Forgive Nintendo? Ok, here's the deal. With the Wii U Nintendo basicly told us "we present this console, to play out games" and the fans said "this and that could be cool" Ironically they listened. The new fatal frame sounds awesome, we got Zombi U (was better then it had any right to be), we got some pretty darn good Nintendo games tbh. Was it a powerful console? Nope, but that Nintendo did not promise. Did It crash and burn, yup. but it more or less delivered what it promised.
In comparison MS promised us the power of the cloud, 2 years in and no cloud power in sight, they promised us games and only really just now are they coming along (amongst failures that are inexcusable).
Sony Promised us great games, and told us to "just hang on, they will be there soon" ever since launch and we got nothing. Every year they bring more promises, and frankly there is nothing to show for it. What few games they delivered have all been pretty freaking underwhelming (bar Blood Borne and Resogun).
Tell me TC even IF we were to treat a corp. Like a person, does it sound to you like Nintendo screwed up the most?
So far this gen only 3rd party have not screwed up, which says a whole lot. I hardly think Nintendo needs forgiving. So far this gen seems to have made it clear: PC is the best bet.
In short: I see no reason why Nintendo should need to be forgiven.
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