People have been missing my point.
I know companies care about money and money only. I wasn't expecting Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo to ship me a condolence card when my grandmother died.
Butwhat(notice that I have stress the emphasis on what) has Microsoft done to make you feel like they actually care? Sony has released a new rewards program for its members, stuck with the free online service (despite rumors that they were going to go p2p because of the profit in the market), and they offer free DLCs (though I am sure Microsoft does this too).
So with that said,whathas Microsoft done to make you feel like they actuallycare?
1.Psn is largely based on client server ""p2p"...Please understand the nature of a gaming service and what it uses before you start spouting disinformation. The majority of online games on the ps3 are client server based not dedicated server. The majority of games on xbox live are client server based not dedicated server. Please do not claim in the future that Sony was rumored to change too it as though some how they were using dedicated servers only. So both services are based off the same server types? then why the Live fee? Xbots getting Microshafted as usual.
LOL xbots? its called Lemmings, Atleast get your termonology right. Live is a superior service thats a simple fact In its Client server model its far better then what sony employs.
2. Microsoft offers free avatars, free dlc, free themes, free games and they have a rewards program. *even though I dislike the rewards program, so far its better then what Sony offers in its rewards program* On the same scale as Sony? not even close. Early on yes they did but last time i logged on Live Silver there was nothing for free except some crappy crash bandicoot and fable avatars and wallpapers which looked horrible with the NXE. Guess to get these "Free" things you have to pay for Gold? not exactly free then is it?
You don't own a 360 so don't even claim Oh but when I logged into silver this is all they had. 300 avatars, 200 themes 30 of which are premium themes, about 40 avatar items clothing, and props, and 12 free games now. all available tofree members now.
3.Sony stuck with free because they have no way to charge, The service is not only inferior in every way they are 5 years into the generation no ones gonna stand for a service just up and going charge. You forgot to add IMO. As far as playing a game online, both services are equal and party chat is definitely not justifiable for a charge. So how is it inferior for playing online? sick of hearing people using its not a streamlined service as a reason, because navigating the XMB is soooooo hard and waiting 5 seconds for trophies to sync is time consuming. Sony stuck with free because PC is free. Xbots got shafted but they believe they are getting a good deal because M$ said so, only suckers pay for the internet twice.
No its a fact that Xbox live is a superior service, Voice chat, Voice chat accross all games, Game invites across games, Cross game status, all games have achievements, all standard all games take advantage. Sony stuck with free because they offer an inferior service that no one would pay for, And they wouldn't be able to charge for it 5 years into the generation.
Next your gonna say your on the inside track at sony and know every motivation out of the company...they absolutely care for you as a gamer right? *laughs hard* Even I can admit Microsoft wants my money, but At the point you use M$ is the point your argument becomes completely invalid.
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