Game is amazing, best cRPG since Baldur's Gate 2. And the true successor to Ultima 7.
A must-play, it's incredible.
Zelda who? Horizon what? The GOTY is Divinity OS II baby.
I want to play this one as soon as I can. I just need to finish up some backlogged 2017 games first.
Still stuck at character creation XD Maybe I should just give in and play an origin character for now. I'm a little indecisive.
I did play a little with one character and I have to say Thane is wonderful. I love my interactions with him XD
@jumpaction: About 50 of them? I got quite the list myself. I actually keep a list now of all the games I started playing recently or I would lose track... yeah, and even that one has gotten quite lengthy. (MR:Kingdom Battle, BotW Master Mode tingle run, Oracle of Ages on 3DS, Metroid Samus Returns, Path of Exile on PC along with Elite: Dangerous in VR and now Divinity 2, and Everybody's Golf on PS4.) I'm slowly getting buried in games. I made the mistake of discovering some great titles from before 2017. 2017 is not the year to get hooked on Path of Exile. But once you get hooked, what do you do? It's like falling in love: you're done for.
@KungfuKitten: Yeah, most of my backlog consists of games not released this year but there are still many games from this year I haven't had the chance to try yet but I very much intend to.
Yeah, it certainly looks like a great game, and I have it marked down for 100% certainty to buy. Pity it had to release during this September/October period.
Oh well. Sale it is.
Too deep to win Goty, but it is the best RPG.
Oh and it's not on console yet, so at most it can win some PC award
Definitely a GOTY contender. I can see it becoming one of my favorite RPGs of all time. Going to be hard to top Zelda as my GOTY but I can see Zelda: BotW, Super Mario Odyssey, and Divinity: OS 2 being my top 3 for this year.
Even if this was legitimately 101% the best game of the year, it's a PC game and a CRPG, it prob won't be acknowledged outside of some specific category.
Sorry , Nier : automata will be the uncrowned GOTY for 2017
Even if this was legitimately 101% the best game of the year, it's a PC game and a CRPG, it prob won't be acknowledged outside of some specific category.
the first one got PC GOTY but Kevin isn't around anymore to endorse it (he worked on the game instead), and its not Japanese so I think you are right the current staff will ignore it completely.
I must say, this game has me veeeery excited, and I could definitely imagine it being GOTY caliber, at least on a personal level for me. D:OS really surprised me. I fell in love with that game about forty-five minutes into it. Larian is a great dev. They know exactly what they are doing, and I'm guessing D:OS2 takes what the first did well and does it a lot better. I don't game on PC, though, so I'm stuck waiting on the PS4 release. Wonderful to hear that the PC community is loving this game!
some compelling arguments here
Yaaaaaaa.... no
Lol no
Too bad Botw came out this year, then you have Mario Odyssey, nothing to argue since theres better games for goty.
/drop mic
I'll agree.
Even if DOS2 doesn't get GOTY, having seen the reception after launch I'm really happy for Larian Studios.
Everybody knows official GOTYs have to please the masses anyway. It's kind of a BS award.
Still amazing release for a game that is waaaaay less accessible than games like Horizon or BOTW.
some compelling arguments here
Lol no
Too bad Botw came out this year, then you have Mario Odyssey, nothing to argue since theres better games for goty.
/drop mic
I haven't played Zelda or Mario so I can't comment, but I'm guessing the same applies for you and Original Sin 2? It seems like you are discounting it for no good reason.
I'm not sure that is mic drop worthy.
Um a port of a game i have on 360 deserves to be a goty? I don't think so
Good luck because your not going to get close to Zelda let alone super Mario oddeseey
some compelling arguments here
Lol no
Too bad Botw came out this year, then you have Mario Odyssey, nothing to argue since theres better games for goty.
/drop mic
I haven't played Zelda or Mario so I can't comment, but I'm guessing the same applies for you and Original Sin 2? It seems like you are discounting it for no good reason.
I'm not sure that is mic drop worthy.
Media says it's the return of Jesus in video game form so any basic level logic need not apply.
Um a port of a game i have on 360 deserves to be a goty? I don't think so
Dear gods.
I don't know where it'll rank yet since I'm still in Act 1 and it may not deliver on its promise, but right now I'm having more fun with D:OS2 than I have any other game this year. And that's just the campaign! This thing has competitive multiplayer and a GM mode that looks like it'll provide my friends and I countless nights of entertainment. My D&D group hasn't been able to meet in years because of life happening (jobs, children, etc). We are all on board with playing campaigns using this game's GM mode. It's incredible.
@AzatiS: Lol, even the first Divinity was miles better than Nier.
I'd rather play warriors orochi 3 than Nier.
I am playing Nier Automata at the moment. The PC port honestly isn't that great but this aside, I'm enjoying it.
However, it's not as good as the better Platinum Games action titles such as Bayonetta and it's WAY behind as far as open world games go. Even this year, Breath of the Wild has it trumped as far as open world. Definitely not one of my favorite games this year but absolutely enjoyable so far.
I heard from most that it gets better so I am going to keep playing it.
@AzatiS: Lol, even the first Divinity was miles better than Nier.
