Look, I understand most of the time in system wars facts are not used but let me integrate some facts into this equation.
I have a PS3, 360 and top of the line computer.
The simple fact is if it comes out for the PC I buy it for that platform over the other two because the games ALWAYS look the best on PC and I prefer the controls.These are "facts" based on your opinions and preferences and can change with different people.
Most games that come out for the 360 can also be obtained on the PC. Yet, even when you throw these games out of the equation the 360 still has a greater number of A-AAAA games than the PS3. I will be waiting for Gears of War 2 for the PC because it will be better and I don't care about Xbox Live. Until it happens its a 360 exclusive, and it has been stated to not be coming to PC. I DID buy Fable 2 for the 360 because I couldn't wait for it to come out on the PC. However, I bought Far Cry 2 AND Fallout 3 for the PC because they are far superior to both the 360 and PS3 versions.
Why would someone like me give a crap about games like Red Alert 3 and Left 4 Dead on the 360 when I have a PC which will be the superior version? And people with top of the line PC's are in the EXTREME minority. Answer that SIMPLE question. There are FAR more people picking between the two consoles then there are with high end PC's. When you think about it, most PS3 exclusives (all?) don't come out on the PC while almost all 360 "exclusives" do. Yet 360 only exclusives still outnumber PS3 ones even when you DON'T add in 360/PC mulitplats. So for someone in MY shoes this has most definitely been the year of the PS3 since MGS4, Resistance 2 and LBP won't come out for PC while the best games for the 360 WILL come out for PC or are already out. For the THIRD time, the 360 quality exclusives STILL outnumber PS3 ones. Only if you choose to throw out 360 games that MAY come out on PC even when stated that they aren't. As it stands, in 2008 those games are not on another platform other than the 360. We'll be in 2009 and beyond before most of them MAY end up on PC...you could only retroactively give the PS3 2008, but until people develop time travel and start buying games 12-18 months in the past, the argument is stupid.
That's the only logical viewpoint. If everything is the same and you have ALL three platforms, LOGICALLY, which platform has the most quality games. If you take out objectivity and opinion, which system FACTUALLY has the MOST quality EXCLUSIVE games. Factually. No opinion. Great, so the 5% of people with a 360, a PS3, AND a high end PC will have a different logical viewpoint from the overwhelming majority of gamers who don't fit in that category. It may be true, but it isn't applicable to most people. It would be like me framing my argument "If everything else is the same, and you ONLY own a 360, and no access to purchase a PS3 or PC the 360 wins hands down....it is a true statement but useless to the 99.999999% of people that criteria doesn't apply to.
It's the PS3 because most people also have a PC(a PC, or a PC capable of outperforming these consoles? While most have a PC, most don't have a PC capable of running games above and beyond current gen console levels.) and most top 360 games are out or will be out, even better, on the PC while the only place you can get Sony's first parties is on the PS3. Yet, for the 4th time, 360 only exclusives STILL outnumber PS3 exclusives, rendering your entire argument moot. Throw in all the PC/360 multiplats and the PS3 position drops precipitiously.
PC- PC exclusives, PC/360 multiplats
360- 360 exclusives, PC/360 multiplats, 360/PS3 multiplats
PS3- PS3 exclusives, 360/PS3 multiplats
Since you go with the "better" platform we could revise it to this...
PC- PC exclusives, PC/360 multiplats
360- 360 exclusives, 360/PS3 multiplats
PS3- PS3 exclusives
The PS3 still comes up on the short end of the stick
Framing your argument may make things arguably more "factual", but factual and relevant are two different things.
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