Nintendo saved gaming from collapse in the 80's ad Sony brought gaming to the mainstream and made it socially acceptable. Although Online for consoles was 1st brought up by the DreamCast but Xbox did make it a whole lot better and easier to get into. Sure online is huge but I don't think its that big of a deal, its more PC then console, the day console gaming starts putting so much emphasis on online and reduce the singpleplyer experience is the day console gaming dies I have to say.
Sony and Nintendo contribute greatly to consoles with their inhouse devs, both companies have given console gaming steller titles and unique/inovative titles only available on console and not PC, The way MS is running its gaming devision it seems they care more about PC style gaming then console ways. I am not saying this out of fanboyism I just see MS wanting 360 to be like a PC with online, DLC, add-ons etc, everything that the PC does. Now sure PS3 does online and stuff but you can tell Sony care about console gaming since they churn out titles that are available on consoles and not PC's apart from their online devision ofcourse.
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