I'd rather play warriors orochi 3 than Nier.
I am playing Nier Automata at the moment. The PC port honestly isn't that great but this aside, I'm enjoying it.
However, it's not as good as the better Platinum Games action titles such as Bayonetta and it's WAY behind as far as open world games go. Even this year, Breath of the Wild has it trumped as far as open world. Definitely not one of my favorite games this year but absolutely enjoyable so far.
I heard from most that it gets better so I am going to keep playing it.
Nier : Automata is a game that as a whole excels in so many different aspects that other games wont even think to compete with , including Bayonetta and you should judge games for what they offering as a whole.
You cant compare 10 different games that excel in 1-2 things to a single game but how not to when Nier is what it is and blending so different experiences so well. Including a story with multiple endings which adds extra value and replayability in the end of the day. If i have to talk about this game will take a while but im not here to praise the game.
You should try Nier on consoles if you want optimal experience.
@AzatiS: Nier having worse combat than Bayonetta but compensating for it with a poor open world doesn't make it better in my opinion.
Its combat isn't as deep as Bayonetta and the open world isn't good enough to make up for this. If the open world was actually good, I'd be more forgiving. Like BOTW. It has even shallower combat that Nier but a significantly better open world that makes up for it.
That's just my take on it. Nier does a bunch of stuff that are average enough to be fun bit not enough to tackle any game in the genres it combines.
@indzman: aw well yes it looks great and I have heard wonderful things from people on SW who usually recommend me great games. :)
some compelling arguments here
Lol no
Too bad Botw came out this year, then you have Mario Odyssey, nothing to argue since theres better games for goty.
/drop mic
I haven't played Zelda or Mario so I can't comment, but I'm guessing the same applies for you and Original Sin 2? It seems like you are discounting it for no good reason.
I'm not sure that is mic drop worthy.
Even if DoS 2 were 50% better than the first DoS, it would still suck compared to BotW, hell even if it were 100% better it would still not be as good (goty material). Do you know how many perfect scores that game got?, it's up there as one of the highest rated games (tied for 6th). Then you have Odyssey, it's Mario, that game is already gonna do well and considering if you look at previous Goty winners (here), the last PC exclusive was 2004 (which was WoW).
So lets go down memory lane on Goty winners
2016- Overwatch
2015- TW3
2014- Shadow of Mordor
2013- LoZ AlbW
2012- Journey (/vomit)
2011- Skyrim
2010- RDR
2009- Demon Souls
2008- MGS4
2007- SMG
2006- Geow
2005- RE4
2004- WoW
2003- LoZ WW
2002- Metroid Prime
This is when they had awards x2 for console and pc
2001- GTA 3/// Serious Sam TFE
2000- Chrono Cross//// The Sims
1999- Soulcalibur////Everquest
1998- Loz OoT////Grim Fandango
Pre x2 awards
1997- TA
1996- Diablo
As you can see LoZ as a series dominates the Goty awards here and Blizzard dominates right behind Nintendo, so considering there was no Blizzard games this year nor other high caliber devs with goty games besides Nintendo, it's almost a given ether Odyssey or Botw will win goty here unless we get another upset with Middle Earth Shadow of War like in 2014.
So if you wanna debate and make yourself look like a window licker, be my guest cause all you had to do is use common sense and look at previous winners to actually see DoS 2 has no chance of getting goty, it might get PC goty but who gives a **** that's a pity award like having best -insert console name here goty winner- and do it for every console out...whoopie fraking doo
@AzatiS: Nier having worse combat than Bayonetta but compensating for it with a poor open world doesn't make it better in my opinion.
Its combat isn't as deep as Bayonetta and the open world isn't good enough to make up for this. If the open world was actually good, I'd be more forgiving. Like BOTW. It has even shallower combat that Nier but a significantly better open world that makes up for it.
That's just my take on it. Nier does a bunch of stuff that are average enough to be fun bit not enough to tackle any game in the genres it combines.
You focusing what it does worse but not what does better and you focusing in a single aspect of several other games vs a single game. Not fair dont you think.
You say Bayonetta better combat , BOTW better open world .. whats next ? X games better story and Z games better mechanics ...
Nier to me is an underated wonder way above average. You just need to be open minded about it and appreciate it as a whole.
Completely agree, a genuinely fantastic RPG engine... and unlimited possibilities.
Puts most otther RPGs to shame..
Makes Persona 5 more like a visual novel.
I don't understand how Mario will be "GOTY confirmed".... seems abit ridiculous to me, they are by far the best platformers sure.. but its again a play once and forget.
Games like this.... could be into 100s of hours... quite easily... Dungeon Master support, great online and mod support... simply unstoppable.
GOTY is usually shallow as s*it. its obviously going to be Zelda, even though it was a pretty poor Zelda... and more a fetch/hide n seek simulator, with plenty of tedious climbing.
Nier was good, but a tad overrated if anything. Deserving of 7.5 - 8 maybe. Definitely not GOTY material though.
some compelling arguments here
Lol no
Too bad Botw came out this year, then you have Mario Odyssey, nothing to argue since theres better games for goty.
