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[QUOTE="Ewok432"]lawl @ this thread zealot rush ftw.DealRogersNah, Zerlings rush FTW. The faster rush in SC. Of course if I gave you time to build a Zealot army the Zerlings would be owned. what / who the hell are the Zergs ?
Rushing is one of the reason I hate Command and Conquer online and much prefer Dawn of War 2. It's just a cheap way of winning.
It's not cheap, your just not good enough.
It is a cheap. Create a few soldiers then rush the enemy base with some engineers is a cheap way of winning in command and conquer. One of the reasons I stopped playing. The same thing over and over and it got old. No its a tactic.. That if you fail at you gimp your self horribly.. OFten times early rushes result in the gimping of your economy and a bit of a gamble so if the person you rush ultimately fails with minor damage.. It leaves you with a compromised economy while his is booming.. People need to realize that rushing in the beignning against a good player is never to wipe them out, merely to harass them.. And if you can't harass a player than you arn't very good at the game.[QUOTE="DealRogers"][QUOTE="Ewok432"]lawl @ this thread zealot rush ftw.Serraph105Nah, Zerlings rush FTW. The faster rush in SC. Of course if I gave you time to build a Zealot army the Zerlings would be owned. Zealots pshhh Carriers FTW granted then you would just make a bunch of thoughs Carrier Killers. Starcraft is perfectly balanced like that. I would have to bring in the Archons and destroy everthing. only newjacks get 6 ling rushed, cannons by econ will send them running. oh and carriers are weak i would lol @ u if u went carriers against me.
I used to play BFME II and if you were dwarves you could build gloin and take out a base and army fairly well if you were quick. This, although not cheating, is exploiting balance issues and just plain unfair. So, no, it's not cheating, it's in the game but it is as bad as cheating in some respects.
I used to play BFME II and if you were dwarves you could build gloin and take out a base and army fairly well if you were quick. This, although not cheating, is exploiting balance issues and just plain unfair. So, no, it's not cheating, it's in the game but it is as bad as cheating in some respects.
how long has it been since you played bfme2? gloin is still beastly vs structures but he cant handle damage what-so-ever...the games realllyyy balanced now, there's a bit of hero laming, especially with men still, but there are user patches that pretty much balance out the heroes completely
ive actually found bfme2 to be one of the most balanced rts's (once they patched it) :?
and by the most balanced, that's probably the last rts i've comp cant run anything anymore...i used to be really into the genre, AoE2 and WC3 are some of my favorite games :P
It is a cheap. Create a few soldiers then rush the enemy base with some engineers is a cheap way of winning in command and conquer. One of the reasons I stopped playing. The same thing over and over and it got old.[QUOTE="Deihmos"][QUOTE="Bebi_vegeta"]
It's not cheap, your just not good enough.
Just defend yourself for Christ sake! You call it cheap because your not good enough, that's the bottom line.
GOOD players play aggressively and harass opponents through out the game. This not only gauges the skill of the opponent, it helps you slowly cripple the opponent before you deliver the Coup de grâce. That is how games are MEANT to be played. Games are NOT meant to be decided in the first couple of minutes by how good or bad your rush is. A lot of games find it difficult to implement proper defensive strategies and the only good way to counter most rushes is with a rush of your own, in which case it becomes simply a test of who can micro better. These types of games suck and if you find any enjoyment out of them you have obviously never played a game right because RTS games are designed to be versatile enough to let the player create a vast array of strategies and counter strategies as the game progresses instead of just one, single, CHEAP and STUPID tactic.
P.S. If you haven't tried it, play a turtle game where players make a gentleman's agreement to not fight until a proper army is massed. You will see yourself playing whatever game it is in an entire new way and will most likely get owned by legitimate tacticians.
[QUOTE="Deihmos"] It is a cheap. Create a few soldiers then rush the enemy base with some engineers is a cheap way of winning in command and conquer. One of the reasons I stopped playing. The same thing over and over and it got old.Penguin_dragon
Just defend yourself for Christ sake! You call it cheap because your not good enough, that's the bottom line.
GOOD players play aggressively and harass opponents through out the game. This not only gauges the skill of the opponent, it helps you slowly cripple the opponent before you deliver the Coup de grâce. That is how games are MEANT to be played. Games are NOT meant to be decided in the first couple of minutes by how good or bad your rush is. A lot of games find it difficult to implement proper defensive strategies and the only good way to counter most rushes is with a rush of your own, in which case it becomes simply a test of who can micro better. These types of games suck and if you find any enjoyment out of them you have obviously never played a game right because RTS games are designed to be versatile enough to let the player create a vast array of strategies and counter strategies as the game progresses instead of just one, single, CHEAP and STUPID tactic.
P.S. If you haven't tried it, play a turtle game where players make a gentleman's agreement to not fight until a proper army is massed. You will see yourself playing whatever game it is in an entire new way and will most likely get owned by legitimate tacticians.
