know shit about real gaming, only madden and movie games.
The way D3 is playable off-line for Consoles allows for duping and hacking of items, it's so bad that blizzard won't allow ladders/seasons for consoles: the biggest announced feature.
Parity is closing even faster then I expected. Like I said, "By the time E3 rolls around next year the parity will be pretty much closed. 52fps is not even worth a threads. That's seriously grasping at straws. Updated SDK in Nov and DX12 + update in Spring 2015. Game on.
Even the 750TI runs D3 in 1080p 52FPS and is weaker than the 7770..hahahhaa
DX12 was shutdown already it will do nothing,but keep the hopes alive..lol
Stay clueless. lol!! We aren't seeing anymore 720P games on XB1 and soon there won't be any 900P games. Parity is disappearing with ever new game announced. I own both consoles and have had the PS4 version of D3UEE preordered since it was announced. I don't see 8fps as being a compromise. It's pretty much irrelevant for anyone who buys this game. This generation is far from over and the XB1 is just getting started. Quantum Break was just a taste. Stay biased Mr. Troll.
Dude this game run on hardware weaker than the 7770 at 50+ FPS in 1080p max out,in fact on the 7770 it should be like 66FPS on the 7850 is like 80 or more and like 100+FPS on the 7870...hahaha
Quantum break is not even close to The Order we already saw it..lol
Thank god those 50% claims are eroding slowly. We're down to 40% baby!
Could we see 30%-20% in the future? :p
I beat ACT V on torment difficulty on the X1 last night. The game is smooth as butter. Flawless.
i have no idea but if by some crazy .00000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance the console versions have more cheaters
Of course you have no idea, you usually don't know shit about real gaming, only madden and movie games.
The way D3 is playable off-line for Consoles allows for duping and hacking of items, it's so bad that blizzard won't allow ladders for consoles.
which version of x has more cheaters? which version of x has 0 cheaters?
x = any other multiplatform game in history?
i have no idea but if by some crazy .00000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance the console versions have more cheaters
Of course you have no idea, you usually don't know shit about real gaming, only madden and movie games.
The way D3 is playable off-line for Consoles allows for duping and hacking of items, it's so bad that blizzard won't allow ladders for consoles.
which version of x has more cheaters? which version of x has 0 cheaters?
x = any other multiplatform game in history?
So you concede to the fact that the console version of Diablo3 has far more cheaters?
no, i said i dont know if it does because i dont play boring games that require little in the way of skill. the pc version almost certainly has more cheaters if past blizzard games or every other online pc game in history are any indication. almost all console games have exactly 0 cheaters.
@RoboCopISJesus: Do you not remember the ITH rune in Diablo 2? You are delusional if you think the PC version won't be rampant with hacks. And the fact Is the PC has about 10x the cheating of consoles.
no, i said i dont know if it does because i dont play boring games that require little in the way of skill. the pc version almost certainly has more cheaters if past blizzard games or every other onling pc game in history are any indication. almost all console games have exactly 0 cheaters.
The reason Blizzard put in online-only was because of duping/hacking in Diablo 1 and 2. The console version has rampant cheating because of no online-only mode. This allows for duping and hacking of items in the console version as it has off-line play. Console versions saves a character and his gear CLIENT SIDE. Please learn the implications of this in an ARPG. I'm sure you guys have no clue what any of this means.
It's so bad that the console version is not getting the competitive portion (ladder/season) next patch, the most hyped feature in a long time.
Please learn to take a loss like a man rather than ignoring the facts.
i dont play boring games that require little in the way of skill.
But I thought you played console games, now you're saying you don't?
And the fact Is the PC has about 10x the cheating of consoles.
Which hacking occurs on the PC version of Diablo 3, precisely? All items are controlled server-side, characters and stats are stored on the server too. On console this is all done on the client which opened the door for hacked items and other types of cheating.
any cheating happening on the console has an extremely high likelihood of being patched.
They can't patch characters and items being saved client side. This is what allows the rampant cheating.
This is the issue with the console version. This is why it has no ladders and seasons comming next patch.
@RoboCopISJesus: The ITH Rune was used on the online portion of the game. It took blizzard almost 2 years to remove it. Being always online did nothing to counter it. Diablo 2 had a great PVP community and it was basically ruined by a hacker untill blizzard ruined PvP in the game all together.
@RoboCopISJesus: The ITH Rune was used on the online portion of the game. It took blizzard almost 2 years to remove it. Being always online did nothing to counter it. Diablo 2 had a great PVP community and it was basically ruined by a hacker untill blizzard ruined PvP in the game all together.
Okay. But Diablo3 on consoles is a hack/dupe haven due to client-side saves, unlike PC. On PC it is a server-side save.
Personally I'll play it on PC instead due to the atrocious camera angle alone, but the hacking and loss of major competitive modes is a deal breaker for me.
@RoboCopISJesus: Do you not remember Diablo 2? You couldn't take your single player character online to public servers. ITH was a hack on on the public server.
I'd take the camera angle in the consoles version any day as you can actually make out character detail.
And the fact Is the PC has about 10x the cheating of consoles.
Which hacking occurs on the PC version of Diablo 3, precisely? All items are controlled server-side, characters and stats are stored on the server too. On console this is all done on the client which opened the door for hacked items and other types of cheating.
Short term memory much? Do we not remeber all the people that were banned for farm bots ? The PC version was rampant with this. Whats worse? A duped item or a player whos lvl 70 and barely played the game.
@RoboCopISJesus: Do you not remember Diablo 2?
Diablo 2 was a different animal:
Diablo 2 had this issue because it was first designed as a solo game, with battle.net tacked on, without proper client-server code.
If you design the game as a client-server game from the get go, both offline and secure online are possible (you can simply make the game run both the client and the server locally when playing offline). Although it will require some more development work to provide both modes.
Diablo3 is pure server side save for PC, client-side for console. This is why the console version is rampant with item dupes and hacks. This is why Blizzard are not giving you guys season and ladders.
Very simple.
Short term memory much? Do we not remeber all the people that were banned for farm bots ? The PC version was rampant with this. Whats worse? A duped item or a player whos lvl 70 and barely played the game.
Hacked and Dupes items are 1000x worse than having another level 70 to play with........So worse that they prevent certain game modes from reaching your system.
Both look great and run great.
Can't really go wrong with any version...PS4, X1 or PC.
I can't recommend the console version once I found out about the mass hacking and blizz refusing to put in competitive play due to that.
Both look great and run great.
Can't really go wrong with any version...PS4, X1 or PC.
I can't recommend the console version once I found out about the mass hacking and blizz refusing to put in competitive play due to that.
Wait what?
What happened? I don't keep up with D3 on consoles b/c I have it on PC.
@RoboCopISJesus: You don't have certain game modes on your system either. Avenger mode alone is amazing and no local co-op sucks on pc. Any of those items could easily be removed on consoles and will be. I have some of the best items of anyone I play with and there all legit. So this claim of rampant dupes is bullshit. I have yet to see one.
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