/drop mic
I haven't played Zelda or Mario so I can't comment, but I'm guessing the same applies for you and Original Sin 2? It seems like you are discounting it for no good reason.
I'm not sure that is mic drop worthy.
Even if DoS 2 were 50% better than the first DoS, it would still suck compared to BotW, hell even if it were 100% better it would still not be as good (goty material). Do you know how many perfect scores that game got?, it's up there as one of the highest rated games (tied for 6th). Then you have Odyssey, it's Mario, that game is already gonna do well and considering if you look at previous Goty winners (here), the last PC exclusive was 2004 (which was WoW).
yea Zelda will win most of the GOTY awards for the simple reason that most game critics wont play Divinity OS2. Won't have much to do with the actual quality of the games.
but your attitude (and theirs) is shitty. GOTY is really more a popularity contest at most sites since only super mainstream games that all contributing staff will have played will be seriously considered.
(also, Divinity OS won PC GOTY even though the best version of Shadow of Mordor was on PC that year... can't say I really put much stock in GS GOTY awards with that kind of stuff going on)
@knight-k: I would have tried to let the game stand on it's own merits rather than compare it to behemoths like Horizon and Zelda. It's a truly wonderful RPG and definitely the best isometric game since Baldurs gate 2, but it's most certainly not winning GOTY.
@AzatiS: Don't get me wrong, I think that it is a good game. I just got my first ending (minus 'K' which is kind of a novelty end).
Even focusing on what it is, it takes an action game which is reasonably okay. Basic stuff of weak attack, strong attack, evasion and a long range attack. That stuff is fine but there isn't really a robust combo system, dodge cancelling or any I-Frame wizardry required. It's fairly bare-bones. It has a pretty bad camera too. It adds stats to this which make some rather repetitious fights last longer than they need to based on the level differences. The open world isn't that good. Follow the map marker stuff. Little to no room for exploration and map design is stuffed with invisible walls and places you cannot go. The side quests lack a bit of variety too.
Overall though, I did enjoy it. I can understand why people would love it but on my first playthrough, I thought it was just good. Not great. I would like to play it once more at the promise of new mechanics and systems that they end-game treats you to.
@AzatiS: Don't get me wrong, I think that it is a good game. I just got my first ending (minus 'K' which is kind of a novelty end).
Even focusing on what it is, it takes an action game which is reasonably okay. Basic stuff of weak attack, strong attack, evasion and a long range attack. That stuff is fine but there isn't really a robust combo system, dodge cancelling or any I-Frame wizardry required. It's fairly bare-bones. It has a pretty bad camera too. It adds stats to this which make some rather repetitious fights last longer than they need to based on the level differences. The open world isn't that good. Follow the map marker stuff. Little to no room for exploration and map design is stuffed with invisible walls and places you cannot go. The side quests lack a bit of variety too.
Overall though, I did enjoy it. I can understand why people would love it but on my first playthrough, I thought it was just good. Not great. I would like to play it once more at the promise of new mechanics and systems that they end-game treats you to.
If only game was decent on PC and had proper patching....
I think this game is and will end up being one of the most underated games in recent gaming history as of gamers appreciation and an uncrowned GOTY. Too bad this year competition is on another level otherwise in my mind game would be a clear winner.
Thats my opinion about the game.
@AzatiS: I haven't experienced any bugs or frame-rate dips or anything really serious fortunately. I got 60fps+ without fail throughout the whole game. My issues were primarily on a graphical level. I was able to fix the resolution with the FAR mod, but the texture and object pop-in, while inconsequential, was present.
I enjoyed it but not as much as games like Prey and Breath of the Wild personally. Playing Specter of Torment at the moment too and I'm enjoying that a whole lot also.
@jumpaction: The texture pop in was awful, and so many things are really low polygon count.
I think 50% of the polygons were used on 2B's amazing glutes.
@appariti0n: Hahaha. To be fair both 2B and 9S looked great in the game. The texture on their clothes looked really velvety and tactile. The buildings however... my God. The desert region was also genuinely ugly.
Um a port of a game i have on 360 deserves to be a goty? I don't think so
Good luck because your not going to get close to Zelda let alone super Mario oddeseey
Huh! You have a crowd funded game which came out of Steam early access on September 14th and, for the time being, is a PC exclusive (Xbox One and PS4 versions are coming) on the Xbox 360? On top of that you think it's a console port?
Even the first game wasn't ported to Xbox 360, it was ported to Xbox One and PS4 over a year after the PC release, so I have absolutely no idea what game you're thinking of here.
@Ballroompirate: That list says more about Gamespot than it does about actual great games. Seeing as were talking about Divinity Original Sin, the first game was awarded PC GotY over Shadow of Mordor in 2014 and even though PC also had the best version of SoM, which Divinity was better than (as per GS awards), it was awarded overall GotY. It was nothing to do with SoM being a better game and everything to with Divinity not being available on consoles (the console port hadn't been announced at that time). Got to keep the main stream, cash cow, developers happy with those game awards. (By the way I really enjoyed SoM and I'm looking forward to the next one, once I'm done with Divinity OS II)
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