I'm really sorry, but the combat in NG 2 is better than DMC 4, having to rely on lock-on is a pain in the backside.
NG2 is without a doubt the better combatively.
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I'm really sorry, but the combat in NG 2 is better than DMC 4, having to rely on lock-on is a pain in the backside.
NG2 is without a doubt the better combatively.
DMC3 was better than DMC4 in my opinion. DMC4 doesn't do the series justice. DMC is all about styles and NG is all about survival so please stop comparing DMC4 to NG2 in term of difficulty.dark-warmachine
DMC 4 is a side stroy just like DMC 2 was. DMC 1 and DMC 3 were main stories and major games as DMC 5 will most likely be.
I didn't think DMC 4 was any fun at all. I think it is a lot more fun dispatching enemies in NG 2.
The one thing I have come up against in NG 2 that I don't like: Cheap enemies. Those goddamn dogs in the second level are cheap as hell. I never felt Ninja Gaiden had cheap enemies until I came up against those zombie dogs that mysteriously shoot explosive projectiles. What..The...F. ?
Considering both games reecieved a 8.0 here, tehy are very comparable adn equally awesome. However, which game wins in what area is a differnt Question. So Ive broken the comparison down to Catagories and I gave my personal input. Of course, I, like you, can only give my personal opinon.
Story: Neither game really has a compelling story. both seem very generic, but for some reason I thought NG 2s story was pretty non existant, while DMCs was atleast a little interesting and cool. I jsut liked the DMC franchises storyline more. So this one goes to DMC 4 for me.
DMC 4: 1 NG 2: 0.
Gameplay/Combat: Since combat and Gameplay is pretty much the same in these games, i combined them.: While Both games have great combat Mechanics ( ipersonally love DMCs Style oriented gameplay) I have to give this one to NG 2. The combat is just so Lucid and fluent its like a Ballet of flashing steel and gore. However, teh camerra is a real issue. still its gets teh point
DMC 4: 1 NG2: 1
Graphics: now heres where Im going to get alot of flak. Both games look great, but NG 2, to me, dosent seem like a massive improvement ove rthe otehr iterations. Its looks nice, but I jsut found DMC 4 to be a Bigger Upgrade than NG 2 was in graphics (im comparing NG 2 to NG 1 and DMC 4 to DMC3 to be fair to both) NG2s characters jsut look to shiny and plasticy, while DMCs characters look more realistic. So DMC 4 gets the point.
DMC 4: 2 NG 2: 1
Challenge: Honestly, how could I not give this to NG 2. Its really one fo the gmaes wehre your either good at it, or you jsut get Owned over and over again. Its very Challenging, which is a blessing and a curse. I fell like I could Dispatch enemies with realtive ease in DMC 4, while with NG 2 I have to think. NG 2 gets teh point:
DMC 4: 2 NG 2: 2
We got a tie so far. Now ehre comes the almost impossible to decide one:
the Fun Factor: Now this is VERY subjective to opinon, so ill let you draw your own conslusions for this one. I thought NG 2 was fun, after dying over and over and over again. this is what I meant when I said NG 2s difficulty is a blessing AND a curse. Quit frankly, if you play this gmae for the first time, you are going to be very frustrated, to teh point where you might not want to play any more. With DMC 4, you have a much greater chance of getting it on teh first try. So for this (Im thinking about the Majority of Gamers) I have to give the point to DMC 4. Please dont flame me.
So we have DMC 4: 3 NG 2: 2 (of course, the last catagory is subject to opinon, so take it for what you will.)
I was thinking of putting a FPS/Performance Catoagory, but decided it wasnt big enough. If I did, DMC 4 would win that mainly because NG 2s FPS hitches alot when theres alot of people on screen.
So there you have it.
I actually just got DMC:4 DANTE FOREVER, but thost mothers better bring back Vergil or my brothers gonna cry (hates Nero) I haven't played NG2 yet, but I easily chose DMC over it just because I've always had a ps2 and all the dmc games are amazing.
I would say DMC4 because it changed up the formula more than NG2 did, personally NG2 feels WAY too much like the first one, with all the flaws still in semi good shape to bog a few things down.
Both awesome games though, nothing beats the massive Scyth Ryu gets...damn fun.
I don't know man, I felt like I was playing a PS1 game with DMC 4, gameplaywise.It looked pretty but it was like every Capcom action game.I would say DMC4 because it changed up the formula more than NG2 did, personally NG2 feels WAY too much like the first one, with all the flaws still in semi good shape to bog a few things down.
Both awesome games though, nothing beats the massive Scyth Ryu gets...damn fun.
The bad camera, the deceptively huge castle which has basically a hidden city underneath it, cheesy characters, ludicrious storyline, female characters that either are wearing too little clothes with HUGE breasts and overly agressive or totally meek women that need to be saved by the hero.Weapons or devices that have to be obtained by defeating a boss that can only be used by the one person that is there to destroy the place that these devices are protecting.
I think it's basically stale Japanese game design IMO and both games suffer for it.
Story: I didn't pay any attention to DMC's story nor NG2's story. So I don't care
Gameplay: NG2 hands down.
Graphics: Wash. DMC4 seems to blend everything well. NG2 is over the top but I like it.
Challenge: I'm cursing more on the third level of NG2 than I did the entire game of DMC4.
Fun Factor: The weapons in NG2 is what has me. And I'm still in Chapter 3.
[QUOTE="Dark_Knight6"][QUOTE="Drukter"]Again, DMC4 is the biggest disappointment of 2008. I cannot believe that people find it good, seriously, it's so easy. Even Hell or Hell is easier than Warrior mode in NG2. Now I understand why developers are making the games easier, every gamer has lost their balls.peacenutman
Wow, your just as ignorant as Itagaki. A game doesn't have to kick your ass to the point of exhaustion to be good.
Well said.
But then again NG is never hard, just spam Flying Swallow and carry TONS of Spirit Elixirs, which are cheap and easy to find. On the other hand, you can barely find healing items in DMC, you have to buy them, and they get more expensive each time you buy one.
in the new one...... you can only max out 3 at atime in the elixers on NG2 and they expensive.... thus making the game even more challenging
gaiden 2's framerate is the most unstable framerate i ever graced on a ninja gaiden game....... the game is hard but not that hard..... the camera angles during boss fights are horrid..... the game storyline does not make any sense, and he just seem out of place in NY. the action is fighting is top notchxboxps2cube
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this.It's like they didn't even try to be creative.
[QUOTE="black_awpN1"][QUOTE="L1qu1dSword"][QUOTE="black_awpN1"][QUOTE="Cubs360"]NG 2 is better then DMC 4, its more badass-RocBoys9489-
Eh, I always thought of Dnate as more of a badass. That title was cemented the time he Rode a Missile like a Surf board in 3.
Next to Ryu Dante seems more cheesey then badass.
Atleast Dante is funny. Ryu just says like a sentence and thats it. Id chose smartass over Mute anyday.If I chose a bodyguard, I'd choose Ryu anyday.
Considering Dante took a bullet to the head, a broadsword through the chest, and caught a katana with his hands, I think I'd go with him.
I only have played a little bit of NG2 (the demo) but in all honesty there wasn't a moment of DMC4 that I enjoyed as much as those 20 minutes of NG2 I played. I'm sorry but DMC4 just wasn't very good, and I loved DMC3 and the original DMC. The backtracking was ridiculous in DMC4 and it got really repetitive really fast, and some of the game design was very poorly conceived.
That being said, aside from the bad camera I really enjoyed the time I had with NG2 and will consider picking it up maybe after my fifth playthrough of MGS4.
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