"However, the actual benefits of Xbox One's cloud computing remain uncertain. The promise is that AI and physics calculations are handled remotely, from the 300,000 servers set up by Microsoft's cloud service, Azure."
"Looking for practical evidence of it during the demo, the AI element is accounted for by the many CPU players, whose decisions can feasibly be determined by a remote, host machine. On the other hand, physics-based interactions are kept to such a bare minimum in Titanfall that it's not clear where any external influence comes into effect."
"In the pursuit of 60fps, something has to give way though - and it usually comes to light when looking too closely. It's the uncanny facial animations during NPC briefings, the rough-looking textures on Titan interiors and billboards..."
"The jaggies are a curious point in particular; even judged by the high quality feed we have availability direct from the Microsoft E3 conference there's more sub-pixel shimmering and rough edges than any other game on show, which suggests this may not be a full-blown 1080p title in its current state."
"While 60fps is inevitably a slam-dunk for the Source engine if the active hardware here is indeed a PC, it's curious to see Respawn's shorter two-minute trailer, which precedes the gameplay demo, struggling to reach 50fps in spots and showing clearly the devastating effects of double-buffer v-sync when frame rendering runs over the ultra-tight 16.67ms budget. This trailer cuts together a montage of clips to show off more intensive, cinematic scenes alongside gameplay from new levels, where those featuring heavy effects work and broader draw distances visibly suffer from stutter. With one close-up of a Titan descending to just 40fps..."
So much hype for nothing... now i understand why other are going for 30fps, if its very stable is more than enough.
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