Poll Do you care anout Japanese support on Xbox One? (78 votes)
It's kind of worrying how many titles the Xbox One is missing out on, the recently announced FF XII Zodiac Age is skipping the bone as well, just like most other Japanese games. We all know it will come to PC down the line as well, so damn, what ups with this? PC keeps getting way more Japanese support than a console? Granted the Xbox was never a bastion for Japanese gamers and given the fact that even the Wii U destroys it in sales, it's not surprising that the Xbox One is greatly falling behind in scores and sales world wide.
Well, as an Xbox One gamer, do you care about Japanese support? PS4 is killing it, PC is catching up with lightning speed and the Wii U does pretty well thanks to Ninty, so what do you say Xboners of SW? Japanese support yay or nay?
PS: I already know some lem is going to try to spin this, yes we all know the Xbox One is getting Final Fantasy XV, yes it got Dark Souls III as well and it also got Metal Gear Solid V, congratulations on this extreme showing of diversity in the gaming space.
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