This is how they're trying to attract the west? How insulting. AAllxxjjnn
sales will either drop or skyrocket.
seriously WTF is this ?
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I'm not dissing... it was a very litteral observation.
They're obviously trying to appeal to the West, and the West loves Glee and vampires and mashups.
1. Twilight.
2. Glee.
3. ?
4. Profit.
oh god...and this is the Game Director from Ninja Theory.
Smh...I am overwhelmed with pity right now.
Wait... ninja theory? Oh god! They can't make an appealing looking male character at all. The only characters that seem to be good from them, are mostly female characters. Even with decent concept art, they seem to have trouble creating a male character that doesn't look like a crappy villain (completely impossible to relate). The game engine also seems to be different, or they overused the shadows -- making the characters look really bad.
Dante looks nothing like a teenager. He looks more like a 20 year old drug addict than a teenager (again mostly because of the lighting). I doubt this character will ever appeal to DMC fans; Nero was a stretch but this is just a joke. Capcom dropped the ball with this one...
I'm already considering this a really bad move, even worse than DMC2. I'm not going to get this game... DMC ended with DMC1 and DMC3 for me.
Don't people generally think that Ninja Theory is doing good with Enslaved? I know Heavenly Sword is pure **** but that doesn't mean this will be bad. Then again I said I wasn't a fan of team ninja for metroid other m and has anyone seen the review in GI? I know the review is better here but still a 79 on meta critic is one of the lowest that series has ever gotten equal to metroid pin ball. Everyone told me I was crazy for thinking it wouldn't be so good and Nintendo is watching over it. I guess the best we can hope for is DMC2 quality.
Don't people generally think that Ninja Theory is doing good with Enslaved? I know Heavenly Sword is pure **** but that doesn't mean this will be bad. Then again I said I wasn't a fan of team ninja for metroid other m and has anyone seen the review in GI? I know the review is better here but still a 79 on meta critic is one of the lowest that series has ever gotten equal to metroid pin ball. Everyone told me I was crazy for thinking it wouldn't be so good and Nintendo is watching over it. I guess the best we can hope for is DMC2 quality.
Heavenly sword wasnt **** problem with team ninja is that they cannot deliver 60 fps fast gameplay..even the trailer looks slow..also they always struggle with fps problem
lets see what you have to say when you look at this artwork[QUOTE="Master_ShakeXXX"]
That game is NOT Devil May Cry. I demand you change the name TC. Change it to Twilight Teenie Bopper **** **** **** **** ****!!!!!! **** my life!
Looks like a meth addict that just got the **** beaten out of him
Don't people generally think that Ninja Theory is doing good with Enslaved? I know Heavenly Sword is pure **** but that doesn't mean this will be bad. Then again I said I wasn't a fan of team ninja for metroid other m and has anyone seen the review in GI? I know the review is better here but still a 79 on meta critic is one of the lowest that series has ever gotten equal to metroid pin ball. Everyone told me I was crazy for thinking it wouldn't be so good and Nintendo is watching over it. I guess the best we can hope for is DMC2 quality.
Heavenly sword wasnt **** problem with team ninja is that they cannot deliver 60 fps fast gameplay..even the trailer looks slow..also they always struggle with fps problem
It's ninja theory, NOT team ninja. If Team Ninja did this game, it probably would only have fan-service and a slightly poor story. Team ninja probably would do a better job with the character though, even if the character ended up looking like Ryu.
lets see what you have to say when you look at this artwork[QUOTE="fezano"]
That game is NOT Devil May Cry. I demand you change the name TC. Change it to Twilight Teenie Bopper **** **** **** **** ****!!!!!! **** my life!
WTF :cry: its like a justin beibers version of dante
don't be silly...dante doesn't look that gay.
it's sad what capcom is doing. making dante look like a "hipster" and i bet that everything he does in the game he does ironically.
i'm pretty sure that' gel. ;)▲ for what it's worth, he DOES have white in his hair. Since Dante is over a thousand years old, he is probably young in this game. I wonder if Virgil will be in it. ▲
Didn't you know when they want something to look cool to teenagers in America they make that character have a Union Jack somewhere on their clothing?Why does he have a union jack on his coat :cry:
lets see what you have to say when you look at this artwork[QUOTE="Master_ShakeXXX"]
That game is NOT Devil May Cry. I demand you change the name TC. Change it to Twilight Teenie Bopper **** **** **** **** ****!!!!!! **** my life!
Enslaved hasn't even come out yet :?I am more concerned that Ninja Theory is deving this considering their outings with Heavenly Sword and Enslaved have not been impressive.
the character model is a bit shocking...but i'm not going to dismiss it
who's to say dante always had white hair? we don't know that for sure
and who knows what he was like as a teen
i can see this as young hipster cocky dante becoming into the white haired dante we know...some **** goes down and he experiences some underworld stuff and the slowly starts to become a badass
WHY? there is so much that annoys me
first, that is quite possible the ugliest mug I have seen in a LONG time and that isn't even mentioning that dante shouldn't look like that!
second, am I the only one annoyed that dante smoke? it seams so out of character doing that typical smoke before battle lame ass thing
I know it is when he is young and a reboot but this is just awful, DMC3 was a good prequal and you didn't need to go futher back then that (unleash you want to have small flashback in the current game)
I do HOPE it turn out good but at this moment I look back at DMC2 with alot more pleasure
guys take it easy... am a huge DMC fan and we still dont have enough info on the story.. its pretty obvious Dante looks different considering in this game he is much younger.. also he just has a different hair style & color... no big deal..
maybe in this game something happens which changes Dante's hair color to what we've been used to see in past DMC games,like gaining some new powers which alter his looks or something like that..
