Ok lets stop trying to compare KZ2 to Halo since it is a joke. KZ2 is so overrated. I am only to the part where I just beat the helicopter boss and not sure if I can finish. I may stick to the online battles at least that is fun.
Kz2 has no story at all. I am not saying it is a bad story I am saying it has NONE. Go ahead I dare you and play KZ2 without playing KZ1 or reading the website and know what is going on. Only because I asked in this forum I have a little idea why I am attacking this planet. Thx to the two that informed me. Any game though where you have to go to outside sources to find even the simplest info of a story is a joke.
None of the main guys buddies are likable at all. I mean who cares about Rico or Garza? At least people like the Cole Train are amuzing. I swear Garza is beyond annoying now. "Hey sev place the charge" "Hey Sev place the charge" and again and again or whatever you need to do. It is annoying as heck when you also want to look for the documents or shoot the Helgast symbol. I am not even going to get into how bad their one liners are. I will just say if you got to the part where Garza said he had a ham sandwich and it was DELICIOUS you know what I am talking about.
Halo for example when there is something big about to happen you hear music and it gives the epic feel. For KZ2 the way I know something big is about to happen is it saves the game WooHoo that gets me pumped for a big battle.
Sev does not feel like some major. He does not feel like a butt kicker in fact all he feels like is a guy being told to do this or that. Nathan Hale, Gordan Freeman, Master Chief those guys you at least feel like a major player and the story needs you. Sev is the most boring main person for a major shooter ever. Plus his hair style looks beyond dumb and Sev looks like a big idiot not some bad@$$ like you want your hero to be.
These are aliens but yet they say the same swear words as humans. I mean really if you went to Mars for example and saw a alien do you think they would say the F word. Not that I have anything against the F word it is just stupid for these so called aliens to do it like humans.
Also as far as weapons. Can we get a little more varity?? Games like Rfom, Halo, Gears and others give you the alien weapon feel. Almost ever single gun I have used is just like any human gun pretty much. I mean it is bad enough the devlopers suck so bad they can only post the same looking areas again and again but come on they can not come up with 50% alien weapons?
Also can we get a little varity in bad guys? Seriously I was hoping it would turn out not ever single player looked the same but oh no they do. Also do not say how that is how armies look because it is a alien world and this is a game and thats just lame.
I honestly could complain far more but in the end there is no way this is close to Halo. If this was not exclusive there would be so little talk about it. I am just mad I fell into the hype.
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