For those of you asking me if there are any noticeable differences or trade-offs between the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of DMC4, you'll be glad to know (or not) that there aren't any. OK, if you were to turn on both versions and just let the demo trailer run automatically, you'll find that the PS3 version is sharper, thanks undoubtedly to using the Blu-ray format over the DVD format, even if both games run in 720p, but once you start the actual game they're identical.
I'll leave the in-depth visual analysis for some upcoming coverage we have planned for DMC4, but a couple other points: Xbox 360 controls feel really good, especially since every 360 controller has the force-feedback. If you've imported a Dual Schock 3 from Japan you're all set, but if you're one of the many without a DS3 you'll be missing out a little. The PS3 has not-that-noticeably shorter load times between screens, but that's like 2 seconds versus the Xbox 360's 3 second loads. Seriously, count out 3 seconds. The PS3, however, forces you to install the game on your harddrive, a not insignificant process. I don't know why you're made to do this.
:| Odd.
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