Gentleman's agreement? lawl[QUOTE="Bebi_vegeta"]
[QUOTE="Deihmos"] It is a cheap. Create a few soldiers then rush the enemy base with some engineers is a cheap way of winning in command and conquer. One of the reasons I stopped playing. The same thing over and over and it got old.Penguin_dragon
Just defend yourself for Christ sake! You call it cheap because your not good enough, that's the bottom line.
GOOD players play aggressively and harass opponents through out the game. This not only gauges the skill of the opponent, it helps you slowly cripple the opponent before you deliver the Coup de grâce. That is how games are MEANT to be played. Games are NOT meant to be decided in the first couple of minutes by how good or bad your rush is. A lot of games find it difficult to implement proper defensive strategies and the only good way to counter most rushes is with a rush of your own, in which case it becomes simply a test of who can micro better. These types of games suck and if you find any enjoyment out of them you have obviously never played a game right because RTS games are designed to be versatile enough to let the player create a vast array of strategies and counter strategies as the game progresses instead of just one, single, CHEAP and STUPID tactic.
P.S. If you haven't tried it, play a turtle game where players make a gentleman's agreement to not fight until a proper army is massed. You will see yourself playing whatever game it is in an entire new way and will most likely get owned by legitimate tacticians.
What, did you ever play starcraft? And i'm talking tournament level here...
Wow, the way you explained yourself alsmost look as if you never played RTS games.
If you can't counter a rush then you derserve to lose...
P.S. That is a noob way of playing the game. Now I know for fact that you don't know what RTS game are all about.
My friends and I have been RTS gaming together since Age of Empires and one of our rules is no rushing. Not only is it a pathetic tactic but who wants to play a strategy game that lasts 10 minutes? Right now my favorite RTS is Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts. If a game doesn't last at least 2 hours it usually isn't all that great. The point of an RTS in my opinion is to counter the enemies rush (if possible), dig in, build up and claw your way to each point and take the enemy. Rushing may be a strategy but to me its a game wrecker.
My friends and I have been RTS gaming together since Age of Empires and one of our rules is no rushing. Not only is it a pathetic tactic but who wants to play a strategy game that lasts 10 minutes? Right now my favorite RTS is Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts. If a game doesn't last at least 2 hours it usually isn't all that great. The point of an RTS in my opinion is to counter the enemies rush, dig in, build up and claw your way to each point and take the enemy. Rushing may be a strategy but to me its a game wrecker.PS2_ROCKS
You just said you could defend a rush... then how would a game last 10 minutes?
No. If there is an unbalanced unit or unfair tactic (*cough* Arbiter Rush in Halo Wars *cough*), I don't think it is cool to abuse it.II-FBIsniper-IIOh please. The Arbiter is very easy to counter. His special units (suicide grunts) are useless, making him rely heavily on his ability, which can be stopped.
[QUOTE="Deihmos"] It is a cheap. Create a few soldiers then rush the enemy base with some engineers is a cheap way of winning in command and conquer. One of the reasons I stopped playing. The same thing over and over and it got old.Penguin_dragon
Just defend yourself for Christ sake! You call it cheap because your not good enough, that's the bottom line.
GOOD players play aggressively and harass opponents through out the game. This not only gauges the skill of the opponent, it helps you slowly cripple the opponent before you deliver the Coup de grâce. That is how games are MEANT to be played. Games are NOT meant to be decided in the first couple of minutes by how good or bad your rush is. A lot of games find it difficult to implement proper defensive strategies and the only good way to counter most rushes is with a rush of your own, in which case it becomes simply a test of who can micro better. These types of games suck and if you find any enjoyment out of them you have obviously never played a game right because RTS games are designed to be versatile enough to let the player create a vast array of strategies and counter strategies as the game progresses instead of just one, single, CHEAP and STUPID tactic.
P.S. If you haven't tried it, play a turtle game where players make a gentleman's agreement to not fight until a proper army is massed. You will see yourself playing whatever game it is in an entire new way and will most likely get owned by legitimate tacticians.
[QUOTE="II-FBIsniper-II"]No. If there is an unbalanced unit or unfair tactic (*cough* Arbiter Rush in Halo Wars *cough*), I don't think it is cool to abuse it.xsubtownerxOh please. The Arbiter is very easy to counter. His special units (suicide grunts) are useless, making him rely heavily on his ability, which can be stopped. It can be stopped, but that doesn't make it unbalanced. :| A simple solution to the covenant leaders is to NOT make them available right after a temple is built and make it so they actually have to be created through the temple.
GOOD players play aggressively and harass opponents through out the game. This not only gauges the skill of the opponent, it helps you slowly cripple the opponent before you deliver the Coup de grâce. That is how games are MEANT to be played. Games are NOT meant to be decided in the first couple of minutes by how good or bad your rush is. A lot of games find it difficult to implement proper defensive strategies and the only good way to counter most rushes is with a rush of your own, in which case it becomes simply a test of who can micro better. These types of games suck and if you find any enjoyment out of them you have obviously never played a game right because RTS games are designed to be versatile enough to let the player create a vast array of strategies and counter strategies as the game progresses instead of just one, single, CHEAP and STUPID tactic.
