Nothing wrong with Alienware stuff... if you are rich and lazy I guess.
Alienware stuff is expensive as hell, but I don't think people's image of gaming PC's would change. Even if you built that $2000 PC yourself, it would still be over $1000 with what it contains (dual 6870's, and all the other stuff), and if you want the best price you'd have to build it yourself. Plus building a PC isn't something you just go out and "do" instantly, like picking out a console or a prebuilt one.
You have to know where everything goes, you have to know which parts are compatible (a card that uses 2 slots won't go on a motherboard with no more room but a 1 slot card), you have to know which parts are the best bang for your buck (deciding whether to SLI cheaper cards or get a single good card), and in the end the PC community isn't the best community.
You guys on SW might not know this, but they pretty much have their own SW going on, like a Hermit civil war. Go ask what GPU you should buy on a forum and if you're lucky (or unlucky) you'll be witness to a company war between Nvidia fanboys, AMD fanboys and the occasional Intel fanboy arguing about how wrong they all are in the parts they choose to help you with, while everyone's changing standards mean you could be offered a 280 to game cheaper at decent settings, and someone else will laugh at you when you have them proofread your list and make it pricier (this all might be a TAD exaggerated, but it was my experience my first time building a PC).
But yeah, getting into PC gaming with Alienware is pricey but expensive. If you want to save cash, you need time, and a lot of people don't have time, though I guess time is money, so either way you have to make a significant investment. Sadly that's the image, game with pretty games and some freedom and customization, but at quite a cost. But its one I made, and I think there are a few rare places in the world that are actually helpful and not money hungry, but good job finding one of those places hidden behind a huge CompUSA.
when will alienware and other companies realize that if they start expanding their business, make gaming PCs for much lower prices prices and get get rid of the unnecessary crap and focus on whats really important for a dedicated Gaming PC like the GRAPHICS CARD they'd have much bigger business. Whats better? selling $1.4k+ PCs to a few people or selling $1.4k+ PCs to a few people AND sell several PCs under that price range.
The problem is that they don't have a ton of competition.
Alienware is a big name company, they've got a lot of marketing and the public isn't going to know the difference between a GTX 260 and a GTX 580 or the price of every card and innard in a PC, so they'll buy Alienware as its pre made and promises high end gaming, so they advertise pre made gaming PC's, have tons of ads and sponsors, and if someone is just getting into gaming PC's, they'll probably go with Alienware. Heck, I see ads for them all the time on magazines that are supposedly meant for PC enthusiasts, so someone picking up a magazine like that will think "man, these are pricey, but at that price the gaming must be AMAZING".
From a business standpoint, they all wouldn't be selling at that price if they didn't make profit. They sell pricey PC's, people buy them, and its why they're so pricey. Anyone willing to look cheaper will just build their own, so they can sell at that price.
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