I will never understand how games like these can hold peoples interest for more than a few hours.
ZzzZZZZZzzzzZ booooooooooooooooooring.
while I don't agree with you, I totally understand this sentiment. It takes a lot of patience to fully enjoy this game (and these types of games).
which is why at the end of the day it wont win many GOTY awards. the appeal just isn't wide enough.
It sold 500k in about 4-5 days and it one of the most played RPG's on Steam co-current, in it's history.
It pretty clearly has wide appeal. His reply is basically Zelda salt, seemed pretty obv.
yea but if you look at the staff of gaming sites, I wonder how many people beyond the ones assigned to review this game will play it. that is what really matters when it comes to GOTY awards. I think Brett Todd is a freelancer? kinda shows that none of the staff writers wanted to play it/review it
I know a lot of people who wouldn't have the patience for this game. and thats fine
Oh yea, I certainty agree a lot of staff of gaming sites are pretty much illiterate when it comes to pc gaming, no excuse for that though, they are getting paid to do a job.
If it's Average Joe i.e. us... totally understandable. Someone where it's their actual job? Hell no, that shit is straight up incompetence.
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