^^ Pretty much this. Too many butthurt fanboys/fangirls getting up in arms over something we know nothing about. Besides, this reboot is needed, considering DMC4 was pretty bad. I even find it funny how Virgil fanboys are hating on the new look calling him "Emo". What the heck do you call DMC3, then? The whole game reeked of the same "emo" vibe people are blasting this reboot with.
This Dante >>>>>>>>> DMC3's Dante.
Again iv said once ill say it again. REBOOT!!!!! people need to understand this word. Its not a sequel or prequel thefore they can mess with the look a bit. Also he seems to act the same ya know cocky. I mean he had a demon in a headlock and out a cigerate out on its head. Also if anythign all they did was give him a haircut and made him skinny. In the end both character designs orginal and reboot look kinda like hot topic people.
guys take it easy... am a huge DMC fan and we still dont have enough info on the story.. its pretty obvious Dante looks different considering in this game he is much younger.. also he just has a different hair style & color... no big deal..
maybe in this game something happens which changes Dante's hair color to what we've been used to see in past DMC games,like gaining some new powers which alter his looks or something like that..
Dude heres your answer to what you said. Its a reboot. Theres no real story answer its just a reboot not sequel or prequel. So they can mess with the look of the character a bit if they want to.
Maybe if people ****ed long enough they'll cave and change "Dante's" look like sucker punch with Cole. The people will prevail!!!!
Gameplay looks good a bit conservative for DMC but we'll see
But the thing is comparing this change in look to the infamous situation is just incorrect. Infamous 2 is a sequel right after infamous 1 so we espect him to look basicly the same like his face and proboly his hair. Infamous 2 first new look looked like nathan drake with super powers not cole. Remember infamous 2 is a sequel if the up coming infamous was a reboot I would have not cared at all and would have accepted this look. Just like what im doing with DMC REBOOT. Im fine with the look since its a reboot and they are allowed some change to the character. As long as he didint turn to a space marine im fine.
Ninja Theory director Tameem Antoniades takes the stage. "We're taking a younger Dante" that incorporates the youth culture of today, from fashion to music to street art, etc.
so it´s pretty much the same as the regular dante then?
Bu...bu...he has Brown hair!This is what happens when you give a franchise that was developed by japanese ingenuity given to a clueless western crackhead. Full, and i mean full of fail. Sorry real dante, when this **** fails we'll see you again to pick up the pieces.
Capcom/Ninja Theory is going to have to make the gameplay the best in the series if they're to have any hope of not losing the fanbase.
This isn't in the same league as Coles new look. This is a whole new level of being ****.Maybe if people ****ed long enough they'll cave and change "Dante's" look like sucker punch with Cole. The people will prevail!!!!
Gameplay looks good a bit conservative for DMC but we'll see
[QUOTE="Zaibach"]This isn't in the same league as Coles new look. This is a whole new level of being ****.Maybe if people ****ed long enough they'll cave and change "Dante's" look like sucker punch with Cole. The people will prevail!!!!
Gameplay looks good a bit conservative for DMC but we'll see
its a reboot.......why doesint anyone understand this. I..I just dont get it. Its not a prequel or sequel its a reboot.
This isn't in the same league as Coles new look. This is a whole new level of being ****.[QUOTE="hexashadow13"][QUOTE="Zaibach"]
Maybe if people ****ed long enough they'll cave and change "Dante's" look like sucker punch with Cole. The people will prevail!!!!
Gameplay looks good a bit conservative for DMC but we'll see
its a reboot.......why doesint anyone understand this. I..I just dont get it. Its not a prequel or sequel its a reboot.
They have said that it's Dante from when he's young so...I dont want Fallout Boy in my DMC:cry:gamefan67
Well orginal dante looked like he shoped at hot topic only thing he had more muscle.
[QUOTE="gamefan67"]I dont want Fallout Boy in my DMC:cry:finalfantasy94
Well orginal dante looked like he shoped at hot topic only thing he had more muscle.
From someone that often shops at hot topic, I don't think you've shopped at hot topic...[QUOTE="fezano"]
Don't people generally think that Ninja Theory is doing good with Enslaved? I know Heavenly Sword is pure **** but that doesn't mean this will be bad. Then again I said I wasn't a fan of team ninja for metroid other m and has anyone seen the review in GI? I know the review is better here but still a 79 on meta critic is one of the lowest that series has ever gotten equal to metroid pin ball. Everyone told me I was crazy for thinking it wouldn't be so good and Nintendo is watching over it. I guess the best we can hope for is DMC2 quality.
Heavenly sword wasnt **** problem with team ninja is that they cannot deliver 60 fps fast gameplay..even the trailer looks slow..also they always struggle with fps problem
It's ninja theory, NOT team ninja. If Team Ninja did this game, it probably would only have fan-service and a slightly poor story. Team ninja probably would do a better job with the character though, even if the character ended up looking like Ryu.
i got them mixed up but my point still stands
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