@Dire_Weasel said:
@blackace said:
I don't see 8fps as being a compromise. It's pretty much irrelevant for anyone who buys this game.
Of course you don't ...and that's what makes you the perfect target market for the Xbox One. Believe me, Microsoft wishes there were more people like you out there. Spread the word, friend.
Real gamers play games, they don't obsess over Framrates or Resolution.
Makes me laugh, when the 360 was consistently winning these battles over the Ps3 resolution and framerate didn't matter to Cows, now the position is reversed it means everything and lems are using the same Excuse that SONY drones used last gen.Personally i am quite happy playing these games on my 360, not gonna drop 400 quid on just a graphics upgrade, i just want to play the games, 720p, 1080p.... i don't care, 30fps, 60fps, 120 fps....still don't care.
i am sure many people are still happy playing these games on there Ps3 as well.
I still get to play virtually all the Same games that Ps4 and Xbone owners are playing, so what if it's at lower resoution and Framerate, don't make no odds to me it's still the same game.
Lems and Cows Are stuck on an infinite merry go round, both completely changing polarity generation after generation.
We chose to be gamers to play games , that is all, people might want to remember that.
The only thing both SONY and MS have done for the industry is segragate gamers and the sooner they both do one the better.
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