P.S. If you haven't tried it, play a turtle game where players make a gentleman's agreement to not fight until a proper army is massed. You will see yourself playing whatever game it is in an entire new way and will most likely get owned by legitimate tacticians.
Uh, you just described the exact purpose of rushing.. Atleast for Starcraft. In a 1v1 situation you simply rush your opponent to harrass them and attempt to cripple their early economy. If they render the rush void, then the game moves on and on in the same manner. I mean, you can simply shutdown any rush with your workers alone in Starcraft at the expense of of losing half of them of course. You could simply build just one defensive structure, but this will hurt your teching. A couple workers + well microed lings, marines, or zealots will shutdown a rush absolutely at no expense to you.
Thinking about it more, I think this is one of the reasons people hate DOWII. The first encounter you have with the enemy, which is usually under the 2 min mark can determine the game. The key like being rushed, is to atleast stay on equal footing. You stay on equal footing then it will just become a game of attrition... Which is ultimately no different then turtle/teching.
^^ This :lol: Rushing is a strategy in EVERY RTS If you can't defend against a rush then stop playing RTS games.
well years ago i used to play empire earth1 age of empires and empires dawn of the modern world. If someone rushed you in that game it is easy to defend against it, and if all else fails you could have your civilians sneak away and rebuild a base some where else while he slowly destroyes your old base, by the time he finds your new base you already have a good army. However in halo wars you cant do that. And everyone in 1vs1 resorts to rushing, if you build up defenses with towers and warthogs and the enemy never rushes your stuck with the warthogs and you cant destroy your own units to make room for new ones.
Only time it's cheating is if everyone agreed to no rush rules...kinda like pulling out a gun in a 'knives only' fight...but even that's more of a case of the guy being a loser and ruining the game you had going than all out cheating.
[QUOTE="DealRogers"][QUOTE="Ewok432"]lawl @ this thread zealot rush ftw.AAllxxjjnnNah, Zerlings rush FTW. The faster rush in SC. Of course if I gave you time to build a Zealot army the Zerlings would be owned. what / who the hell are the Zergs ? Zerg is one of the 3 races you can pick from in SC (Starcraft). They are VERY effective for rushing since they have the fastest unit training. Since it was one of the very first (and very annoying) kinds if rushing its no wonder its being brought up here.
well years ago i used to play empire earth1 age of empires and empires dawn of the modern world. If someone rushed you in that game it is easy to defend against it, and if all else fails you could have your civilians sneak away and rebuild a base some where else while he slowly destroyes your old base, by the time he finds your new base you already have a good army. However in halo wars you cant do that. And everyone in 1vs1 resorts to rushing, if you build up defenses with towers and warthogs and the enemy never rushes your stuck with the warthogs and you cant destroy your own units to make room for new ones.
Suicide them.
well years ago i used to play empire earth1 age of empires and empires dawn of the modern world. If someone rushed you in that game it is easy to defend against it, and if all else fails you could have your civilians sneak away and rebuild a base some where else while he slowly destroyes your old base, by the time he finds your new base you already have a good army. However in halo wars you cant do that. And everyone in 1vs1 resorts to rushing, if you build up defenses with towers and warthogs and the enemy never rushes your stuck with the warthogs and you cant destroy your own units to make room for new ones.
Suicide them.
if you send them off on suiade missions your foe will then have the ability to counter attack and kill you just as your building up better unites your back to where you started[QUOTE="Espada12"][QUOTE="EmperorZeruel"]
well years ago i used to play empire earth1 age of empires and empires dawn of the modern world. If someone rushed you in that game it is easy to defend against it, and if all else fails you could have your civilians sneak away and rebuild a base some where else while he slowly destroyes your old base, by the time he finds your new base you already have a good army. However in halo wars you cant do that. And everyone in 1vs1 resorts to rushing, if you build up defenses with towers and warthogs and the enemy never rushes your stuck with the warthogs and you cant destroy your own units to make room for new ones.
Suicide them.
if you send them off on suiade missions your foe will then have the ability to counter attack and kill you just as your building up better unites your back to where you startedBe smart about it and suicide them slowly, so you can replace each one as one dies., that way you never leave yourself open.
its not cheating it is a snooze fest though... in a tournament all you will see are rushers. i know i do in that setting and getting ready for them, but i hate rushing its easy quick and not fun at all. now long drawn out battles between two people of equal skill is just as fun as a chess game that lasts weeksi know a lot of people rush in rts games but it seems the cheap way to win. Even when i win by rushing my opponent i feal like i cheated
[QUOTE="EmperorZeruel"]its not cheating it is a snooze fest though... in a tournament all you will see are rushers. i know i do in that setting and getting ready for them, but i hate rushing its easy quick and not fun at all. now long drawn out battles between two people of equal skill is just as fun as a chess game that lasts weeksi know a lot of people rush in rts games but it seems the cheap way to win. Even when i win by rushing my opponent i feal like i cheated
I rather put your in check mate after 2 moves.
First response gets it right. It's a valid strategy, and anyone who can't defend against it (in any semi-balanced RTS) needs to practice more or stop If you can't defend against a rush then stop playing RTS games.
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