I know you mods might lock this but I couldn't ignore it so I hope you guys let it breathe just a little bit. If you don't oh well I just wanted to get this out there because everything said in that article is the truth. This is something that has popped up before but more people are taking notice.
Let's be honest. Sony fanboys just seem to be getting worse.
Although more or less accepted here it has to be said that you guys act like a bunch of dunce cavemen across the web.
....and yes to any neutral third party I believe looking to have a neutral conversation and who may be new to gaming only to be constantly bombarded by cavemen who don't agree with their Caveman Playstation Love mentality well then yes it can tarnish the playstation brand for a newcomer.
So to the non-cows do you agree with this?
Luckily for me I decided a while ago that although I despise Sony fanboys with a passion I love my hobby 10 times more which is why yes I've owned a ps1 ps2 and ps3 and yes will eventually possibly pick up a ps4 despite my preference for the Xbox.
This is why this tarnishing perception I think will obviously have less effect on people who have played games for years than those who are new to the industry.
But in any event do you guys actually take a look at how you guys act? Quite funny yet sad at the same time.
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