Some people just aren't that impressed. One of the biggest God of War fans I know is disappointed by the game. The story is supposedly weaker, and the gameplay fails to do anything new. Now, I'm a big advocate for "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", but the change doesn't have to be big. Just some new motif or gameplay nuance, like in Uncharted 2. GoW3 is an incredibly safe sequel, and though that may please the majority, I'm not that excited about buying a game that is by and large a slightly prettier version of its predecessors. If I name an example, it would be Ratchet and Clank. I love the gameplay in the series, and thought it was nigh perfect in Going Commando, but the games after that have neglected to change at all, and I feel the series has sort of stagnated for me. All of this doesn't change the fact that GoW3 is a great game, it most certainly is, but people have to be careful in labeling it as perfect when it isn't even close (no game is perfect, anyway).
While it's possible to be disappointed by the game, it DOES have "new motif(s) and gameplay nuances". The combat alone has been totally revamped, the platforming has new added elements to them, there are 1st person kills, new weapons with new fighting styles... it is "more of the same" in the sense that you still open chests the same way, you still have Icarus' wings, you still use Blades weapons, etc., but it evolves from 2 at least as much as Uncharted 2 did from Drake's Fortune, if you set aside the multiplayer/co-op stuff. U2 is one of my top 5 games this gen, but it doesn't exactly stray from U: DF in the gameplay department, it just tightens it up.Would you mind elaborating on that? I know you're a big fan of this game, so maybe you've dived deeper into it and have analyzed itmore then myself, i'd love to hear your take on it!
I didn't feel any of krato's combo changes did much of anything to change up the gameplay(just like from GoW1 to 2). Alot of the returningenemies fight in the exact same manner. Button mashing is still just as effective as it was in previous games. The new item swap feature was good though, but given how uneffective they are in combat and how uneeded the other weapons were(besides the cestus), they could've just left that to the dpad. They still have no controllable camera(ya i know, i keep bringing that up dont i :D), and dodge is weak still - you can't dodge in all directions. There are some new additions, but almost nothing has been really refined imo, just changed up slightly. Now, i'll give you the ability to L1+O, that's a worthwhile new addition.. but, hardly gameplay changing. Uncharted, on the other hand, had weak mechanics that U2 polished and tightened up significantly.
IMO, anyone who didn't like the first two will probably not like this game for the same reasons. They exist TC, people of different taste. And ya, alot of those people have better reasons then "it's a ps3 game!!!".
The combat is much more varied and fun in GOW3 than it has been. The other weapons are actually all fun to use and USEFUL unlike the previous GOW. Also, being able to pull yourself to enemies and switch weapons on the fly makes the gameplay much deeper. Add in the hermes boots and you have alot better gameplay than the previous GOW's.
I played UC:df and UC2 and the gameplay felt almost the same in both except UC2 was much more cinematic. (Don't get me wrong I love UC2).
GOW3 is more of the same but they did make the combat alot better and when you play the harder difficulties you realize how deep the combat can get.
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